From Comics to Movies...Your Favorites..

Which of these Movie from Comics did you like?

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Tim Burton's Batman movies. I haven't seen Begins though.

Hellboy was good too.
I'm not really into comics, the only comics I ever read was Asterix, so from all those on the list I have only seen the movie (sometimes not even that)

Daredevil - aweful
Blade - meh, the first one was decent, the second crap, didn't see the 3
Superman - liked it as a kid, but today I don't think it's really good anymore
Batman - never really liked Batman in any of his incarnations
Hulk -yuck
Spider-Man - made me want to wring Peter Parker's neck
Hellboy - Never seen it
The Punisher -Never seen
Catwoman -Never seen it
300 -Never seen it
Sin City - Never seen it
Ghost Rider - Never seen it
Fantastic Four - the movie sucks, but at least it's got Jessica Alba in it ;)
Transformers - Never seen it
X-Men - decent, but not impressive
Till said:
Come to think, the Asterix films should have been listed! Some of those were excellent.
I hope you're talking about the comic movies, the ones with Gérard Depardieu are horrible, IMHO. But the comic movies rock :)
I hope you're talking about the comic movies, the ones with Gérard Depardieu are horrible, IMHO. But the comic movies rock :)

Yeah, i was talking about the animated ones. Never seen the ones with real actors, but i have yet to hear from somebody who did and liked them...
Also, it's good to see that i'm not the only one who can't stand Spiderman!
If they make Robotech Ill go see it, even if I generally do not like Toby McQuire.

Usually though I dont like comic/cartoon adaptations. The dialogue is always cringworthy.

The notable exception is the old Batman with Jack Nicolson as the Joker. That one was a classic, the rest sucked.
I think the only ones I've seen are the X-Men, a couple of the Batman ones (the earlier ones), and the earlier Superman movies. Damn, I gotta update my Netflix list...
I really like MOST of the comic book movies. Especially the recent ones (the first Batman movie was ok the rest bit it hard. 'Begins' was FANTASTIC.

I'm VERY MUCH looking forwar to:

Iron Man
Hellboy 2
Hulk 2 (Hopefully better than the last)
Sin City 2
Nick Fury
The whole Spiderman Series is good. and also like the way how 300 and Sin City bring the idea in the comics into the big screen.

What i really like thou are movies with darker themes. Like how the comics with more mature theme are targeting adults. If only the batman series could be much much darker, eg. more deaths, less lighting, no funny parts and more depressing. like the Dark detective series... :P

have to add another comic to movie flop... Dick Tracy....
They need to make a robotech movie....or a gundam wing movie....that would make my life....
Daredevil - it was whatever but not as bad as i assumed
Blade - i liked the first one. It was cool. The other 2 ...
Superman - i saw only the old ones and they were boring
Batman - Begins was great. The 3 old ones were ok too.
Hulk - i am overwhelmed by the potential suckness so i won't watch it EVER.
SpiderMan - the first one SUCKED
Hellboy - whatever, could've been worse
The Punisher - never saw it
Catwoman - i don't want to see it
300 - whatever
Sin City - it was GREAT
Ghost Rider - never saw it
Fantastic Four - i hated the cartoons so i don't want to see it
Transformers - i am overwhelmed by the potential lameness so i won't watch it EVER.
X-Men - the first one was great - the second was good - the third was good-ish
Oh, dear GOD, none of you can imagine the sheer palpitating horror I experienced when I read the thread title........

It's more than a rule for me--it's like a basic physical law: when they port a comic book or video game to the big screen, it's almost always a disaster.

X-Men and Sin City were decent. Not great. 300 was pretty good, Spiderman (the first one) was pretty good.

Which comic book movies were really great? Well......thinking really hard......Superman. That is, the FIRST Superman movie. The one screened in 1978. After that, until very recently.......none.

I'll admit Transformers surprised me. Some parts were a bit corny, but the action scenes kicked ass, and let's face it, that's what Transformers are about. Kicking robot booty.

The King of Them All? Batman Begins, of course.
I tend to think Batman begins was overrated... Not dark enough IMHO.

The 1st Batman movie was a little bit better.
I beg someone to do a REALLY good "Killing joke" movie...
Batman Begins and V are eternally competing for best in my mind. Sin City is a close third.

Spider Man wasn't remotely my style. I found only the first one to be remotely tolerable and that was largely due to Willem Dafoe being awesome.
There are real action Asterix movies? :shake:

Yes they are and they are quite good. The first one even has Laetitia Casta as Falbala, but the second is certain the best one.
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