G-Major 192 - Vikings, Prince, Score - Deadline December 30th 2024

Noble Zarkon

Elite Quattromaster - Immortal (BTS)
Super Moderator
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Sep 6, 2012

While the general Hall of Fame is an ongoing competition, we like to run time-definite competitions between updates that we call Gauntlets. Standard Hall of Fame rules still apply, but any games meeting the settings will be counted towards the Gauntlet.


  • Victory Condition: Score (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Difficulty: Prince
  • Starting Era: Any
  • Map Size: Small
  • Speed: Normal
  • Map Type: Archipelago
  • Required: No Tribal Villages, No Random Events
  • Civ: Viking (Ragnar Lodbrok)
  • Opponents: Must include Aztec (Montezuma), Celt (Boudica), Khmer (Suryavarman), Zulu (Shaka)
  • Version: 3.19.005
  • Date: 29th October to 30th December 2024
Must not play as Inca.
The highest score wins.
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G-Major 192
Umm … Score is not my strong point. Out of 94 Hall of Fame entries only 3 broke the 100k mark, heck my personal best is more than 110,000pts off the current #1 slot. Yep, there is certainly work to be done! :viking:

Okay, where to start? I see there are already a couple of submissions in this Gauntlet, so hopefully help is close at hand. :wavey: To begin with I searched the interweb for pointers and found these 2 gems.


An article posted by chadhogg titled ‘Archipelago Guide’, self-explanatory I think, although a bit dated (2010) the basics still hold true; hence my initial games will draw most of their strategy from it.


A Ragnar/Immortal/Archipelago “Let’s play” style video by Henrik. I must admit to only watching the first 30 minutes or so; interesting stuff … plenty of colourful language for sure; 🫣 it would seem Alexander’s UU is a Pr**k & Shaka’s an idiot. Or was it the other way round? Whatever. Blimey, after losing 2 warriors attacking a scout I would have called it a day. Fair play to the guy.
G-Major 192
Mastering Ragnar on an Archipelago map is only half the battle, we have to convert that into a table-topping score. I’m not going to get too deep here but if anyone’s interested the following explains how score is calculated: -


The bottom-line is population and early finish. Yep, grow plenty of big cities and get a quick victory! Lost within all the gobble-de-gook (sorry T-hawk) the “sweet spot” is to win around 50 A.D. mark, that’s turn 120 at normal speed. So; there we have it anything after loses score. Simples. :coffee:

I’ve asked Mapfinder save maps with 2 fishing & 2 mining resources.
The map settings are arid climate and low sea level starting in the ancient era.
In addition to the Gauntlet parameters, I’ve checked No City Razing. I’d originally also went for Ragging Barbarians but why make the game harder? No Barbs allows unescorted settler and makes circumnavigation a lot more likely with just a workboat or two.
G-Major 192

Whilst I’m waiting on Mapfinder let’s formulate a provisional game plan. :grouphug: The Archipelago Guide says the game plays slower than with other maps so I feel 50 A.D. is unrealistic; I propose an additional 40 turns, that’s a victory by 1000 A.D.
1st Get to size 4 and work the mines & sea resources asap! – therefore build 2 workboats, 1 worker + research MINING!

2nd Scouting/Exploration/Circumnavigation – 2 workboats

3rd REX – 1 settler (maybe 2?)

4th The Great Lighthouse – build lighthouse + research sailing & masonry

Slavery is a must! – Bronze Working

How do I pop borders? Religion > Judaism! – Monotheism

Tech Path mining > bronze working > sailing > mysticism > masonry > polytheism > monotheism
Other worker techs as required – i.e. the wheel, agriculture etc. Insert as and when? :thumbsup:

Civics Slavery asap. (1 turn of anarchy). Convert to Judaism & adopt Organized Religion if beneficial (2 turns of anarchy) else complete TGL first.
I’ve had a break from my laptop; albeit forced by the fact the powerpack stop doing its job but thanks to Amazon all is well again. :) That is not to say I’ve been sitting idol, oh no I’ve been busy reading up on Civilization strategy. You see my current game is in the 1400’s, Suryavarman’s dead, and both Boudica & Montezuma have capitulated, leaving just Shaka to deal with. My Berserkers made short work of Monty’s Archers & Jags but will face Longbow if I attack Shaka.

My initial thoughts were to upgrade a shed full of Berserkers to Amphibious Riflemen before commencing hostilities but unfortunately ‘Rifling’ is still another 30+ turns away and I’m already way past the self‑imposed finish date of 1000 A.D. After swatting up on the mechanics of combat, the Berserker can still be a viable unit if granted a CR2 promotion on top of it inherent 10% city attack, all they require is Naval Gunfire Support to get up to an 80% chance of success. So, there we have it, a new is plan is born; adopt either Vassalage or Theocracy and beeline Chemistry ~ Frigates!

Now of course, if I’d been savvy to start with I’d have spies already in place to neutralize cultural defenses but what the heck, you live ‘n’ learn; next time eh! 🤖

I’m hoping Shaka will ‘kiss my ring’ when I spring a surprise attack on his smaller cities. There is still some intel to gather but there’s one new settlement with just a Horse Archer as MP and a couple of other potential targets at size 1. I’m aiming to cross the ‘40 War Success’ mark by capturing 4/5 cities on the first turn but alas, you know what they say, ‘no plan survives first contact’.

Tally-ho! :ar15:
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I haven't played in months but am running a few games. Should be able to beat the current record but probably not by much; these settings are really not great for the goal, we're playing a leader with no expansion bonuses, ai are aggressive/unit spammers, and archipelago is hard to expand/conquer fast with
@ jnebbe “ai are aggressive/unit spammers” I totally concur. The plan went like clockwork, that is apart from the Shaka surrendering bit.

After losing 5 cities in the first turn a dozen or more Zulus supported by umpteen catapults materialized out of thin air; I had totally underestimated Shaka’s resolve to resist Viking Rule. I was then forced to play a rearguard action until (what felt like an eternity) more troops arrived.

I had made a number of grave errors; firstly, by attacking on such a wide front my forces were fragmented and unable offer each other support when defending against the sustained counter-attack. Foolishly I had no re-enforcements. If there’d been just 3 extra galleons carrying Combat 3 Berserkers, I believe the resistance would have been nipped in the bud. In hindsight I was far too slow in forming a Colony, 2 extra garrison muskets bolstering city defences would have been a Godsend.

Conclusion - The Berserker with his inherent Combat 1, Amphibious & 10% City Raider bonus coupled with CR2 make him an awesome weapon to have at your disposal.

As Noble Zarkon says ~ fast galleys … Any empire that has boats which travel 2 extra moves will have an advantage on a water map. The Trading Post is a given, you are going to work those coastal tiles, it’s not like its off plan; simply make sure you’re the first to circumnavigate the map and the opposition will literally be left in your wake.

On a side note, the Navigation II promotion is available with just 2 experience points, so attaching a GG to a group of 10 Frigates allows them to keep up with and escort Galleons.

Last; in danger of sounding like a broken record … BUILD The Great Lighthouse ~ those trade routes keep the Empire ticking along nicely!
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On my first attempt somebody built GLH at 875BC - way faster then I've expected. May be this attempt is dead because of that already. I've got Colossus, but it is a cold comfort.
Also Shaka proved that world is round somewhere near 700BC - I had literally zero chance to be the first here.

I've stuck at a snaky continent with Monty and Shaka, and delayed switching to religion until Monty attacked Shaka - I knew that they both crazy wardogs, so I wanted to ensure that I will not be the first target. Now I need to help Shaka out of Jewish solidarity ( and to prevent Monty's strengthening), but I don't see how I can do it. Giving him Civil Cervice probably would be too much.

Looking at their war stacks I am thinking that may be adding some guys like Gandi and Mansa Musa to the game roster and hoping that random generator will place them on continent with you - may be a viable idea. Of course, playing with 6-7 opponents instead of 4 has other disadvantages.
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@valergrad "I am thinking that may be adding some guys like Gandhi and Mansa Musa"

Actually you may have hit on something here... more civilizations makes so much sense. Generally speaking Capital Cities are sited in good locations with an abundance of resources and more importantly hills! On a small map the rules allow a maximum opponents 7; I'm thinking, like you, Gandhi but maybe not M+M because of his Skirmisher. I going with Hatty & Lincoln instead, both "pushovers" and totally useless on a water scenario. :mischief: I've also been thinking about production (or more precisely lack thereof), so I've changed from tiny islands/arid to archipelago/rocky as land masses are slightly larger with a greater chance of hills.
Submitted my run. I am both happy and unhappy with it at the same time. Happy because the result is great. Unhappy because it can be significantly improved both by better playing and by choosing different strategy. I did make a LOT of unforced mistakes. Considering that I was a little too close to 1M, I think I will improve it at some point:). Most importantly, I'm happy with the game because it was really fun.

I think, Ragnar/Prince/Archipelago is great setup for maximizing score on normal speed. Pacal/Huyana on Big & Small might be better, but not by much. In fact, I am not even sure they are better. Ragnar is at least competitive.
Small size is limiting, I had to gift 5 cities with sushi already spread not to trigger domination too early. So I will play on normal size next time.
For some reason I thought the deadline was 6 January :sad:, so a bit late to the party.
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