Ok, some life to breath back into the mod, albiet pretty simple and nothing to get horribly excited about... anyway, I bring you two additional map scripts for use with Fury Road 
All of the included map scripts fully support the Fury Road specific features including pre-placed ruins, partial highways and fallout (including avoiding blocking access to areas when placing fallout). I also tried to keep them true to davidallen's original map script so they reduce the number of forests and convert a portion of the grasslands into plains. Civ placement uses the same basic rules although neither of these two maps have multiple continents. I did write my own 'clean-up' code for the Wastelands.py script to reduce the number of peaks and jungles surrounding starting plots and preventing fallout within the initial city radius (actually a bit further, a 5x5 grid centered on the starting city). See below for details on the custom script Fury_World.py as it is substantially different.
Wastelands.py is a modified version of Civ4's Highlands.py script. It creates a mountain region with lakes and rivers scattered about with options to control the peak style and density as well as the lake size.
Great_Wastes.py is a modified version of Civ4's Great_Plains.py script. It simulates the great plains region of North America with a large mountain range in the west, vast plain in the center and grasslands in the east. Rivers are abundant and provide viable trade routes as most of them connect (aka Mississippi River) and there is a 'gulf region' in the southeast and desert region in the southwest.
Fury_World.py is a modified version of my ErebusContinent.py map script for Fall From Heaven 2. It is similar to pangaea in that it creates a single primary continent however it has several control so you can tweak the final map more to your liking. It is also important to note that this script is very slow compared to most map scripts due to the complicated method in which it creates the world (by a heightmap rather than random 'fractal' plot generation). The heightmap has some big advantages though so it's worth the hit in generating time needed. With the heightmap the script can generate realistic climates including buzzwords like 'rain shadows' and 'realistic flow mapping' among other things. For the average player this means 'cool deserts' 'fancy mountain ranges' and 'nice rivers.' Heightmap based maps also support substantailly better custom terrains and features with altitude, temperature and rainfall data all being available for each tile. This can be seen with the forests, there will be evergreen forests on high altitude plots regardless of the latitude where standard maps place the different tree types only by latitude. This script uses custom function for placing bonuses (resources), features (trees) and player starting locations. There is also a custom 'booster' in to help balance starting plots by adding resources to compensate for the amount of growing room available. So if you start surrounded by pigs, gold and corn you probably have neighbors close by.
There is no need to adjust the map script for xml changes to bonuses as it reads from them to determine which resources are availabel for any given plot.
Ther map options are:
Ruins: Currently not implimented, change it as you wish nothing will happen (yet).
Mountains: Can be adjusted to increase or decrease the number of hills & peaks. Due to the way the climate works mountain settings can have an impact on the size of desert regions.
Desert/Tundra/Jungle: Each of these can be adjusted independantly with setting ranging from none to massive. Certain combinations will obviously not work as well as others so setting all three to massive may not deliver the desired results but using it fine tune the map generally results in exactly what you would expect. If you set Tundra to None it will also remove the polar ice. Please keep in mind that the script is designed to simulate a single continent so you will not end up with ice/snow/tundra in the north and south, it will only appear in the north. As a result the temperature 'bands' are larger, at default settings (see screenshot below) the tundra can extend down quite a bit.
World Wrap: All wrap types are support but current;y not usefull in Fury Road and there will never be land at the map edges.
Unit Placement: This only affects human players, you can force all of your starting units to start on the same tile like it does for the AI players. Handy in Fury Road since you start with a city rather than a settler.
For the brave-hearted types, you can open up this script in any text editor and fine tune many of the map settings near the top of the file. Also, there is support for 'flavor starts' based on civ-specific terrain preferences but it is not currently used except to force the hippies to start on the coast as an example.
To install, unpack the zip file into your Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fury Road\PublicMaps folder (you'll know you're in the right place if you have the original Fury_Road.py map script there).

All of the included map scripts fully support the Fury Road specific features including pre-placed ruins, partial highways and fallout (including avoiding blocking access to areas when placing fallout). I also tried to keep them true to davidallen's original map script so they reduce the number of forests and convert a portion of the grasslands into plains. Civ placement uses the same basic rules although neither of these two maps have multiple continents. I did write my own 'clean-up' code for the Wastelands.py script to reduce the number of peaks and jungles surrounding starting plots and preventing fallout within the initial city radius (actually a bit further, a 5x5 grid centered on the starting city). See below for details on the custom script Fury_World.py as it is substantially different.
Wastelands.py is a modified version of Civ4's Highlands.py script. It creates a mountain region with lakes and rivers scattered about with options to control the peak style and density as well as the lake size.
Great_Wastes.py is a modified version of Civ4's Great_Plains.py script. It simulates the great plains region of North America with a large mountain range in the west, vast plain in the center and grasslands in the east. Rivers are abundant and provide viable trade routes as most of them connect (aka Mississippi River) and there is a 'gulf region' in the southeast and desert region in the southwest.
Fury_World.py is a modified version of my ErebusContinent.py map script for Fall From Heaven 2. It is similar to pangaea in that it creates a single primary continent however it has several control so you can tweak the final map more to your liking. It is also important to note that this script is very slow compared to most map scripts due to the complicated method in which it creates the world (by a heightmap rather than random 'fractal' plot generation). The heightmap has some big advantages though so it's worth the hit in generating time needed. With the heightmap the script can generate realistic climates including buzzwords like 'rain shadows' and 'realistic flow mapping' among other things. For the average player this means 'cool deserts' 'fancy mountain ranges' and 'nice rivers.' Heightmap based maps also support substantailly better custom terrains and features with altitude, temperature and rainfall data all being available for each tile. This can be seen with the forests, there will be evergreen forests on high altitude plots regardless of the latitude where standard maps place the different tree types only by latitude. This script uses custom function for placing bonuses (resources), features (trees) and player starting locations. There is also a custom 'booster' in to help balance starting plots by adding resources to compensate for the amount of growing room available. So if you start surrounded by pigs, gold and corn you probably have neighbors close by.
There is no need to adjust the map script for xml changes to bonuses as it reads from them to determine which resources are availabel for any given plot.
Ther map options are:
Ruins: Currently not implimented, change it as you wish nothing will happen (yet).
Mountains: Can be adjusted to increase or decrease the number of hills & peaks. Due to the way the climate works mountain settings can have an impact on the size of desert regions.
Desert/Tundra/Jungle: Each of these can be adjusted independantly with setting ranging from none to massive. Certain combinations will obviously not work as well as others so setting all three to massive may not deliver the desired results but using it fine tune the map generally results in exactly what you would expect. If you set Tundra to None it will also remove the polar ice. Please keep in mind that the script is designed to simulate a single continent so you will not end up with ice/snow/tundra in the north and south, it will only appear in the north. As a result the temperature 'bands' are larger, at default settings (see screenshot below) the tundra can extend down quite a bit.
World Wrap: All wrap types are support but current;y not usefull in Fury Road and there will never be land at the map edges.
Unit Placement: This only affects human players, you can force all of your starting units to start on the same tile like it does for the AI players. Handy in Fury Road since you start with a city rather than a settler.
For the brave-hearted types, you can open up this script in any text editor and fine tune many of the map settings near the top of the file. Also, there is support for 'flavor starts' based on civ-specific terrain preferences but it is not currently used except to force the hippies to start on the coast as an example.
To install, unpack the zip file into your Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fury Road\PublicMaps folder (you'll know you're in the right place if you have the original Fury_Road.py map script there).