Games that you thought were gonna suck but they were awesome


Breakfast Connoisseur
Nov 2, 2001
Seattle, WA
A take on aimeeandbeatles' thread. :) What games did you buy you thought were going to suck but were awesome and totally blew you away?

For me, it was Morrowind. My friend pressured me to get it and I thought "Eh it could be cool I guess." But after playing it for a while and dealing with CTD's, it was my top played game for about a year until Oblivion!
leonel, why would you buy a game if you thought it's gonna suck? :p
leonel, why would you buy a game if you thought it's gonna suck? :p

He is/was a WoW player.

I can't think of any games, but there were several books and movies I thought would suck until I read/watched them. Like Harry Potter (I wasn't aware of rhe series until I was gifted the first 3 books).
POD, racing game that came with one of my computers. So much fun. It was set in some kind of dystopian future world where people...raced cars or something.

Banjo-Kazooie. My sister bought it for her birthday a long time ago and I was the one who ended up playing it mostly. I could hum most of the level tunes right now, that's how much I played this game.
F-Zero X. I asked for Mario Kart from someone as a present, they got me F-Zero X, I was thinking it'd suck.

If not for the 1,000 hours of Civ, and the 1,000 hours of Counter Strike I've played, it'd be my most played game.
Mount & Blade and Oblivion. One of my roomates last year had Oblivion on the PS3, I laughed at him at first. Then I played it one day he was gone and got hooked...I played it the whole semester lol.
Team Fortress 2.
Team Fortress 2.
Oh, my God. Totally this game. I got the Orange Box for HL2 Episodes and kinda thought of TF2 as kinda secondary, but after I learned about how much TF2 phil played and saw how awesome he was on the CSS server I frequented back about six months ago, I decided to give TF2 a try...never looked back...:p
TF2 for me as well. When I saw screenshots of it I thought it looked stupid, but then the day I got CS:S they also had a TF2 free weekend, and I got hooked.
I didn't like the first one, hence, I thought the second would suck large balls as well.
SimCity. I thought a game about building stuff without being able to win would be boring. But, my brother said it was good, and I tried it. I've probably spent more time on the series than any other aside from Civ.
tf2 here, i waited to buy the game for an year 'cuase i was afraid i'd be too dissapointed(having AWESOME memories of TFC), but i finally bought it after seeing how much lightfang was having fun with it. Never regretted it. Before that i was hooked on CSS.

wait a minute... i'm seeing a pattern here.

also, i first pushed my RL buddies to buy CSS, and now i'm pushing them to buy TF2, so far two followed :D.
tf2 here, i waited to buy the game for an year 'cuase i was afraid i'd be too dissapointed(having AWESOME memories of TFC), but i finally bought it after seeing how much lightfag was having fun with it. Never regretted it. Before that i was hooked on CSS.

wait a minute... i'm seeing a pattern here.

also, i first pushed my RL buddies to buy CSS, and now i'm pushing them to buy TF2, so far two followed :D.

Yeah, TF2 really did exceed my expectations when I bought the Orange Box. I was hoping for maybe 100 hours out of it, already have 250 and counting.
Team Fortress 2 was the main draw of the Orange Box for me, I was fully expecting it to be awesome. :D
I bought The Orange Box recently but haven't played Team Fortress 2 yet, playing mostly Half-Life 2 (which I was told was worse than Halo) and Portal.
Whoever said HL2 is worse than HALO is an idiot.

You don't get any better than HL2.

I didn't think TF2 would be that good as I didn't like the classic version, but I was proven wrong. Great game. I also didn't think L4D was going to be as good as it was (Maybe I should just stop doubting Valve?)

Another one I can think of right now is Sins of a Solar Empire. I didn't think they were going to pull it off, but they made an awesome game.
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