'Fund Supermarkets' - what are they?


Formerly God
Jul 1, 2001
So I've been applying for a few jobs here and there and I got a reply from a company for which I applied for the posistion of 'general admin' (read: 'office money:crazyeye: ). So yeah it's at this place http://www.fundsdirect.co.uk Thing is I can't really work out what a 'funds supermarket' is exactly. So anyone have any experiance with 'fund supermarkets' and actually know what any of it means? Because i'm a bit baffled really.
A place where you can buy funds? To be honest, I'd read "pyramid scheme" ;)

Having read the site, I can honestly say I am none the wiser as to what even a 'fund' (as they use the term) is. My best geuss is that you can chose an investment optionf rom several different schemes.
What is a funds supermarket?

It’s where you can browse and buy all in one convenient place…no more tramping up and down the high street. We’ve got the largest choice of discounted funds on display giving you quality and value. We make it simple for you to pick and mix different funds to create your own individual portfolio to match your needs and circumstances.
Well the whole buying fund this is obvious, I just want to try and understand a bit more than just the very basics if i'm gonna go and have an interview with company:lol:
Well...how does it work?:confused: I mean obviously you can buy and sell 'funds'. But what 'funds' exactly? And why would you want to buy and sell them? And whats in it for the 'supermarket'?
The site you linked to is a brokerage house selling mutual fund investments. They are called a supemarket because the offer a wide variety of types of mutual funds. Do you know what mutual funds are? If you buy a fund at $10 a share and sell it at $20 a share you make money. The fund charges different levels of fees to make their money. I will try to answer any of your questions.
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