G&H's Kingdom of Scotland for Vox Populi


Aug 1, 2014
Near some dust
The Kingdom of Scotland
Download here
(requires 1-7-2021 or later)
Leader - Robert I Bruce
Robert I Bruce.png

UA - Arbroath Declaration

When being declared War on or Liberating a City for the first time, gain global :c5influence: Influence, :c5culture: Culture and a Melee Unit with bonus Experience in the :c5capital: Capital, scaling with Era. +5% :c5production: Production towards Units in all Cities and +2 :c5greatperson: GDiplomat poins in :c5capital: Capital per Declaration of Friendship or Defensive Pact (maximum at 5).
  • Liberating a Scottish City for the first time will also provide the bonus.
  • The Influence gained through the UA only affects met City-States of course.
  • At its maximum (so at a mix of 5 Declarations of Friendship and/or Defensive Pact), the second part of the UA provides +25 % production towards all Units (including Civilian, Military or Diplomatic ones) and +10 Great Diplomat points in the Capital.
Spoiler Formulas for UA bonuses :

:c5influence: Influence = 23 + 2 x PlayerEra^2
:c5culture: Culture = (50 + 10 x PlayerEra^3) x GameSpeed
:c5war: Bonus Experience = 15 + 5 x PlayerEra

UU1 - Schiltron (replaces Pikeman)

Unlocked at Steel
175 :c5production: Production cost (instead of 135)

22 CS (instead of 17)
2 MP

Drill I
(+15 maximum HP ; inflicts 15 bonus damages when defending in Melee)
Shield Brother (At the start of the turn, heals 5 hp if adjacent to at least one other Schiltron ; Lost on upgrade)

UI - Dun Cinneadh
Dun Cinneadh.png

Unlocked at Masonry
800 construction time
Must be built on Resource tiles, and improves the Resource.
Can be built on neutral tiles adjacent to Scottish territory and claims the tile on completion.
+50 % :c5strength: CS defense bonus

1 :c5production:

Adjacency bonuses :
  • +1 :c5production: Production to adjacent Farms
  • +1 :c5gold: Gold to adjacent Lumbermills and Lumber camps
  • +1 :c5culture: Culture to adjacent Mines
  • +1 :c5science: Science to adjacent Villages
  • +1 :c5food: Food to adjacent Coast and Lake tiles
  • +1 :c5gold:/:tourism: to adjacent GPTIs
Tech bonuses :
  • +1 :c5culture:/:c5science: at Drama and Poetry
  • +1 :c5production:/:c5gold: at Metal Casting
  • +1 :c5culture:/:c5science: at Architecture
  • +1 :c5production:/:c5gold: at Metallurgy
  • +2 :tourism: at Flight
Spoiler 4UC Compatibility :

UU2 - Birlinn (replaces Galleass)

Unlocked at Physics (instead of Guilds)
175 :c5production: Production cost

14 :c5strength: CS / 24 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (Range 1)

Cannot Melee Attack
Cannot end turn on Ocean tiles
Can move after attacking
Island Raider
(Ignores ZOC ; 60 % chance to withdraw before melee)

Removed : Naval Inaccuracy

UNW - Great Seal Registers (replaces Printing Press)
Great Seal Registers.png

Unlocked at Civil Service (instead of Printing Press)
125 :c5production: Production Cost / reduced :c5citizen: Pop. requirement (scaling with number of Cities you own)

+2 :c5gold: / +3 :c5culture: (instead of +1 :c5culture:)
+2 Paper (instead of +1)
+1 :c5greatperson: GDiplomat point
2 Civil Servant specialists (instead of 1)

+20 % :c5production: Production of Diplomatic Units in City
All Diplomatic Units receive the Literacy promotion

+1 :c5gold: Gold per Friendly City-State
+1 :c5science: Science per Ally City-State

When unlocking a Policy or Liberating a City for the first time, Units you own gain +10% :c5strength: CS for 10 turns (can be stacked) through the Unity and Fame promotions respectively.

Spoiler Promotion Icons by Asterix Rage :


1 - Unity
2 - Fame
3 - Bhonnaich
4 - Island Raider
5 - Shield Brother

Artistic Credits (All Rights Reserved to original authors) :
Development Credits :
  • Astérix Rage : Promotion Icons, CivIcon
  • gwennog : XML, SQL, Lua, Design, UnitIcons, CivIcon, Leaderscene, LeaderIcon, Map, UUs 3d models integration, Constant feedback and precious help concerning my disastrous SQL, Testing
  • Hinin : Research, Design, SQL (fledgeling), Leaderscene, LeaderIcon, 3d models dds modifications, help for UnitIcons and CivIcon, UNW BuildingIcon, GameText, Diplomacy and AI flavors, Testing
Special Thanks :
  • Janboruta : Map example from the Scotland mod
  • Adan_eslavo, Infixo, Blue Ghost, JFD, TarcisioCM, Pineappledan : Lua inspirations
  • Irkalla : Civ Icon guide
  • Deliverator : 3d model guide
  • HungryForFood : Lua API wiki
  • Astérix Rage : Icon and Screen dimension guide, constant support
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Known issue for V.1 :
  • The Great Diplomat points gained from the UA sometimes won't appear in the city screen aside from the first two. This is a known issue with GP points gained from Dummy buildings and doesn't affect gameplay : the points are well added turn after turn and are affected by GP generation modifiers.
Spoiler Strategies (spoiler for those who want to discover the civ by themselves) :

  • Boss / Subordinate positive relationship : If you don't manage to have Declarations of Friendship despite your efforts, don't forget that vassals tend to demand a DoF too. Don't hesitate to become a tyrant if the world doesn't want a protector. ;)
  • Big diplomacy : The UA of this civ can seem quite difficult to use properly at first glance, but there are ways to manipulate other players at your advantage in order to reap the benefits : be as nasty as you can with warmongers so that they declare war on you, liberate key cities, forge alliances and bully the bullies (always at your advantage of course).
  • Big Units requires big production : Both Scottish unique units are quite costly. Don't hesitate to use your UA to spawn excellent Schiltron or increase your production through alliances to produce some Birlinns
  • The Clans go where they want : Aside from the economic effects of the UI (which provides most of the yield bonuses for the civ), the fact they can be constructed on neutral tiles next to your territory allows you to claim some key resources before other players take them, and also provide a fortified border in case of war. In combination with your GGenerals, this can mean surprising advances into hostile territory with a combination of Citadels and Dun Cinneadh.
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I love the concept of this. That said, a quick scan suggests to me that the influence numbers should maybe be significantly higher? 20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55 for a reasonably difficult criteria and a criteria that's completely out of your control wouldn't move the needle much. The late era numbers actual feel closer to what I would expect.

Although, as I write that, I had a thought: do you get the bonus for city-states that declare on you with their ally? Because that would be a huge difference, actually.
I love the concept of this. That said, a quick scan suggests to me that the influence numbers should maybe be significantly higher? 20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55 for a reasonably difficult criteria and a criteria that's completely out of your control wouldn't move the needle much. The late era numbers actual feel closer to what I would expect.

Although, as I write that, I had a thought: do you get the bonus for city-states that declare on you with their ally? Because that would be a huge difference, actually.

I'm not sure how it will go : it's difficult to properly assess the power level of that kind of UA without a lot of testing. Don't hesitate to give us feedback on this so that we can tweak the numbers.

The other UCs are meant to provide the stability the UA lacks. As you'll see, they are meant to be reliable means to strengthen your economy and your military and so have the tools to grab good opportunities for liberation or vassalization (if you need Declarations of Friendships that badly). ;)
I like the design of this civ! Will be fun trying to provoke the AI into declaring on you while being friends with others :)
Hotfix. V.2 online :

Correction in SQL file which crashed part of the mod and generated the floating garden syndrome at the first DoF and made the second part of the UA inoperative.
Sorry for this false start :blush:.

Compatible with Gamesaves as long as you didn't made a Declaration of Friendship or built a Dun Cinneadh
Good. I like
finally a civ that gets an advantage for being declared war on
inb4 warmongers just to be hated

There is basically two ways to use the UA :
  • The Freedom path : try to select warmongers to isolate and make as many DoFriendships as possible ; liberate cities whenever possible for good bonuses and global influence (huge synergy with the new Freedom tenet Self-Determinism) => anti-warmonger warmongering
  • The Tyrant path : be a big warmonger that conquer and vassalize others, and try to maintain as many CStates not allied with your enemies so that when everyone declares war on you, you gain a huge amount of influence, culture and elite units ; vassalizing other players ensures Declarations of Friendship => maximum warmongering with a side of diplomacy to benefit from the kit as much as possible
There is basically two ways to use the UA :
  • The Freedom path : try to select warmongers to isolate and make as many DoFriendships as possible ; liberate cities whenever possible for good bonuses and global influence (huge synergy with the new Freedom tenet Self-Determinism) => anti-warmonger warmongering
  • The Tyrant path : be a big warmonger that conquer and vassalize others, and try to maintain as many CStates not allied with your enemies so that when everyone declares war on you, you gain a huge amount of influence, culture and elite units ; vassalizing other players ensures Declarations of Friendship => maximum warmongering with a side of diplomacy to benefit from the kit as much as possible
Pretty much
Also: some grammatical mistakes, don't forget to fix them. Nice job on the mod though.
I'll name out some of them I saw at first glance:
Schiltron: More expensive THAT (than) the pikeman
Deals increased damageS(remove the s)
I'm not sure about the Birlinn, but I think it should be ignores enemy zone of control, not zones.
Music's too loud, aswell.
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First glance: Interesting civ. The UA is obviously tilted towards bigger maps, but standard is still enough for the UA to be used. It's nice to get cs's which are on the other side of the entire world, allied.
The Schiltron, pikeman replacement for the Scotties, is like a resource free longswordsman which is even more powerful. This means that you need to throw away those garbage swords and use chad scottish pikemen.
I haven't used the special naval UU, but I imagine it's pretty powerful.
The UI is pretty exotic. The miscellaneous improvements (pastures, camps, etc.), don't get any benefit. The primary ones do. It gives some nice yields.
The UNW (Unique National Wonder?), gives more gold and science from city state alliances. Not bad. Though you need a lot of them in order to really benefit from it.
The engrossing war theme is really... exotic. I like it
(don't tell anyone, but I only install new civilizations for more colors - jk)
With G&H's Ainu People for VP, this CivMod is the second @gwennog and @Hinin are doing together.
Being guest on their PM thread, I can tell you that I'm the witness of the most incredible mod teamwork I never seen before.

All the details on the concept, historical references, LUA/SQL code and arts have been made with the absolute desire to be perfect, unique and enjoyable.
Like Ainu People for VP, this mod is a 'from scratch' development where the code is forced by gameplay objectives and the cultural realities of Scottish civilization. I mean really forced.
No matter how difficult the task. They wanted to make something new, something brillant and they did it.

I'm used to being particularly sensitive to aesthetics aspects of Mods. About these two first G&H mods, what can I say? Is it insane? Is it genius, probably both.
The leader screens, icons, and units you see in the game are not only beautiful or well done. They have been drawn and drawn over and over and refined again until they become everything but a drawing... You're going to feel something, you're going to feel in.

Because of G&H, something is happening. Make sure you don't miss out the event
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I take it you are french aswell Asterix?

I was sold before, but it is nice to see some emotions and nice praise in an otherwise pretty "logics and rationality" forum :)
With G&H's Ainu People for VP, this CivMod is the second @gwennog and @Hinin are doing together.
Being guest on their PM thread, I can tell you that I'm the witness of the most incredible mod teamwork I never seen before.

All the details on the concept, historical references, LUA/SQL code and arts have been made with the absolute desire to be perfect, unique and enjoyable.
Like Ainu People for VP, this mod is a 'from scratch' development where the code is forced by gameplay objectives and the cultural realities of Scottish civilization. I mean really forced.
No matter how difficult the task. They wanted to make something new, something brillant and they did it.

I'm used to being particularly sensitive to aesthetics aspects of Mods. About these two first G&H mods, what can I say? Is it insane? Is it genius, probably both.
The leader screens, icons, and units you see in the game are not only beautiful or well done. They have been drawn and drawn over and over and refined again until they become everything but a drawing... You're going to feel something, you're going to feel in.

Because of G&H, something is happening. Make sure you don't miss out the event
If it lasts longer than 4 hours, you might want to get checked out...
First glance: Interesting civ. The UA is obviously tilted towards bigger maps, but standard is still enough for the UA to be used. It's nice to get cs's which are on the other side of the entire world, allied.
The Schiltron, pikeman replacement for the Scotties, is like a resource free longswordsman which is even more powerful. This means that you need to throw away those garbage swords and use chad scottish pikemen.
I haven't used the special naval UU, but I imagine it's pretty powerful.
The UI is pretty exotic. The miscellaneous improvements (pastures, camps, etc.), don't get any benefit. The primary ones do. It gives some nice yields.
The UNW (Unique National Wonder?), gives more gold and science from city state alliances. Not bad. Though you need a lot of them in order to really benefit from it.
The engrossing war theme is really... exotic. I like it
(don't tell anyone, but I only install new civilizations for more colors - jk)

Don't hesitate to give me your opinion on the numbers once you've finished a game : as I said, the number of times the first half of the UA is activated can vary drastically from one game to the next, and in the end game the number of cities to potentially liberate can be important if there are actual wars on the map.

With G&H's Ainu People for VP, this CivMod is the second @gwennog and @Hinin are doing together.
Being guest on their PM thread, I can tell you that I'm the witness of the most incredible mod teamwork I never seen before.

All the details on the concept, historical references, LUA/SQL code and arts have been made with the absolute desire to be perfect, unique and enjoyable.
Like Ainu People for VP, this mod is a 'from scratch' development where the code is forced by gameplay objectives and the cultural realities of Scottish civilization. I mean really forced.
No matter how difficult the task. They wanted to make something new, something brillant and they did it.

I'm used to being particularly sensitive to aesthetics aspects of Mods. About these two first G&H mods, what can I say? Is it insane? Is it genius, probably both.
The leader screens, icons, and units you see in the game are not only beautiful or well done. They have been drawn and drawn over and over and refined again until they become everything but a drawing... You're going to feel something, you're going to feel in.

Because of G&H, something is happening. Make sure you don't miss out the event

We are French, Asterix. So much compliments is overwhelming for us! Thank you, in any case : that was unexpected, but very nice. :lol:

As always, I want to thank gwennog who doesn't like to write in English (I'll make him participate on the threads more, I swear :D), but reads and reacts to your messages in PM and already managed to repair some minor bugs for the next version. He was the one who proposed to do the Ainu project with me, and since then it has only been a positive working duo (with also the precious help of Asterix Rage for all visuals-related parts). We learned a lot together, and I hope we'll be able to continue to do good and honest work. Our motto : take as much time as necessary until we're happy with it, and with no strings attached. :thumbsup:

For this mod, I also want to thank the artists who did most of the original artworks we modified for this mod : Leugi & Pouakai for the UI, Siana Dimitrova for the Pikeman in the Schiltron UnitIcon, Gedemon, Nutty & Dolen2 for the Ethnic Diversity mod who provided all the things we needed to create new and interesting 3d models and of course Mark Churms for the painting of Robert that allowed us to have a beautiful LeaderIcon despite the initial difficulties to find something of good quality, and the musicians who made possible these music themes. As modders for VP we work for the fun and for free, but these artists are the main reason we are capable of doing it in the first place. :)
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With G&H's Ainu People for VP, this CivMod is the second @gwennog and @Hinin are doing together.
Being guest on their PM thread, I can tell you that I'm the witness of the most incredible mod teamwork I never seen before.

All the details on the concept, historical references, LUA/SQL code and arts have been made with the absolute desire to be perfect, unique and enjoyable.
Like Ainu People for VP, this mod is a 'from scratch' development where the code is forced by gameplay objectives and the cultural realities of Scottish civilization. I mean really forced.
No matter how difficult the task. They wanted to make something new, something brillant and they did it.

I'm used to being particularly sensitive to aesthetics aspects of Mods. About these two first G&H mods, what can I say? Is it insane? Is it genius, probably both.
The leader screens, icons, and units you see in the game are not only beautiful or well done. They have been drawn and drawn over and over and refined again until they become everything but a drawing... You're going to feel something, you're going to feel in.

Because of G&H, something is happening. Make sure you don't miss out the event
Your are a Gentleman, Sir :hatsoff:.
In front of so many compliments, I can only retire to my cave :blush:.

As always, I want to thank gwennog who doesn't like to write in English (I'll make him participate on the threads more, I swear :D),
It's not that I don't like to write in English, the beautiful language of Tolkien (not always to say Shakespeare ;)) but I want to spare English speakers my google trad jargon. But also, I need twice as long to read and respond to the amount of exciting information circulating on the VP forum :undecide:. But believe me, I am, like all of you, a fanatic of the Civilization Fanatic Center.
Thank you to Gazebo and his team for this beautiful present that is Vox Populi, to all the modders who work to offer a constant enrichment of this already very rich environment and to all the players who test, comment, and bring their personal vision to the improvement of this universe.
V.3 online

Corrections :
  • When declaring war on Scotland, the bonus notification was not displayed, fixed.
  • Correction and improvement of texts.
  • The sound level of the musics has been slightly lowered.
Should be savegame compatible, but some changes will only be visible when starting your next game.
I am in my first game with this civ and am enjoying it! One thing I am running into is a very minor issue. Namely, in strategic view, the Schiltron has no icon. It just has a solid blue circle (or shield). It has it's icon when not in Strategic view.
Spoiler Icon missing :
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