Jewish leadership played a part in all the Gospel narratives. Apparently the Gospels composed later emphasize it more, suggesting an attempt to curb the idea that Christianity was an anti-Roman sect.
I was always taught that every human had a part in Jesus' death. The point being, some believe that because of the Roman persecution, the emphasis was placed on the Jews as a scapegoat to draw emphasis away from "Christians". To add to the fact that for the first 200 years the church was under Jewish leadership.
Those who hold to the fact that Christianity was just made up have to jump the hurdle, why is there any blame at all? Why would Jews blame themselves to escape persecution? The blame was not placed on the Jews until after the Romans had adopted Christianity and the great church wars broke out over who even Jesus was. Of course the Romans are not going to blame themselves for crucifying Jesus therefore, they put all the blame on Jews who had been gone for over two hundred years and could not defend themselves.
Now there is also the "modern" view that Jesus was a rebel and did try to lead a rebellion against Rome, and that is why he was crucified and the Jews had nothing to do with it. The early Jewish christians made up the Jewish part totally. That would not explain how Paul was accepted as knowing the purpose of Jesus' life on earth which had nothing to do with any jewish rebellion brewing. Perhaps Paul would not even of had to go to Rome in chains if he could prove that he was not part of the Jesus' rebellion a few years earlier, or the fact that he had a life changing experience himself that turned him from rounding up such rebellious people to becoming one himself.
Great way to hide the fact that God himself gave his own son as the law required to pay for sin. Humans in order to keep the law were supposed to kill any one who broke the law. This may or may not have ever happened, but animal sacrifices had replaced human ones. God while initially asking humans to do something that even he was willing to do, may seem strange to modern civilized man. However God did accomplish something that humans would never be able to do. Of course the Romans blame the Jews and the Jews blame the Romans, but neither were to blame. They would not have been able to change history if they wanted to.
For those of you who say that it never happened and that it was made up seem to have a hard time accepting that a fetus is a human, and that they do not exist either. Also it would be hard to accept the fact that humans left unchecked by a modicum of governance would not destroy themselves in short order.
The only one who is accused of being "of satan" was the person who betrayed Jesus and started the ball rolling in the direction of his crucifiction. And even he could not change who he was or what he did. Now we can do away with sin and such foolishness, but we cannot change human nature. We can only control it.