Game crashes during Spaceship Screen


Aug 13, 2005
Lincolnshire, England
The game runs fine until I get to the part where you're assembling Spaceship parts.

Each time a part is built and it shows the Spaceship screen the game crashes. I have to restart from an autosave and it works OK then, only to crash again the next time a Spaceship part is built.

I'm running C3C through Steam. I'm also running the updated patch associated with CCM3. I don't know if that has anything to do with it but the game crashes both under that executable and the old unmodded executable.


  • Spaceship Bug.jpg
    Spaceship Bug.jpg
    41.5 KB · Views: 4
I think this is due to label issue with steam. I have that issue and am too lazy to fix it. I just never build the wonder.
I get that crash occasionally too, but I'm using the GOG version, so it's nothing to do with the Steam labels.txt problem (which would also likely have crashed the game much earlier than this!). The way I found to avoid the crash is to hit Escape to exit that screen, rather than clicking the X.

Similarly, to avoid the crash that can happen when the game tries to (alter the screen resolution to) play the spaceship-movie, I make a manual save just before the interturn I'm expecting to finish building the last Ship part, then when it completes, I click the Launch button to exit the screen (because the X has now disappeared!) with my right hand, and immediately hit Escape to skip the movie with my left. If the game crashes because I wasn't fast enough, I reload the save and try again.
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The spaceship process is bugged to all heck and if the knowledge ever existed to explain when a bug will strike that knowledge now appears to have been lost.

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