Fun Map for Deity Difficulty


Feb 3, 2011
Been playing this map on Deity with k-mod. Best map and game experience I have ever had with Civilization so I thought I would share it for others looking for a challenge.

With great difficulty I and have managed to hold my own up to 400 AD and I am currently ranked #2. I admit to getting totally wiped out a few times in the process and restarting a little wiser before making it that far. However, I think I actually might have a chance to win if I continue to play perfectly. Time will tell. This map is fun because unlike most maps on Deity difficulty the human player's position is just strong enough to give a small chance of staying competitive.

Here are the map details.
Map Generated: Fractal Map
Civilization: Inca
Speed: Marathon
Size: Huge
Difficulty: Deity

I have attached the save file for those looking for a challenge


Seven and a half years later I finally beat this game.
K-Mod deity game taken to diplomatic victory on turn 635 in the year 1480.
Final save before the win attached below.

Most challenging game I have ever experienced by far.
Thank you karadoc for an amazing mod.


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