Rambling and inconsistent
This is your chance to FIGHT for what's RIGHT!
So I'm personally a big fan of Freedom Force, a somewhat obscure but incredibly charming tactical RPG from back in 2002. The game is heavily inspired by Silver Age comic books, presenting a tongue-in-cheek campaign, heavily stylized by comic book tropes. The story begins as a strange compound named ENERGY X is dumped all over Earth, intended to grant villanous people superpowers to prepare for an alien invasion. However, some of the Energy X is mistakenly used on some of the Earth's kindest people, giving birth to superheroes as well.
I'm going to make a playthrough of this game. This is where you guys come in - You're going to take part in the story! Heros can be custom made, and I'm going to make heros of you, and you'll fight the forces of evil. You'll even see your characters run around in silence among the game's built-in heros during cutscenes. I'll livestream it on Twitch while commenting on your exploits, then upload it to Youtube. Fun!
So how do you join this? There's a bunch of character models that aren't part of the main campaign, and I've made screen shots of them in the below spoiler. Simply tell me in this thread which model you want and fill out the join template below. Then I'll create a hero for you and have you join the campaign.
The first part of the campaign chronicles the beginning of FREEDOM FORCE - you can't join during this part of the game, so I'll just play through it and upload it during the next few days. After that the game becomes more open-ended and heroes start dripping in, and I'll add you guys when you want to join. By default, I'll play with two default heros and two of you guys each level. We'll figure out a system.
Spoiler HERO MODELS! :
Looks very much like the other "Cyclops" hero in Batch 1. The blue shorts guy has tiny Cs on front, and a huge C on his back. The long-pants guy has a bullseye on his back.
This guy has two small black-red symbols on him that both resemble lightning or Zs... somewhat.
This guy has the white tattood wings on his back too.
Looks very much like the main hero Alchemiss. The blonde has an A on her cape like Alchemiss, the black-haired girl has a spider on her cape.
Has a tiny C on her boob, but is small enough not to matter.
In case it's not clear from the picture, she's wearing sci-fi goggles.
This devil guy is HUGE and may not work properly on all maps. Taller than a tree.
This ent guy is HUGE and may not work properly on all maps. (Don't be fooled by the small model, it's a character creation display bug. He's tall as a tree in game.)
UPDATE: We now have a join template!
Spoiler Join template :
Account name: Your account name here
Hero model: Your claimed hero model (if you posted interest in a hero earlier in the thread, it's yours to pick.)
Hero name: Your hero name here
Hero description: Write out what your hero is about, his or her theme, and his or her powers.
Hero powers: List any number of concrete abilities, and I’ll try to accommodate them. You may not start with all of your powers, but it just easens the creation of abilities for you.
Hero weaknesses: List any number of concrete weaknesses, and I'll try to accomodate them.
Secret origin name: Your name before you became a hero.
Secret origin description: The backstory of your character before you became a hero. Heroes are all in some way touched by Energy X which falls from the sky in capsules, exploding upon landing and causing people to gain superpowers. Note that in the Freedom Force world, heros usually become heros permanently, with no real secret identities, at least not any that's mentioned at all ingame besides background stuff. Also, in case anyone cares about place names, the city Freedom Force goes on in is named Patriot City.
Account name: Angst
Hero model: Let's say I look exactly like The Hulk. The rest of you have to pick a model from the thread of course.
Hero name: Dr Atom
Hero description: A green embodiment of nuclear, superheavy matter, the Dr Atom punches with atomic power. His superheavy body gives him super beastly brawn.
Hero powers:
Dr Atom is extremely durable and strong.
His default attack is an radioactive uppercut. It deals little damage, but messes with the opponent's atoms, disrupting them.
He has a secondary attack, an all-out superheavy punch that deals a lot of damage, but also requires energy to use.
He can perform an area attack which destroys nearby cells with slow-burning radiation.
Hero weaknesses:
Dr Atom is not very fast, which is sometimes a problem for a melee-focused hero.
He is getting dumber by the day due to a wasting brain.
He has some problems with radiation.
Due to being so heavy, Dr Atom can't jump or fly, but will learn to crawl buildings as he gets stronger.
Secret origin name: Doctor Andrew Tomson (Dr. A. Tom... son. Get it?)
Secret origin description:
Once the smartest scientist in the Patriot City Atomic Research Foundation, Doctor Andrew Tomson mistakenly subjected himself to a radioactive compound, making his brain slowly deteriorate into a puddle of radioactive waste. Trying to solve it by the hour, he exposed himself to more and more radiation. Suddenly, a capsule of Energy X erupted near him, molding his molecules into superheavy radioactive matter. While his brain is constantly deteriorating, he wishes to spend the last of his sanity to save those he cares about.
Spoiler The Incredible Bulk :
Account name: Grandkhan
Hero model: Fat pink guy! Fat pink guy!
Hero name: The Incredible Bulk
Hero description: A vast, gelatinous blob that takes the form of a man, the Incredible Bulk absorbs and digests all comers! All evildoers will become but matter for the Bulk's gelatinous mass!
Hero powers:
The Incredible Bulk absorbs matter that comes into contact with him into his gelatinous body should he choose, sucking up and digesting his foes to heal himself.
He is also very durable (in a regenerative sens, I guess e since he absorbs damage and regenerates his mass? Idk how that would work in game).
The Incredible Bulk can also contort his body into all kinds of shapes, since he is basically a blob of sludge.
Hero weaknesses:
The Incredible Bulk is highly vulnerable to aerosols and gaseous poisons, since his entire surface is essentially an inhaling organ.
The Incredible Bulk despite being very durable, is not actually very strong.
The Incredible Bulk is also bloody stupid.
Secret origin name: Benny Ulkowitz
Secret origin description:
Once a simply good natured but unfortunately dim young man, Benny was employed at the Jello factory on the condition that he could have all the Jello he could eat - which, since he was a prodigiously big water, was a lot.
One night on the late night shift, while preparing to tuck into yet another bowl of the sugary sweet, Benny was startled by an Energy X capsule that came in through the factory window. He fell in to the vast Jello vat, alongside the capsule - which then exploded, reacting with the Jello as an unknown energy coursed through Benny's veins... And when he emerges he was something more than a man... Something greater... The Incredible Bulk!
Spoiler TEM :
Account name: Everblack
Hero model: The black and Purple man (on top of the demon model)
Hero name: The Ethereal Man (TEM for short)
Hero description: Some call him ghost, Some call him demon, others call him creature of our deepest nightmares, we at Utonie Tech call him our last line of defense against Evil.
TEM (Experiment Dossie by Professor Yuri Akamine)
TEM Day 1
Subject has show remarkable ability not be effected by bullets or melee weaponry. But does not so well against light beams or energy beams. Another thing about this subject is that it skin seem to sometimes be very hard to see.
TEM Day 5
Subject is able to induce some kind of mental attack on any being that get close to it. We lost a few staff due dying of extreme fear which cause cardiac arrest.
TEM Day 14
Subject has begun showing control over these mental attacks which has lessen the amount of deaths.
TEM Day 28
Subject has be discover to be able turn clone it self which was found out when the guard came in on the subject play cards with it self.
Secret origin name: Akira Hagiwara
Secret origin description: Before becoming the The Ethereal Man Akira Hagiwara was a regular street puck trying to make a living in the harsh red light district of Tokyo. He spend most of his life steal and cheating just to get by. One day a group of thugs were talking about a big heist going at Utonie Tech which was one of the leading Japanese technology company. Akria was able to talk himself on some of this action as he believe maybe he can pawn what ever goods they take. On the night of the Heist Utonie Tech was giving their experimental dark matter test using the Energy X capsule that they secure from a crash site. As the heist begins little did Akria or the others knew that the area they were entering in would be the same place the test would begin at.Many of the scientists looked on in horror as they saw 9 grown men disintegrate while still screaming. When the test was over the scientists only found one humanoid being in the middle of the sites.
Q: What about your other projects???
A: Like my RPG campaign? Don't worry, this is only something I'll play as breaks from work. I also have an exam right now.
Q: But Wesnoth died. How can I trust you to run this?
A: Wesnoth required timely screenshots and customized writing from an abstract, turn-based strategy game. This - capturing your live action characters - is literally no work compared to that. Also my HD died during the Wesnoth AAR. I don't expect that to happen during this. Knock on wood.
Q: I wanna join, but I don't know if I can contribute anything.
You don't have to do anything. If you don't want to watch the missions until your own hero joins, that's fine. If you wanna join without watching the videos, that's fine too. Just some comments and chat in this thread would be fine though.
Q: Can I customize my hero after you've created me?
A: Talk to me over PM, this thread or Discord. As you gain XP, you can buy more powers in game. As such, your further development is somewhat limited to your level gains, but you can still amount some pretty hefty powers ingame. Some of the standard hero powers require several levels to afford.
Q: I wanna join but don't want to be (too) public on Youtube.
A: The videos will be set to private so you can only access it with a link through CFC.
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