The game runs fine until I get to the part where you're assembling Spaceship parts.
Each time a part is built and it shows the Spaceship screen the game crashes. I have to restart from an autosave and it works OK then, only to crash again the next time a Spaceship part is built.
I'm running C3C through Steam. I'm also running the updated patch associated with CCM3. I don't know if that has anything to do with it but the game crashes both under that executable and the old unmodded executable.
Each time a part is built and it shows the Spaceship screen the game crashes. I have to restart from an autosave and it works OK then, only to crash again the next time a Spaceship part is built.
I'm running C3C through Steam. I'm also running the updated patch associated with CCM3. I don't know if that has anything to do with it but the game crashes both under that executable and the old unmodded executable.