Gay student expelled from christian school for being gay .

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Yes , really , PT2 .
Strange to see you in this mood . I think magnetic storm is to blame ;)
Calm down , friend . :)
Originally posted by PantheraTigris2

They did the right thing, because the school needed to iliminate that kind of influence ASAP. The rest of your post is pure foolishness.

I'd rather be a fool than a religious fanatic! I consider religious fantics the lowest of all humans. And I consider you a religious fanatic.
Originally posted by PantheraTigris2

I have no doubt in my lifelong God-loving/ God- knowing mind, that homosexuality is unnatural, twisted, perverted, filthy, disgusting, and wretched in the eyes of God.

Interesting how a man's god tends to hold the same views they do and that said men view their position as divinely inspired and therefore absolutely true.

As to the actions of the school, eh, sucks but it's their perogative unless I'm mistaken.
Originally posted by PantheraTigris2

Originally posted by Nad

I think quite a few homosexual Christians might disagree with you. IIRC, there has recently been a high-profile appointment of a homosexual priest in the UK. Would you go up to him and say, "Sorry, pal, you might live a life ten times less sinful than mine but you are not a Christian because you're gay?"

His life is ten times less sinful than mine? Yet he perfroms acts that completely DISGUST God. What do you think I am, a mass murderer or something? A Nazi comcentration camp kommandant - still alive & in hiding?

Ignoring the distasteful way you compare the supposed 'sin' of a gay priest to the crimes of mass murdering nazis you are simply misinformed and showing your absolute ignorance and prejudice here. It is well known that Canon Jeffrey John is of course a celibate gay priest, but in your enraged imagination I guess that never even occured to you...

Now the thing about the right to judge is not that you shouldn't have any such right, but that you are a total hypocrite...

Originally posted by PantheraTigris2
Gay priests... the end grows nearer.

Look, I have a gay aunt. A nice lady. It's her issue. She's going to have to answer to God for it. Not my place to judge.

Hmm... okay, standard christian stuff - and FWIW I actually agree with the notion that it's none of your buisness what your aunts sexuality is. I'll ignore that even in this most mild statement of yours you are already making a prejudicial comment with your "She'll answer to god" clause, you obviously don't really mean the bit about not judging but you know your meant to say it right?

Originally posted by PantheraTigris2

Ahh, so then, we should just let people do whatever they want? Let them run wild, where ever they want! Murder is fine! Just keep walking by, not your place to judge! Go ahead - let Hitler conquer the world. No reason to stand up and fight, it's not our place to judge him you know.

Look there! A women being raped! Not MY place to judge! I'm sure it's all going to work out for her, you know.

Release all prisoners! Afterall! -It's not OUR place to judge them, of course!

Let gays run the church! Let them mingle in Christian schools! Afterall, our beliefs mean nothing to US! Yeah, just let the homosexuals run the church, great idea! Hey, maybe *I* could just be bisexual! Love thy neighbor, you know!

Aha! Now your true colours are showing. So... not your place to judge unless what? unless told you can't judge? And then it's out with the fire and brimstone act?
I have more respect for you jesus cult people when you do the humility act, Quakers, thats the kind of christian I can tolerate. You fundies are sickening.

Originally posted by PantheraTigris2

I can't take it anymore. This forum is making me stupid. My IQ has dropped at least 35 points since March 25, 2003.

Wow... starting off as low as you did you must really be pretty dam stupid by now. I don't ususally judge people myself and normally I would feel some sympathy for a dumb animal, but in this case I will make an exception.

I do hope you aren't coming back.
I'd rather be a fool than a religious fanatic! I consider religious fantics the lowest of all humans. And I consider you a religious fanatic.

I'd rather be a religious fanatic than an anti-religious fanatic! I consider anti-religious fanatics the lowest of all humans. And I consider you an anti-religious fanatic.

We can do this all day if you'd like :)

Now that that's out of the way... Whether gays can be Christian or not, thats between them and God. If they choose to join a Christian school or other organization which does not approve of homosexuality, then I don't wanna hear them cry if they get the boot. And should the church ever choose to sanction gays, then I won't be a part of the church.
Originally posted by Speedo

I'd rather be a religious fanatic than an anti-religious fanatic! I consider anti-religious fanatics the lowest of all humans. And I consider you an anti-religious fanatic.

We can do this all day if you'd like :)

By no means I am anti religious, let go fanatic! I am anti religious fanticism. And yes, in that I can be very fanatic.

But there is quite a difference between being religious and being a religious fanatic.
One thing is very clear to my mind.

Panthera Tigris 2 is NOT a Christian. To be a Christian means following the teachings of Christ.

Christ said:

"But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."

Take note of that PT2. According to your beliefs, You WILL be called to account. Christ said 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" Are you so arrogant as to believe you are without sin?

Why is Christ called 'the lamb'? Rest assured, if he exists, he will not like you. In fact he would have told you how utterly stupid and ignorant you are. I can only surmise that you have no relationship whatsoever with Christ or God. Or you would know this.

Christ also said ""Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I take this to mean that you would like to be thrown into a lake of sulphuric acid? That is Christ's message, PT2. He would have you treat homosexuals with understanding and compassion.

But as is clear in this thread, you have absolutely no affinity in Christ or God. You do not understand his message. You do not follow his message. The Christ I have read about would renounce you and your ugly creed immediately.

Do us all a favour, and do not pretend to be a Christian when you do not practice the teachings of Christ. You are a fool, and a misguided fool at that.

If you are having difficulty, I'll leave you with some more words from the Christ that you claim to follow (though it is obvious to a blind man that you do not care to follow what he preached):

"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with whatmeasure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

Let me also remind you that Jesus said not one word about homosexuals. So wherein lies your ignorance and hatefulness, PT2? Anyone who has read the Bible will remember that Jesus had plenty to say about prejudice, and the hypocrites who would hide their own shortcomings with attacks upon others.

"Woe unto you...hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup ad of the platter...cleanse that which is within the cup and the platter....
Woe unto you..., hypocrites! for ye are like whited sepulchers, which ideed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
Even so ye also appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity"

Christ was speaking about people like you, PT2.

A word of advice. When claiming to be a Christian, at least try and follow the preachings of Christ! Otherwise, you merely condemn yourself by your own words (and his).

Here endeth the message.
Not in the US. It would be unconstitutional, for starters.
While PantheraTigris is right about there being no such thing as a homosexual Christian, the school did violate its own charter in expelling this gay student. I expect that the courts will find in favor of the student.
Nope. PT2 is right. There ain't no room in Heaven for them dirty homosexuals. And while we're at it, women shouldn't be allowed neither. Dirty women bleeding once a month. Disgusting! And blacks! Well, maybe we could have a black section set aside from the white section in Heaven.

Red and yellow, black and white,
they are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world...
(unless they filthy homosexuals)

Hallelujah Praise the Lord! :goodjob:
Great post polymath:goodjob:.

It is strange that so many Christians hate homosexuals. Reading the bible makes it pretty clear that Jesus wanted us to do the opposite. Why waste time on harassing homosexuals anyway? Homosexuality is not a major sin. It is only mentioned a few places in the bible, and not at all in the important parts of the bible.

Why is it impossible to be a homosexual Christian:confused:?
I think that gay guy is lucky. Hopefully we wiil be sent to a school where his mind will not be contaminated with stupidity.
Originally posted by FearlessLeader2
While PantheraTigris is right about there being no such thing as a homosexual Christian, ....

I don't get that. If being or acting (or both) homosexual is a sin, why does this sin make the sinner a non-christian?

We all do sin. If there are no homosexual christians, there are no stealing, lying or jealous christians, I guess. Where does my reasoning go wrong here?
I have started to take PT2's posts as a bit of comic relief, just imagine him as the forum jester - wearing a little red and blue hat with bells and shoes that are curved into spirals at their pointy tips. When seen in that light his posts are actually quite funny! All humor is about pain, I laugh so that I will not cry.
Originally posted by Stapel

I don't get that. If being or acting (or both) homosexual is a sin, why does this sin make the sinner a non-christian?

We all do sin. If there are no homosexual christians, there are no stealing, lying or jealous christians, I guess. Where does my reasoning go wrong here?

I think it's just all other sins seem to the Holy Church less disgusting , and sometimes pleasant ;) ( sorry for blasphemy , I'm atheistic )
Originally posted by leha

I think it's just all other sins seem to the Holy Church less disgusting , and sometimes pleasant ;) ( sorry for blasphemy , I'm atheistic )

Yet every damn priest seems to be molesting boys. They should edit the Bible to accept their perverted ways and they wouldn't be such strong hypocrites.
Originally posted by PantheraTigris2

His life is ten times less sinful than mine?Yet he perfroms acts that completely DISGUST God. [...]

Is it God, or is it you who are disgusted?

But, if you consider yourself a man ten times more sinful than another, do you believe that just by accepting Jesus, if you will gain a place in Heaven, while he will not?
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