I only did a quick search on this and didn't find anything recent. I think Gallery (culture building between Opera House and Museum) is now part of the main Vox Populi. In my current game I have chosen the Faith of the Masses reformation belief. Gallery was not available to be purchased by faith. Was this intentional? I did find an older thread in a modmod https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/enlightenment-era-for-vox-populi.610282/post-15629465. In my own game I changed the \(2) Vox Populi\Database Changes\Beliefs\ReformationChanges.sql file to include the Gallery building by adding the following lines in the appropriate section:
Underground Sect (now Faith of the Masses)
1. under Belief_BuildingClassYieldChanges add "('BELIEF_UNDERGROUND_SECT', 'BUILDINGCLASS_GALLERY', 'YIELD_CULTURE', 2),"
2. under Belief_BuildingClassFaithPurchase add "('BELIEF_UNDERGROUND_SECT', 'BUILDINGCLASS_GALLERY'),"
Is this the right change and should it be included in the main Vox Populi?
Edit: I also realize the following file needs to be edited \(2) Vox Populi\Database Changes\City\Buildings\BuildingCostSweeps.sql but was not sure what to add. I guessed 550 as a faith cost for the Gallery.
Underground Sect (now Faith of the Masses)
1. under Belief_BuildingClassYieldChanges add "('BELIEF_UNDERGROUND_SECT', 'BUILDINGCLASS_GALLERY', 'YIELD_CULTURE', 2),"
2. under Belief_BuildingClassFaithPurchase add "('BELIEF_UNDERGROUND_SECT', 'BUILDINGCLASS_GALLERY'),"
Is this the right change and should it be included in the main Vox Populi?
Edit: I also realize the following file needs to be edited \(2) Vox Populi\Database Changes\City\Buildings\BuildingCostSweeps.sql but was not sure what to add. I guessed 550 as a faith cost for the Gallery.
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