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Frustrated with Scythia - Need Advice


Dec 9, 2024
I've been playing an A-Z deity run. I've beaten the game on Deity with more than 70 leaders, usually on the first attempt. So I'm not new at this. But I am absolutely stymied by Deity Scythia and would like to ask for advice.

I've tried various versions of an early rush (either a warrior/archer rush or a horseman rush) and found that an early warrior/archer rush followed by a second wave of horsemen works well. But each time I manage to conquer one civ and possibly get halfway through the next before I must withdraw. At that point, I'm using Swordsmen, archers and catapults but the enemy is using Men-at-Arms, crossbows and trebuchets. Now that's common enough in many domination games - you run out of steam and have to build towards jet bombers before going on the offensive again. But time after time i find that I'm simply -so- far behind on infrastructure that while I'm managing to bring line infantry and bombards online, the enemy is rolling in with tanks or even modern armor.

I need a way to either seize more territory in the initial rush or to accelerate my money and science for the second phase.

Those who have won a deity game with Scythia: How'd you do it?

1. I don't bother with an Archer/warrior rush but go straight to horsemen.
2. Get a robust faith economy and build Grandmasters Chapel for midgame (and late game) warfare. Almost never build a unit after Medieval/Renaissance era- planes are always bought with gold, land units with faith.
3. In keeping with the above, consider getting a religion and using Crusade.

I dunno, if you're able to knock down one Deity neighbor you should be pretty set to roll over everyone else with a little patience. Deity AIs seem to slow down a lot after Medieval....
@Tarondor , I don't play Deity level, so I can't provide answers. Let me ask a couple of other questions.

If you're doing an A-Z run, you've clearly beaten Deity with some other warmongering Civs. What are you finding different when playing as Scythia than when playing as Mongols, Romans, or Persia? Is there some aspect where you feel the progress on the tech tree is slower with Scythia? That is not tied to the map?

How did you develop your cities with the other warmongers? Were there steps you took to boost science? Perhaps pillaging your neighbors' Campus was more productive in those games?

Their unique unit is early (Classical), but the civ unique ability for a free light cavalry unit each time you build one persists through other ages. @Planktonic 's advice to focust on horsemen may be especially relevant for Scythia. Their unique improvement helps with gold and faith, but not science.
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