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Fully Loyal vs Always Fully Loyal


Nov 29, 2021
What is the difference between Fully Loyal and Always Fully Loyal? I can't find anything that defines it anywhere!
I know the Statue of Liberty makes all cities within 6 tiles Always Fully Loyal and immune to loyalty pressure. I also have cities more than 20 tiles that are Always Fully Loyal, too.
I want to know how a city gets to Always Fully Loyal from Fully Loyal without SOL.
Moved to the Civ6 section.
What is the difference between Fully Loyal and Always Fully Loyal? I can't find anything that defines it anywhere!
I know the Statue of Liberty makes all cities within 6 tiles Always Fully Loyal and immune to loyalty pressure. I also have cities more than 20 tiles that are Always Fully Loyal, too.
I want to know how a city gets to Always Fully Loyal from Fully Loyal without SOL.
"Always Loyal" cities are Cities unaffected by external Citizen Pressure. its a modifier that can be applied on cities. Statue of Liberty is generally the only thing that grants this. Tokugawa however also gets this for his cities when they are near his Capital.
Yes, Dido's are fully loyal if:

1) on the coast
2) founded by Dido
3) on the same continent (not landmass - check the Continent Lens).
"Fully Loyal" is a city that has its loyalty bar filled and is receiving positive loyalty pressure. This is a (current) status of the city, as opposed to "not Fully Loyal", which could be cities losing loyalty due to pressure or gaining loyalty and not having the loyalty bar filled yet (e.g. recently conquered cities).

"Always Fully Loyal" is a modifier however, that is granted by a leader ability or wonder, as mentioned above. It prevents the city from losing its loyalty ever, and its loyalty bar is always topped off.

I can only think of one case where a city being Fully Loyal matters - that being the wording on Monument - and it is just a case of usually yielding 2 Culture, but in not fully loyal cities providing 1 Culture and 1 local Loyalty instead.
Checked map and found SOL made EVERY coastal city on EVERY continent Always Fully Loyal if founded by Dido.
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