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Fritigil of the Marcomanni : a 3D animated era-specific leaderhead with pcxs

Rob (R8XFT)

Ancient Briton
Retired Moderator
Aug 11, 2002
Leeds (UK)

The Marcomanni will make an appearance in the update of Anno Domini. Here is Queen Fritigil in full era-specific glory ;) !!

Download Fritigil


Fritigil has won the October 2006 Leaderhead of the Month award. Thanks for all those who voted!!
Then you have a suprisingly attractive teacher Mirc!

I'm waiting for the file, I wonder to see the actual animations. But between this and Grandream's skeletons, I think I'll have to abstain from the leaderhead of the month poll again.
Question- In what era are the PCX set?
Whooooa the perspective seems messed up in the angry pose. her hand seem waaaaaaay to close.
Goldflash said:
Whooooa the perspective seems messed up in the angry pose. her hand seem waaaaaaay to close.
The perspective is absolutely fine, Goldflash. Please don't forget that picking out 3 frames from 121 doesn't properly show the animation. At least in this leaderhead there actually is some animation, not just the head going from happy to angry.
I'm DLing this as soon as it becomes available no clue what I'll use it for but I'll DL it anyway maybe new leaderhead for Japan?
Are you sure? It her fist looks larger than her head.
I like the angry "I'm gonna knock out your lights" pose. :D

nc-1701 said:
maybe new leaderhead for Japan?

Umm... How does she look Japanese? Since when were Japanese people European? :confused: :confused:
Nice head :)

Ogedei_the_Mad said:
Umm... How does she look Japanese? Since when were Japanese people European? :confused: :confused:
:confused: Can't you see the industrial era is defiently Japanese!!!!! Or maybe not...
Thanks for all the comments, guys!!

I've now had the details to upload the files - but there's a slight problem: I double-checked the flcs prior to uploading and noticed a small glitch in the animation that my tired eyes didn't see last night :twitch: :blush: . I've now corrected that, but the downside is that I need to re-render all four eras through Poser before I can upload :sad: . It took around 90-120 mins per era first time round, so we're looking at around 6-8 hours before I upload. Sorry about that, but I feel it's worth waiting a short time if the end product is going to be glitch-free :cooool: .

At least it doesn't affect the pcxs ;) !!
Ogedei_the_Mad said:
I like the angry "I'm gonna knock out your lights" pose. :D

Umm... How does she look Japanese? Since when were Japanese people European? :confused: :confused:

Hmmm..... I was sure she is Chinese/Japanese. R8XFT what is her rac supposed to be?
R8XFT said:
She's Germanic!! I honestly don't see how you view her as Chinese or Japanese.

Well the hair&skin color. Plus the industrial clothing made me think eastern. You sure she ain't oriental?:lol:
nc-1701 said:
Well the hair&skin color. Plus the industrial clothing made me think eastern. You sure she ain't oriental?:lol:

:confused: to me it looks typically European clothings from the second half of 19th century..

I don't see where people reconignize anything asian in her.

@ R8XFT: Very good job on her!!! :goodjob: I especially like the medieval era one. Although I prefered your version with curly red hairs... But that's my personnal tastes...
Goldflash said:
Are you sure? It her fist looks larger than her head.

It's called foreshortening. Any object closer to you looks larger. It looks okay. Try looking in a mirror with your fist out. You'll see.
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