French presidential election 2024

I can't understand how anyone can expect things to get better in turning our back to our NATO and EU allies, going in full Venezuela or Serbia mode and allying with Putin's Russia.
That never was a proposition.

The propositions were to quit Nato's commandment, earning back our military independancy yet stating a member of Nato alliance.
Ally, not a vassal who must buy F-35 to transport a foreign bomb the foreign has total control on per exemple.

No turning back on UE ally either, just an equal to equal partnership. Some don't want UE to promote concurrency to eat our companies yet block and even destroy our company to eat others (eg, edf story).
Some don't want UE traities to bind our french democracy.

The propositions were not to ally with Russia either. They were to avoid the break if still possible between the US and the BRICS, maybe acting as a diplomatic bridge.


To end this, the true problem of our ploutocratic oligarchy is cruelly visible with each election, and would have been the same be it M. Macron, Ms LePen or M. Mélenchon : None of them after being elected would be (or is) trampled by responsabilities. None of them is signifying he's got work to align his vision with reality. All of them do (or would) party for "Victory" before doing a single thing.

THEIR victory is not their project beeing set, it's only them earning the power and its advantages. Rather sad.
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Actually he's out of time. In July he won't have a parliamentary majority
That's not really probable :
The legislative vote is a local (instead of national) territory vote ALSO played in two rounds (in each circonscription).

Would Ms LePen RN and M. Melenchon be unable to work together, M. Macron then have his majority.

It would have been way easier to avoid a presidential majority with Ms LePen.
I'm glad Le Pen lost if for no other reason that its one less "western supremacist" on the global stage...

I'm not sure what France can do about global inflation and the collapse of a global economy that is falling back into its hyper nationalist ways pretty fast now

Global economy side effect was a race to the bottom where you compete for wages with places like China and with house prices with the middle class and above immigration policy.

Neo lib 101. It's why nationalism is on the rise as the powers that be do sweet f a about it.

The extreme right has some right conclusions but the solutions are terrible/worse than the current alternatives.
A country where we can succesfully study, even in the most prestigious great schools and universities, without having to borrow hundreds of thousands of euros. A country where we can be healed of a cancer without having to spend a euro, no matter how expensive is the treatment. A country with beautiful, well-maintained, cities having all required public transit, with brand new shiny trams even in smaller ones. A country with beautiful and diverse landscapes and regions which are an absolute joy to visit made easily accessible by high-speed rail. A country hosting the largest number of private swimming pools in the world after the United States. A country where people, in their large majority, live well.
The issue about all of that is :

That's worsening. Indeed, we had so much. Which makes it hard to loose it, even more when many people consider it to be "the norm".

Public school teaching quality is lowering,
Public healthcare is worsening (staying days in the urgency's corridor is now common),
Landscapes are beeing destroyed by wind turbines we don't need and pay to enrich already rich peoples,
Cities are less and less clean, and more and more hard to transport in for outsiders,
Swimming pool ... they are more and more, a sign of individualism when we had so much public pools, and is an issue on theenvironmental point.

Yet yes, we still live VERY well in France. The issue is not what we have. It's what we lost and what we keep on loosing little by little.
And I am sure that you will continue to live very well.

France has an awful lot of things going for it.

Indeed so many I don't have time to list them all.

All you have to do is minimise the worst aspects of globalisation
and financial capitalism and the temptation for foreign adventurism.
All you have to do is minimise the worst aspects of globalisation
and financial capitalism and the temptation for foreign adventurism.
That's somehow too late :
On the productivity side, our agriculture is facing concurrency from countries with cheaper energy, cheaper environmental law and cheaper social costs.
What's left of our industry is also facing countries with cheaper social costs while its nuclear cheap energy advantage is slowly fading.
The service is also impacted by the social costs and, sadly for us, our intellectual average level is lowering (and its elites fleeing, see the cultural part) while it is raising in the growing powers.

About culture, our hegemonic peasant republic cultured society is slowly dying, replaced by both mondialists people on a side (which could live the same in New York city without a wink) and colonists on another side who wanna live like they did (or who believe their grand parents did) in their previous country, some of them holding hatred over centuries old grudges, in a multicultured society which is absolutly not prepared for that as it was not Built for that, our french republican culture beeing built as an homogenic (universal yet to local organisation) model.


To end with the strongest issue in our country in my opinion, is the inneficiency of the collective towards the individual.

What I mean is, we own an extensive set of law and rules which are choking rightful people trying to respect it.
This, while we are more and more unable to make unruly people apply those laws, nor are we able to sanction those for doing so, and we're even proving unable to protect the society and people from wrongdoings.


To conclude, with this situation despite being richs, one can only be worried about the incoming situation as we are getting poorer (and it shall be the case whichever of the top three candidates won).
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I could repost your comments in the UK thread without them being in any way out of place.
For many, for sure.

On the other side, UK cultural built seems different to me in compare with the french republican one.
I'm no expert of UK political structure's history nor of its demographic evolution howether.

Furthermore, you chose not to sell your freedom to EU anymore, which still allows for partnerships indeed.

Just to make it clear, I bear no hatred towards african or middle easterners people which are colonizing Europe nowadays.
After all, that's just that same behaviour many european had with America few centuries ago.

I'd rather hold a grudge towards people creating and maintaining this situation in Africa, for many on their own selfish interrest.
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That never was a proposition.

The propositions were to quit Nato's commandment, earning back our military independancy yet stating a member of Nato alliance.
Ally, not a vassal who must buy F-35 to transport a foreign bomb the foreign has total control on per exemple.
That doesn't make any sense. France is a full member of NATO and never had to buy F-35 planes. And if you want French rafale to be sold to other NATO allies, it's certainly not in distancing yourself from the alliance that you'll convince your allies in anyway. Particularly today after Russia reduced Mariupol to dust. How can you be so lost?

Le Pen is financed by Putin. She wanted to remove all sanctions on Russia, and proposed an alliance with Russia at her press conference 10 days ago. How can you ignore her own words? Why do you minimise this?

No turning back on UE ally either, just an equal to equal partnership. Some don't want UE to promote concurrency to eat our companies yet block and even destroy our company to eat others (eg, edf story).
Some don't want UE traities to bind our french democracy.
Can't you see the contradiction between "not turning back on EU allies" and "not wanting EU treaties to bind our French democracy". EU treaties are precisely on what is built the trust between EU partners.

The propositions were not to ally with Russia either. They were to avoid the break if still possible between the US and the BRICS, maybe acting as a diplomatic bridge.
What "diplomatic bridge" are you speaking of? We're not "a bridge", our security relies on our full NATO membership and our economy relies on our full EU membership. Distancing ourselves from any of both can only weaken our security and damage our economy. It's really amazing how you can't see how this is detrimental to our fundamental interests.

That's not specific to France, same thing happened in the US with Trump and the UK with Brexit. People are voting now against their national interests. It is extremely worrying to see how Western opinion can be manipulated so easily. Something must be done, in France and in other Western democracies, it's becoming vital.
our security relies on our full NATO membership
Our security relied on our own nuclear threat.

Our ephemeral wealth only is coming from UE and NATO.
And the problem lies here : that's an ephemeral deal with lasting nasty consequences.

Your doomlike point of view of brexit or Trump policies disregard your opinion on France interests

Your disrespect of democracy you're pretending to value left and right is sick, while you're selling it for a little wealth.
The issue about all of that is :

That's worsening. Indeed, we had so much. Which makes it hard to loose it, even more when many people consider it to be "the norm".
That is wrong dude, we never had as much as we have today. France is not the Germany of the 1930's, suffering of massive unemployment after the 1929 crisis with people starving because at the time unemployment meant having nothing. French people haven't seen all their savings destroyed by hyperinflation as earlier experienced by Germany in the 1920's. The economic situation of France in 2022 does not justify the despair you're claiming here. Problems do exist, of course, but you're blowing them totally out of proportions.

And even worse and more importantly than that, It is certainly not by breaking with our allies, those who guarantee our standard of living, that we are going to improve things in any way. Do you want to live in Venezuela, Serbia, Belarus? Then why do you vote for changing France into one of those hellholes?
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Our security relied on our own nuclear threat.
At this point the rest of the EU also relies on the French nukes, at least as a secondary line of nuclear deterrence.

Should France leave the EU, then it's something like German nukes – or maybe the Poles get the drop on them?
That is wrong dude, we never had as much as we have today.
That's not true. Well, depends if you consider insee trick on inflation calcul or not.

But even worse than that, It is certainly not by breaking with our allies, those who guarantee our standard of living, that we are going to improve things in any way. Do you want to live in Venezuela, Serbia, Belarus? Then why do you vote for changing France into one of those hellholes?
Many slaves were against freedom. You're one of such.
Moderator Action: Warned for trolling. The_J

Freedom have its costs indeed. It has its lasting benefits too. Furthermore, nobody here talk about extreme autonomy on a north korean model. You're hysterising the rational average position from your extremist submissive point of view.

Considering you dog's life is better than a wolf's one is your right. Yet, laughting at the wolf's life as a dog is pretty pityfull.
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Should France leave the EU, then it's something like German nukes – or maybe the Poles get the drop on them?
On a short term, France would still have been part of Nato anyway. So, nothing changing about French deterrence isn't it ?
I'm starting to wonder if Dadais doesn't post from one of those troll-farms in Saint-Perersburg. If he doesn't, then he obviously reads their contents actively. Rarely have I seen anyone defend foreign interests (Russian interests) with such fervor.

@Dadais - If you're French, be a patriot and vote for France, not for Russia.
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Just to make it clear, I bear no hatred towards african or middle easterners people which are colonizing Europe nowadays.
After all, that's just that same behaviour many european had with America few centuries ago.

Where the F do you live to think that ? "colonizing" europe ? Do you have any idea of what colonization is ??????????????????????????????
Where the F do you live to think that ? "colonizing" europe ? Do you have any idea of what colonization is ??????????????????????????????
This the truth of this phenomenon.

Poor people too many on a continent with relatively too few resources going to live, conserving their own culture, on another continent which hold a better ratio resource/population.

Europe towards America.

Quite different from the annexion of Africa by Europe (with few local exceptions, eg Algeria, South Africa ...), which was a political domination of the continent to secure its resources flux and optimize its population exploitation. Way less moral indeed, and even more cynical for the french republic which used "civilisation teachings" claims* to legitimate such actions.

* "#ItsForDemocracy" from centuries ago.
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I'm starting to wonder if Dadais doesn't post from one of those troll-farms in Saint-Perersburg. If he doesn't, then he obviously reads their contents actively. Rarely have I seen anyone defend foreign interests (Russian interests) with such fervor.

@Dadais - If you're French, be a patriot and vote for France, not for Russia
Empty rethoric from someone who obviously did vote European Union and US's suzerainty, not France.

The world doesn't divide into "pro american" and "pro russian" only.
China, Brazil, South Africa, India, Pakistan, even the Senegal had the guts to openly say it, yet you're oblivious to it.
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