Ever since I introduced VP and community patch to my modlist, I have been getting crashes.
I was aware that mods that mess with DLLs can make the game unstable. So I disabled them. Right now VP + CPatch are the only ones (as far as I noticed) to use DLLs.
I am still getting crashes.
Upon analyzing the minidump file with WinDbg, it points to an exception happening when CPatch's "CvGameCore_Expansion2" is called.
Since you can't disable the community patch without disabling VP, I didn't know what to do with that information, so I just playtested more.
The game crashes right before my turn (curiously, right before the notifications show up), so I am assuming it could be related (though I could be wrong).
In all the games I playtested, I never once saw a "religion founded" notification, so I suspect that this could be it (because the one game that didn't crash was the one where none of the AI founded a religion)
Let me know if I should attach something.
I was aware that mods that mess with DLLs can make the game unstable. So I disabled them. Right now VP + CPatch are the only ones (as far as I noticed) to use DLLs.
I am still getting crashes.
Upon analyzing the minidump file with WinDbg, it points to an exception happening when CPatch's "CvGameCore_Expansion2" is called.
Since you can't disable the community patch without disabling VP, I didn't know what to do with that information, so I just playtested more.
The game crashes right before my turn (curiously, right before the notifications show up), so I am assuming it could be related (though I could be wrong).
In all the games I playtested, I never once saw a "religion founded" notification, so I suspect that this could be it (because the one game that didn't crash was the one where none of the AI founded a religion)
Let me know if I should attach something.