Gallery and Faith of the Masses


Nov 27, 2011
I only did a quick search on this and didn't find anything recent. I think Gallery (culture building between Opera House and Museum) is now part of the main Vox Populi. In my current game I have chosen the Faith of the Masses reformation belief. Gallery was not available to be purchased by faith. Was this intentional? I did find an older thread in a modmod In my own game I changed the \(2) Vox Populi\Database Changes\Beliefs\ReformationChanges.sql file to include the Gallery building by adding the following lines in the appropriate section:

Underground Sect (now Faith of the Masses)
1. under Belief_BuildingClassYieldChanges add "('BELIEF_UNDERGROUND_SECT', 'BUILDINGCLASS_GALLERY', 'YIELD_CULTURE', 2),"
2. under Belief_BuildingClassFaithPurchase add "('BELIEF_UNDERGROUND_SECT', 'BUILDINGCLASS_GALLERY'),"

Is this the right change and should it be included in the main Vox Populi?


Edit: I also realize the following file needs to be edited \(2) Vox Populi\Database Changes\City\Buildings\BuildingCostSweeps.sql but was not sure what to add. I guessed 550 as a faith cost for the Gallery.
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I've noticed this as well.
It can be the right change. When the Gallery was proposed, nobody thought to also propose to adjust Faith of the Masses.

You can propose to add the Gallery in the next congress. Someone may prefer a different idea from yours, like a rebalanced reformation around having that extra building or something, so it may not go in its simplest form.
FotM is one of the best reformations already imo, I'd rather not like it to be buffed even more.
Yes, the omission is intentional.
Whether the change is a good idea? Right now it would put the belief above Divine Teachings.
I want to move the Observatory to a real building. I that case it would be symmetry-preserving to add both of these, perhaps.
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