I will repost my summation of by views here and bold the relevant part:
Disabling the yields on levelling on the same turn that a unit is built would handle a large part of your concern re: the dojo. If that were done the free XP on handicap would not contribute to the yield inflation.
Ultimately I agree with @Stalker0 , these results are not what I was hoping they would be, and I don't think they tell us much other than the AI isn't good at winning within 500 turns via any method unless it has help
Zulu also moving from from 20th down to 38th while most other warmongers saw a some upward movement supports your hypothesis that the XP handicaps are making civs that augment that part of the game swing a lot. It seems reasonable to look at lowering this handicap.I was excited to see what the AI's, independent of the handicap bonuses, could show us, but ultimately I think this leaves me a bit cold. I don't think the Warlord tests tell us much other than that the AI needs the handicaps in order to win.
At warlord, the AI just has to give a human player a run for their money, but the human is still heavily favored to win. These win %s reflect that. It's not a competitive game mode.
This also brings me back to my older comment: The AI doesn't need to win, it just needs to knock a human out. At Warlord, I think we are seeing the lower end of that reality.
Other observations:
- With time victory gobbling up most of the % wins, all other wins recede in roughly the same order as their speed. The average victory speed for DomV, DiploV and CV all moved back roughly 80 turns. The average SV on emperor was already within 80 turns of 500, so it is just gone. The fastest victory types (domV and CV) are much less affected than the slower victory types (DiploV and SV). I interpret this as the handicaps affecting all victory types fairly evenly. If that weren't the case we would see victory times move a lot further for some victories than others.
- The exception to this victory drought is the absolute top tier civs. There are very few time victories in the top 3. These are all civs that can win an actual victory in the time given.
- Nerf Austria.
- As @L. Vern pointed out, military civs do a lot better in general without the AI bonuses. This makes sense because conquest/wide gives a lot of score, and if no one is winning any other way, the person that simply has the most conquest will have the most score most of the time. We aren't seeing military civs do better, we're mostly just seeing how the game biases score, which doesn't have much bearing on who is actually closest to winning.
- One exception is domination/Science civs. Assyria and Russia both got their SV's deleted by Warlord. Russia was already at the bottom though
- Another exception is Domination civs that augment XP and levels. Once again Assyria dropped hard. So did Zulu, and so did Japan. All civs are getting free XP and more % XP from combat, and it looks like taking that handicap away hit those civs hard. Hard enough for them all to go down while all the other Domination civs went up.
- Mongols, Huns and Spain all stayed at the bottom on both difficulties. The only conclusion is that they're just bad, even when the settings favor them
Disabling the yields on levelling on the same turn that a unit is built would handle a large part of your concern re: the dojo. If that were done the free XP on handicap would not contribute to the yield inflation.
Ultimately I agree with @Stalker0 , these results are not what I was hoping they would be, and I don't think they tell us much other than the AI isn't good at winning within 500 turns via any method unless it has help