Funny Pictures XXVI: The Fun Has Been Doubled!

Well, the use of the past tense there implies she ended the pregnancy early, which is not consistent with going to the trouble of artificial insemination.

She could have also given birth, but ending it early seems more likely given the implications.

And no, you can't say "weren't you pregnant" while someone still is pregnant in English, you would have to say "aren't you pregnant"
Hence why I added "given the implications."

Maybe she had a kid and gave it up for adoption or something?
the pose is called "the virgin" not because the person who is describing it is a virgin, but because it's the kind of thing virgins do (i.e. "not have sex")

jesus christ
Guys, can we just get back to posting stupid pictures that we think are funny?

Funny Pictures XXVII: Pregnancy Debate


I assume she is a troll now.
Not sure if trolling or...

No, definately trolling.
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