Game Crashing Right Before my Turn


Jan 6, 2025
Ever since I introduced VP and community patch to my modlist, I have been getting crashes.
I was aware that mods that mess with DLLs can make the game unstable. So I disabled them. Right now VP + CPatch are the only ones (as far as I noticed) to use DLLs.
I am still getting crashes.
Upon analyzing the minidump file with WinDbg, it points to an exception happening when CPatch's "CvGameCore_Expansion2" is called.
Since you can't disable the community patch without disabling VP, I didn't know what to do with that information, so I just playtested more.
The game crashes right before my turn (curiously, right before the notifications show up), so I am assuming it could be related (though I could be wrong).
In all the games I playtested, I never once saw a "religion founded" notification, so I suspect that this could be it (because the one game that didn't crash was the one where none of the AI founded a religion)
Let me know if I should attach something.
First a general warning: the most recent beta versions of VP (4.17+) have many crashes because the devs are adding more aggressive checks to find gamebreaking bugs. If anyone reading this missed it, you should read this post from the boss–-4-18-1-january-6-2025.693904/post-16736943

On topic, @weegee you need to go to github and provide the requested information, a post like this isn't really informative enough. E.g. what version are you on, what does the log file look like, what other mods are you running?

I would add a few notes, from my best understanding, because your post suggests you might have some misconception about how DLL mods work, which I've seen a couple times recently.

From time to time VP crashes because it contains bugs (either introduced or revealed) -- these are the reproducible crashes that always happen at the same time like your one seems to be. The game can also crash because it runs out of memory (it is an old game and can only access so much), and these ones are more random and you can mitigate them by changing settings and installing mods to reduce graphical overhead, like single unit graphics.

What about compatibility with other DLL mods?

The CP DLL overwrites the base game's library -- it is the part of the code we have access to and can recompile. This is the CvGameCore_Expansion2 mentioned in the minidump.
Since the game only sources one of these DLL files, no two mods that replace the DLL will be compatible (unless the changes of one are a compatible subset of the other!)
Note, sometimes people call mods "DLL mods" because they require modified DLL (usually the community patch itself), but they themselves don't come with modified DLL. I don't mean these ones (though ofc you need the required DLL to run them, as should be specified in their .modinfo files!)

So to be clear, DLL mods make the game unstable because they alter the code in a way the game turns out to not like (i.e. there's a bug) -- there is no instability from using multiple DLL mods because you simply can't run multiple DLLs in modded civ V.
In my experience the last truly stable version was 4.14. With 4.15 or 4.16 I can't play past the renaissance era or so without having repeatable crashes. Haven't tried 4.18 yet because it seems like many modmods are incompatible with it, but I'm hopeful that when things are updated it will be more stable.
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