Gay student expelled from christian school for being gay .

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Christianity is a "hate group"??? But you can't say that about Muslims now, can you??

It is o.k. to dish out whatever misconceptions you have about Christianity and tar and feather an entire group of people because of the actions of individuals, but you better not generalize any other group of people in a negative way or you'll be a bigot!!

There exists in this world many people that call themselves Christians. Most of these folks are good people and only wish to live in peace as they wish everyone to live in peace.

But, because of the intolerance of a very small minority, you folks are willing to talk trash about ALL of them.


If I were to substitute "Muslim" for every mention of "Christian" in this thread (which can easily be accomplished considering that both religious philosophies frown on homosexuality), you people would be screaming bloody murder.

Interesting how you selectively choose to isolate Christianity, though. By doing this, you are playing into the hands of the fundamentalists, because prophecy said this would happen.

Anyway, my own take is that victimless "crimes" should bear no judgement or be prohibited by any law. We have way too many laws based upon victimless morality calls. Let us concentrate our very limited resources on those that commit violent acts upon others instead of wasting everyone's time persecuting the things that concentual adults engage in.

And about this school, are they kicking out the kids that are having premarital sex??? I'm pretty sure that is considered a sin, as well.
Originally posted by Double Barrel
Christianity is a "hate group"??? But you can't say that about Muslims now, can you??

It is o.k. to dish out whatever misconceptions you have about Christianity and tar and feather an entire group of people because of the actions of individuals, but you better not generalize any other group of people in a negative way or you'll be a bigot!!

I said MAINSTREAM Christianity. I know that not every person under the sun who calls himself a Christian is a gay-hater. But please do a poll, ask all Christians of the world about their opinion on gays. I would bet my life that the total MAJORITY is anti-gay. So my statement that mainstream Christianity is an anti-gay hate group is factual correct.

The Catholic Church is the largest christian faction in the world and it's the official policy of this institution that gays are scum and a threat to society.
Originally posted by Double Barrel
But, because of the intolerance of a very small minority, you folks are willing to talk trash about ALL of them.

Keep in mind that not all of us toke this oppotunity to bash christianity. But your post sounds as if you are speaking to all of us.

Because of the intolerance of a very small minority, you are willing to accuse us all of bigotry. Or at least this is how it sounds.
Then it's really simple: if you want to be gay, don't be christian. Thats it, have a nice day.

Homosexuality is not a choice just like heterosexuality is not a choice.

I have yet to see anyone back this claim up with hard proof.
Originally posted by andvruss

they can choose to change their lifestyle, which I hope they do. I am not against homosexuals, but homosexuality.

How can they change? Please explain this to me? I am straight and women turn me on. Plain and simple. I cannot change this, so how will a homosexual stop being turned on by the same sex?

Can you change this? If so you have a gift.
Originally posted by Mario Feldberg

I said MAINSTREAM Christianity. I know that not every person under the sun who calls himself a Christian is a gay-hater. But please do a poll, ask all Christians of the world about their opinion on gays. I would bet my life that the total MAJORITY is anti-gay. So my statement that mainstream Christianity is an anti-gay hate group is factual correct.

The Catholic Church is the largest christian faction in the world and it's the official policy of this institution that gays are scum and a threat to society.

A very small amount of christians are homophobic, unfortunately, the loudest part is the minority.
Originally posted by Speedo
Then it's really simple: if you want to be gay, don't be christian. Thats it, have a nice day.

No, I am sorry. It is not that simple. If someone is gay, they should still be allowed to embrace chrisitianity. Most christians and most denominations of chrisitanity are very open to homo's. The priest at my church is gay.
Originally posted by Goonie

A very small amount of christians are homophobic, unfortunately, the loudest part is the minority.

As said before I don't believe that. Too bad that we can't easily test it. I am 100% sure that the results would prove me right.
Originally posted by Speedo

I guess it comes down to semantics in how you define "homosexual." The Bible condemns only the sexual act in itself, so someone who has homosexual urges but doesn't act on them hasn't done anything. Likewise, for someone who has done the act, it can be forgiven just like any other sin.
It also says that committing the sin in your mind is the same as actually physically doing it.

Originally posted by Håkan Eriksson

That would be to deny who they are and to live a lie, that´s no way of living. That's a way of dieing.

There are two ways for a homosexuall to live. As a homosexuall (and that could be living just like you, only that the homosexuall would be searching for a boyfriend insted of a girlfriend) or to live a compleatly destructive life pretending to be a hetro.
or, as is the case with "gay christians", living a life of frustrating celibacy with no hope in sight.
Just found this thread.

2 years at CFC at the end of the next month, and never have I felt more assured in my beliefs than reading PantheraTigris2's posts.

I hope that I never have come across like that to any of you.
andrewgprv, of course I wasn't talking about you or anyone else that strives for moderation. My apologies that my thoughts were not expressed well enough to clearly define my intent. :)

Anyway, just because someone does not agree with homosexuality does not make them hateful.

But, regardless if it is DNA or choice (I happen to believe that it can be both, some choose and others are born that way), we should still respect the individual, especially when it comes down to something that is none of our damn business and involves concentual adults!

If there is love in someone's heart, then who are we to question the object of their desire?
I haven't read through this thread, for two reasons: it's late; it's probably full of nonsense comments slamming the school and not much else.

But what's the big fuss about? It is a Christian school, you know. Christianity doesn't exactly encourage this sort of behaviour, in fact, you may even say it's considered sinful...


So why the big fuss, exactly?

The point of this thread? I have no idea. The sensationalist nonsense is easily negated by the use of "Chrisitian school" in the title, and should demonstrate the lack of need for any debate.
Originally posted by Toasty
Just found this thread.

2 years at CFC at the end of the next month, and never have I felt more assured in my beliefs than reading PantheraTigris2's posts.

I hope that I never have come across like that to any of you.

Grow up and learn to accept that not everyone will have your beliefs, but you will still need to get along with these people.
Originally posted by Double Barrel
But, regardless if it is DNA or choice (I happen to believe that it can be both, some choose and others are born that way), we should still respect the individual, especially when it comes down to something that is none of our damn business and involves concentual adults!

well, I (and Science) don't know if it is DNA or environment or ,most likely, a combination of both but seriously, how can anyone choose his sexual orientation? I like the look of a woman, her odour, her voice, it is so hardwired even if I would watch Calvin Klein Models while calling a gay Line and listening to Diana Ross songs 24H/day, I would still be straight. also keep in mind that being gay usually causes trouble, with family, friends, school, work. so do you think gays are all masochists with a weird joy of having problems?
Originally posted by phoenix_night

it's probably full of nonsense comments slamming the school and not much else.

With all due respect, but it's pretty arrogant to arrive at that judgment without reading this thread.

Originally posted by phoenix_night

So why the big fuss, exactly?

Where have you been ? This is CFC OT - OF COURSE we're going to get worked up about this :D !

Originally posted by phoenix_night

The sensationalist nonsense is easily negated by the use of "Chrisitian school" in the title, and should demonstrate the lack of need for any debate.

The point of debate is not to convince one another, but to propose one's opinions. No debate was ever 'needed' - we'll just debate whenever we dam well feel like it, thank you very much ;).
:rolleyes: I think i'll convert to Gristianity. Moderator Action: I suposed you did not notice that 2 other posters were previously restricted over the Gristian spam/mockery bit?, warned
Please read the forum rules: It's more...

... welcoming.

But seriously, there is nothing good about what has been done. And they talk about being proud of their religion :rolleyes:
Originally posted by jack merchant
With all due respect, but it's pretty arrogant to arrive at that judgment without reading this thread.


Originally posted by jack merchant
Where have you been ? This is CFC OT - OF COURSE we're going to get worked up about this :D !

I know. But that doens't mean it makes sense...


Originally posted by jack merchant
The point of debate is not to convince one another, but to propose one's opinions. No debate was ever 'needed' - we'll just debate whenever we dam well feel like it, thank you very much ;).

Far from deciding the aims of any debate or whether a debate should exist; I simply do not see how such a simple event can be turned into a four page debate like this. What is there to debate? To give an opinion on? Why the mad face in the thread title?


Originally posted by Japanrocks12
:rolleyes: I think i'll convert to Gristianity. It's more...

... welcoming.

But seriously, there is nothing good about what has been done. And they talk about being proud of their religion :rolleyes:

Why should they be ashamed of this event? You seem to think they should, I don't see why.
Phoenix if you'll read the linked article you'll see that the school denied expelling the student over being gay. The student claims this is the reason for expulsion.

I for one believe if a private school wants to be discriminatory then let them but by all means they can at least admit that they are discriminating rather then hiding the fact.
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