Gay student expelled from christian school for being gay .

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another example of why i'm not a Christian. i believe that the government should cut all funds going to the school and confiscate any property they gave to the school, if there is any. this includes textbooks. i doubt that the government would support a private school.
Good. The Roman Catholic church says Homosexuality is wrong, therefore, a homosexual has no place in a Roman Catholic intitution.
I'd say it's a bad public relations move, but what the school did isn't illegal by Florida law.
Wow, here is a battle between two sides I despise almost equally. One is the side of "I hate everyone who does not live out my values." The other is the side which hates everyone who will not give up their own values and tow the line of political correctness. It is amusing to watch leftists insist that all cultures should be respected, then insist that any element of any culture which is not PC (such as religious proscription of homosexuality) has to be outlawed. It is just about as funny as listening Christians claim that they hate the sin but love the sinner when it is absolutley clear that they hate both.
Originally posted by Pikachu
Great post polymath:goodjob:.

It is strange that so many Christians hate homosexuals. Reading the bible makes it pretty clear that Jesus wanted us to do the opposite. Why waste time on harassing homosexuals anyway? Homosexuality is not a major sin. It is only mentioned a few places in the bible, and not at all in the important parts of the bible.

Why is it impossible to be a homosexual Christian:confused:?

I guess it comes down to semantics in how you define "homosexual." The Bible condemns only the sexual act in itself, so someone who has homosexual urges but doesn't act on them hasn't done anything. Likewise, for someone who has done the act, it can be forgiven just like any other sin.
Originally posted by Terrapin
Wow, here is a battle between two sides I despise almost equally. One is the side of "I hate everyone who does not live out my values." The other is the side which hates everyone who will not give up their own values and tow the line of political correctness. It is amusing to watch leftists insist that all cultures should be respected, then insist that any element of any culture which is not PC (such as religious proscription of homosexuality) has to be outlawed. It is just about as funny as listening Christians claim that they hate the sin but love the sinner when it is absolutley clear that they hate both.

And yet, you despise both sides. :crazyeye:

Nonetheless, I didn't see people trying to get PT2 in jail. Just people answering to what he said just as graphically as his description was.

Besides, it's a matter of human rights. Religious bigotry over gay people is fair game, as long as it's not translated to an effective discrimination, such as in this case. Like in "believe whatever the hell you want, just don't shove it down people's throats". They do that, And I'll respect their rights as well and keep my opinion of them to myself.

This is beyond political correctness. It's about efective prejudice over a human being. And this is not to be tolerated in a democratic and equalitarian society.

Regards :).
Originally posted by floppa21

Yet every damn priest seems to be molesting boys. They should edit the Bible to accept their perverted ways and they wouldn't be such strong hypocrites.

Mind you that is Catholicism, we are talking about Christianity.
"Mind you that is Catholicism, we are talking about Christianity."

i think that's the problem. Some people here are talking about Christianity, and some are talking about Catholisism.

I am neither, but as i understand it:
Christianity has no problem with Homosexuality.
Catholicism has a big problem with Homosexuality (not only that their priests practice it, but also in the rules of the church).
Originally posted by PantheraTigris2
There is no such thing as a homosexual Christian. They absolutely did the right thing. And I hope those that insult God and/or his son will be forgiven.

Please explain to me where homosexuality is explicitly outlawed in the bible other than the old testament. I have never seen it.

Secondly, let us assume that it is unchristian to be gay. It is also unchristian for this school to be judging this student and expelling him. It is for the lord to judge, not us humans.
Originally posted by PantheraTigris2

Yet he perfroms acts that completely DISGUST God.

I am curious as per the reason why you say such things. Where are we told that having sex with someone of the same sex disgust god?
Originally posted by Pikachu
Great post polymath:goodjob:.

It is strange that so many Christians hate homosexuals. Reading the bible makes it pretty clear that Jesus wanted us to do the opposite. Why waste time on harassing homosexuals anyway? Homosexuality is not a major sin. It is only mentioned a few places in the bible, and not at all in the important parts of the bible.

Why is it impossible to be a homosexual Christian:confused:?
As usual you confuse the sin with the sinner. It is possible to be a repentant, FORMER homosexual who is NOW a Christian. Christians are expressly prohibited from being actively homosexual in numerous scriptures.

It is understood that humans are not perfect, and that from time to time they will sin through their own weakness, but someone who makes a lifestyle out of pursuing a particular sin, like homosexuality (or addiction, or deception, etc...) is not the same as the person who has a moment of weakness.

A person who has a moment of weakness and repents, and puts that failing behind them can continue to be a Christian in good conscience. One who sins, knowing it is wrong, and does nothing to change that, and in fact continues to pursue that sin, simply cannot be a Christian, not until they truly repent, and remove that sinful practice from their life.

Part of the confusion you express is due to the muddying and outright poisoning of the waters of life that Christianity is with the lies of apostates who seek to lead Christians astray with false practices and beliefs. In Jesus' time, what a Christian was was clearly defined: if one did what Jesus said, one was a Christian.

After his death, resurrection, and ascension, as he predicted, apostates came forward and used misinformation, charisma, and anything else they could to turn his message into something they could profit from, to the unfortuante ruin of their followers. Many of them started religions which died out quickly. But a group in Cathay managed to grow in leaps and bounds, and eventually rose to such prominence as to be able to shape the entire world's impressions of what Christians were, to the severe detriment of Christ's message.

It takes more to be a Christian faith than the claim that such is the case. The Bible speaks of many trees, some bearing fine fruit, which are cultivated and tended, and others bearing rotten fruit, which are cut down and cast on the brush pile for disposal. It was not describing a regimen of orchard maintenance when it did so, it was using a parable, example, simile, metaphor, or what-have-you to explain to the average Joe on the street how he could tell the real Christians from the liars.

If the 'fruit' (followers) of a 'tree' (religion) are morally upright, decent folk who strive to do what is right according to the Bible and shun what it says is evil, then they are Christians. If they engage in or endorse practices that the Bible says are evil, then they are not.

(I realize that this is going to come as a horrendous shock to a great many, but yes, the above paragraph strongly indicates that a Christian is expected to be able to think for himself, form opinions on whether a group is following the Word or not, and then behave accordingly. Apparently real Christians ARE expected to think for themselves...):eek:
Originally posted by leha
Gay student expelled from christian school for being gay.

I think this is a good thing. He's better of in a school that isn't christian. Hope it can make him to understand that christiaity is an ideology that oppress homosexualls.

Beeing a homosexuall in a christian school is like beeing a black person in a school run by KKK.
The problem is obviously that the school went agianst it's own charter.

A chistian school should have the right to expell a student for being Gay just as they should have the right to expell a student for being Muslim.

As far as Panthera is concerned I think it's obvious he doesn't follow the teachings of Christ.
Btw. telling a homosexuall that it's a sin to be actively homosexual is like telling a bird that it's a sin to be actively a bird.

Or to say that a woman who activly is a woman is a sinner....
Originally posted by Håkan Eriksson
Btw. telling a homosexuall that it's a sin to be actively homosexual is like telling a bird that it's a sin to be actively a bird.

Or to say that a woman who activly is a woman is a sinner....

they can choose to change their lifestyle, which I hope they do. I am not against homosexuals, but homosexuality.
Originally posted by Håkan Eriksson

I think this is a good thing. He's better of in a school that isn't christian. Hope it can make him to understand that christiaity is an ideology that oppress homosexualls.

Beeing a homosexuall in a christian school is like beeing a black person in a school run by KKK.

Too bad you were faster than me. I wanted to say that it's like rmsharpe trying to join the Young Communist League of the USA (
Mainstream Christianity is mostly an anti-gay hate group. Moderator Action: You just got back after a restriction for bashing Islam, you appear to have a slow learning curve on this issue, take 5
Please read the forum rules: the student missed that.
Originally posted by andvruss

they can choose to change their lifestyle,

That would be to deny who they are and to live a lie, that´s no way of living. That's a way of dieing.

There are two ways for a homosexuall to live. As a homosexuall (and that could be living just like you, only that the homosexuall would be searching for a boyfriend insted of a girlfriend) or to live a compleatly destructive life pretending to be a hetro.
i don't know how God feels about gays, but it's not very christian like saying we should hate them all, even more so lying about your motives and intentions. We'll all have to answer to God and if he sends me to hell for not preaching hate against people well i can bask in the extreme warmth knowing that i'm better
Originally posted by andvruss

they can choose to change their lifestyle, which I hope they do. I am not against homosexuals, but homosexuality.

They could change their lifestyle just as easily as you could change yours.

How easy would it be for you to marry someone of the same sex? Would it make you happy to do so? And would it be worth it because some people's interpretation of a 2000 year old text tells you that you should.

By saying you are against homosexuality you are saying that you are agiainst homosexuals. Homosexuality is not a choice just like heterosexuality is not a choice.
Originally posted by Terrapin
The other is the side which hates everyone who will not give up their own values and tow the line of political correctness. It is amusing to watch leftists insist that all cultures should be respected, then insist that any element of any culture which is not PC (such as religious proscription of homosexuality) has to be outlawed.

That's one giant straw man you built up here - for one thing, you lump in everyone who opposes this disgusting instance of bigotry with 'leftists', then you saddle them all with the presumed belief that 'all cultures should be respected', and to cap it all off, you assert that they're in fact a bunch of hypocrites too on the basis of no evidence whatsoever !
And to add insult to injury, you seem to find nothing wrong with bigotry other than that it's 'non-PC' - while of course the whole concept of political correctness is indeed flawed.

Were it not for the fact that I'm very much saddened by that bigotry still existing in the 21st century, in some Christians* as well as in Islam and probably other religions, I'd find this instance of spurious reasoning highly amusing too.

* Obviously, I'm not going to hold the whole of Christianity responsible for a minority of narrowminded Neanderthals.
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