Games that you weren't expecting to be good but they were good anyways.


Apr 5, 2007

I can't think of any right away.

I didn't expect much from a game with a Metacritic score of 67. The setting and the characters are well done and it has the most compelling story I have ever seen in a video game. I'm on my 6th playthrough right now
Age of Empires III
Europa Universalis.

I was going through a Risk phase when I saw the game, and from the back it looked like a slightly more advanced version. Launched me into the entire Paradox series, it did.
I don´t buy games that I expect to suck... :rolleyes:

You don't have to have bought it (before you played it), could have played it at a friends.

DOOM, I had never played it and I thought it would be less sophisticated than it is. Happily suprised :) Plus it was only 99 cents :p
saints row..........suprisingly fun..........but still, overshadowed by GTA
TF2 actually.

I played TF classic tons years ago, but assumed TF2 was like CS:S and DOD:S were to their counterparts (IE a graphics overhaul that lost the charm of the original). I also didn't really dig the cartoony graphics, but now I am hooked :D
Blazing Angels 2.

It's now among my most cherished games.
A very underrated little game that were a lot better than expected and that is sadly a bit forgotten today is "Rise of Nations"
Hmm, maybe Fahrenheit. But i didn't expect it to be rubbish, i just didn't know anything about it, and it turned out to be one of my all time favorite games.

But generally i don't play many games i don't think i'll like.
Fahrenheit is the exact opposite. It started out as a cool murder investigation game, played from different viewpoints and with seemingly tons of choices and ways of doing things

Then they went crazy with supernatural Mayan clans and crap, and let's not forget all those Simon says QTEs and forced stealth section flashbacks
Yeah the ending went a bit mental. I pretty much completely lost track over the different clans and who they were and what they wanted. Crazy. And the QTEs were too long but they didn't really bother me.

Looking farward to Heavy Rain, hopefully Quantic Dream gets the ending right this time around.
Bully, thought was gonna be a kiddie GTA, was pleasantly surprised......
Populous: The Beginning. I played the demo more than the game it came with (SimCity 3000)
Kingdom Hearts, you know mixing Final Fantasy characters and Disney characters together really doesn't sound like a good idea.
Ikaruga. I got it with two other games that I really wanted in a buy two get one free deal, but I ended up enjoying it the most.

And by enjoy, I mean I got my butt handed me on a silver platter hundreds of times over.
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