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Gedemon's Civilization, development thread


Super Moderator
Oct 4, 2004
Quick Introduction

Welcome to my main project for Civilization VI, that I hope to be able to develop in the years to come.

Initially I planned to name it Gedemon's Civilization Overhaul (to change from R.E.D. something or Yet not Another That), but "overhaul" has a meaning that does not apply to my development philosophy, I do not pretend that this will be better than the base game, or more fun, or more "realist", it will certainly be a lot less balanced, and, of course, I certainly don't pretend to compare myself with Sid Meier.

No, Gedemon's Civilization means that this is a tentative to translate my personal vision of a Civilization game into a mod, I won't call it a total conversion either, this is not going to be a pure WWII wargame or a Heroic Fantasy mod, but a lot of the core mechanisms will be radically changed.

I've started to design this very early with Civ5, for example my WWII mod started as a simple project to test a different approach to the combats system before becoming a total conversion, and most of my other mods were part of the same global vision.

I'm not going to develop all components individually this time, it was too difficult to balance for the base game, other mods compatibility, and my own goal.

So this will be a single mod including mechanisms of my R.E.D. WWII, Revolutions, Cultural Diffusion and Historical Spawn Date from civ5, and it will requires dependency with R.E.D. Modpack (if I add new units, they'll use that scale) and YnAMP (for a unique setup screen) and will also, I'm afraid, be incompatible with most big mods.

If some of you want to extract some mechanisms for independent mods or want to make compatibility patch, I'll be happy to provide advice, but I will not work on that, so please, don't ask me if I can do them: I can't.

In this thread, I will post examples of the new mechanisms as I'm developing them, and I'm looking for early feedback. Not new ideas or request, please, there are two sub forums for that here and here (I do browse them), but feedback on the existing/planned mechanisms of the mod and how they may break at some point.

At this point of the development, balance is not the primary concern, the mod is a proof of concept for various things, it's not even an alpha version, I'll start calling it "alpha" when all base mechanisms are coded and linked, then we can start working on balance (and a new Buildings list, a new Tech tree, a new Civics tree, ...)

And finally, before writing the first post introducing a new mechanism, a reminder: IRL can take me away from modding any time, it has happened in the past, and may happen again, so I'm not going to make any promise, but it's a project for which I'd love to have a version 1.0 at some point.

No E.T.A. for anything of course, but when I've written "years" in the first sentence, it was literal.

As my other mods the development version is on GitHub.

Installation: See the installation thread
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Mod Development Status

  • Units
Spoiler :

  • Damage
    • Kill/Damage/Wound Personnel, Materiel, Horses [done]
    • Capturing Personnel, Materiel, Food [done]
    • Capturing Fuel [not started]
    • Equipement [done]
  • Healing/Repairing
    • Personnel, Materiel [done]
    • Equipment [W.I.P.]
  • Consumption
    • Food [done]
    • Fuel [W.I.P.]
  • Construction conditions/restrictions [done]
  • Handle components left on death after a ranged attack [not started]
  • Handle components lost after retreating [not started]
  • Morale
    • Variation on events [done]
    • Desertion Rate [done]
    • Combat effects [not started]
  • Loyalty [not started]
  • Reliability (mechanical units only) [not started]

  • Supply Lines to units
Spoiler :

  • Find path from units to closest city [done]
  • Supply Personnel, Materiel, Horses, Food [done]
  • Supply Equipment [done]
  • Send surplus, Prisoners, looted Resources back to city [done]
  • Use improvements to stock Resources and act as supply sources [not started]

  • Trade
Spoiler :

  • Find route (traders, road, river, sea) between Cities [done]
  • Transfer Resources between own cities [done]
  • Import/Export Resources with other Civilizations cities [done]
  • Transaction log [not started] (see Lua.log for debugging)

  • Cities
Spoiler :

  • Social Stratification
    • Upper, Middle, Lower classes [done]
    • Slaves [W.I.P.]
  • Collecting Resources
    • Get Resources on city tiles [done]
    • Get Resources on nearby water tiles [done]
  • Converting Resources [done]
  • Size related to Real Population [done]
  • Growth
    • Variable Death Rates
      • Raised by food rationing [done]
      • Raised by low health level [not started]
      • Raised by disease [not started]
      • Lowered by techs, buildings [not started]
    • Variable Birth Rates
      • Lowered by food rationing [done]
      • Lowered by low housing [done]
      • Raised by various event (similar to "we love the king day") [not started]
  • Consumption
    • Food [done]
    • Energy [not started]
  • Damage
    • Kill / Capture / Wound population / personnel when wall is down or during bombardement [not started]
    • Loot Resources % when wall is down [done]
  • Healing/Repair
    • Heal wounded population / personnel [not started]
    • Use Materiel/Resources to restore HP [done]
  • Buildings conditions/restrictions [done]

  • Dynamic Borders
Spoiler :

  • Front Lines [not started]
  • Culture Diffusion
    • Diffusing Culture for each Civilizations on map tiles [done]
  • Tile flipping
    • From Culture [done]
    • Locked from Diplomacy [not started]
    • Locked from Improvements [W.I.P.]
    • Locked from War/Capture [not started]

  • Revolutions/Stability [not started]
  • Diplomacy [not started]
  • Health system [not started]
  • Economy/Budget [not started]
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COMBAT : new healing mechanism with supply lines, introducing Morale value for units
CITY : Social Stratification and new growth mechanism

Those who have played with R.E.D. WWII are familiar with the healing mechanism using supply lines, but it has been slightly modified.

Any fighting units will require multiple components (Personnel, Horses, Vehicles, Materiel) affected at different positions in the unit:

  • Front Line : combat ready, units HP are restored only if there is enough reserve to move to front line for all required components
  • Reserve : ready to reinforce front line, that's where reinforcements from cities, healed personnel and repaired Vehicles are affected first
  • Rear : that's where the food (and other resources, except Materiel which is either used in front line or available for reinforcement in reserve) are stocked, it's also the position for the wounded personnel and damaged vehicles

Spoiler Warrior composition :

Here you can see a Warrior composition, it requires 2000 personnel and 30 materiel in front line to be at full "combat" health, the reserve values are the unit's base value, they have not been drained yet.

You can note that this unit is linked to Cairo at 28% efficiency (this is based on distance)

If the reserve were not at full capacity, the unit would ask for reinforcement, for example if it had 500 personnel left in reserve, it would ask Cairo to send 1000 to refill it, but with that efficiency it would receive at max 280 (if Cairo have this quantity of personnel available)

Spoiler Scout composition :

You may have noted that the warrior's food stock was going down, units feed on the terrain, using the food yield of the tile they are on, and a fraction of the adjacent tiles yield (shared with other units in the area, a large army may have food problem, as limited stacking is possible between ranged and melee units)

In a desert they don't find enough food, and will require stock from the city they are linked too.

The scout have less personnel than most units and can survive almost anywhere even when they are too far to be linked to a city.

Spoiler City composition :

City have "real" population and also use social stratification. The ratio between classes will depend on buildings, civics, techs, government, etc...

Growth is calculated from Birth and Death Rate, with a base variation between class and further variation relative to each class from external events.

The only one coded ATM is food rationing (which happens when the stock goes below a threshold), it will raise the death rate of all classes, but much more the DR of the lower class than the upper class.

OTOH, for game play reasons, the lower class has the highest birth rate.

The cities always keep 50% of the stock for themselves, the food stock in Cairo is not raising because anything collected above the 50% is currently send to the warrior in the desert.

Don't mind the "3031" for turns before growth, it's not linked to the new mechanism yet.

Spoiler Warrior collecting and eating food :

At the beginning of your turn, there will be a floating text above your units to show the food collected from the terrain and eaten from the stock each turn, here you can see the Warrior restoring some of its stock after leaving the desert area...

Spoiler a Warrior far from home... :

Here you can see for the first time a negative effect on an unit's morale: it's now too far from Cairo to receive any reinforcement or supply, and if it's staying in the area, it's going to have food rationing problems (which also affect morale)

The Morale value only affect a desertion rate (personnel deserting from reserve then front line) when it goes down ATM, but there are a lot of potential use (retreating or forcing another unit to retreat for example), and I also plan to combine it with a "loyalty" value when implementing the Revolutions mechanisms.

Spoiler Floating texts from combat results :

Each combat will generate multiple lines of floating text expanding the result, that particular line shows the loss in personnel from the front line of this warrior after a ranged attack by the slinger: 93 deads, 0 prisonners (not possible for a ranged attack) and 279 wounded (send to the "rear")

On a side note, I hope that custom font icons will be possible soon.

Spoiler Warrior healing floating text :

At the beginning of a player turn, his units will "heal", which in the cas of our Warrior require transfer from a bit of materiel and a lot of personnel from the reserve to the front line.

The transfer amount is limited, an unit will not completely heal in one turn from an attack of an equivalent unit.

Still the combats are longer because of this and the base values that I have tweaked: I do want them to be longer, as in R.E.D. WWII, one shoot should not be possible.

Which means you can still have some reserve but a very low "combat" health, and when that health reach 0 (no more components in front line), the unit is destroyed (and the reserve and wounded may be captured)

"Strategical retreat" is an option to consider.

A quick note about the AI, this will of course not help it, but from the R.E.D. WWII experience (I did tell you it was made to test those mechanisms, didn't I ?) it's not that bad compared to vanilla AI, we may just have to scale the difficulty. And I'd like alliance mechanisms (military or economic) to be a good balance for runaway civ/player.

So on that picture above we can see 228 personnel and 2 materiel transferred from reserve to front line. A Modern Armor would require very different ratio, including vehicles (but stick to the very first eras if you want to play test the mod, I've not coded vehicles yet)

Spoiler Melee attack result :

As you can see, during a melee attack some of the front line personnel may be captured, the Warrior has lost 77 personnel this way here.

Prisoners are sorted by nationality, they'll be converted to slave in cities (adding to the total population and so the city size) and may also be used diplomatically (nothing coded on that part yet)

Spoiler Morale is going down for the Slinger :

You can see all possible negative effect on the morale of an unit on the above picture.

Note the Arabian prisoners in the "rear" section (but do not note the typo please :blush:), if the Warrior kill that Slinger they will be transferred back to the Warrior's reserve as personnel.

Spoiler The fate of the wounded :

Each turn, during the healing phase, some of the wounded will die and some will be healed and reintegrated in the unit's reserve. As everything else, the ratio will change by era, depending on tech, promotions, etc...

In the future, wounded will also be send back to a city if a link exist, the dead/healed ratio will be better there (also depending on era, buildings, etc...)

Small note while we're speaking of that, health will be a value used in city growth, and bad health could lead to spreading diseases.

Spoiler Warrior vs Spearmen combat result :

What is interesting to note here is the difference between the dead/captured/wounded ratio with the previous melee combat against the Slinger.

Units may have (and some already have, hence the difference) lower or higher antipersonnel values.

The Slinger has a low value, the personnel lost from front line is mostly wounded, while the Warrior and Spearmen have a normal value and the personnel lost is mostly killed.

In future updates Era difference may influence that (less dead when fighting a lower era unit, more dead when fighting a higher era unit)

Spoiler Heavy rationing in a city :

In that city the death rates of the lower class is now more important than the birth rate, but after applying the social stratification ratio, the other classes are also affected more than just because of the change in their own DR ratio.

While under heavy rationing the food consumption is much lower, and that state is locked for a few turns, which allow the stock to be restored a bit.

Spoiler A few turns later... :

The stock is higher, the city is now under medium rationing, population is raising again... and will of course trigger another heavy rationing phase :undecide:

Don't worry, I'll add new buildings to control housing (most of the actual ones are going to control health) very early in the game.

Low housing will limit the birth rate, allowing you to control better when to allow a city to growth if there is not enough food in the area.

Also note that there will be buildings to convert resources (wheat, sheep, ..) to food

Spoiler First new city, first transfer link... :


Transfer are automatically made between cities of the same civilization if there is a river route (as in the above picture), a road, a sea route, or a trader linking them.

The routes have different efficiency, limiting the amount that can be transferred, using a trader will allow 100% efficiency.

International transfer will not be automatic, unless a specific trade agreement is made, or simply when using a trader unit.

Spoiler And first transfer the following turn :


As when transferring to units, cities keep a percentage of their stock to themselves (more important for city transfer : 75%), and will transfer only to a city that as less quantity of a resource.

In the above case 45 is the reserve value of the stock of sheep in Cairo, the surplus (6 sheeps) has been send to Damietta.

There is no migration of population coded yet, but it's planned, at least for later eras.
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Small update on GitHub

- add external trade routes between cities of different civilization: by using a trader unit, or with road/rivers/sea routes and open borders
- add income to resources transferred between cities of different civilization (with a bonus for exporting and relative value by resource classes)
Another update on GitHub

- change "vehicles" to "Equipment" concept for units.
- tweak culture diffusion values
- add Wood as a new resource, collected from Forest and Jungles
- add code for Industries (buildings converting resources), Granary now converts Wheat and Rice to Food
- improved tiles give more resources
- various bug fixes
Fantastic. This definitely does improve the game play, although the developers have become complacent when making civilization. I wish there was a way to rid the game of districts. What's more, the graphics add nothing to the game. Albeit this is just my opinion. I wish the game would be a mixture between sim city and total war.

Just one quick question, how can I unlock city states when playing these rules? Once the rule set is enabled I can no longer load city states on the giant earth map.

What's more, would it be possible to create a version of your earth mod, but with more city states?
There is a section in modscript.lua that remove CS that you can delete.

I've not expanded the diplomacy section yet, I don't plan to have CS in the final mod, but I will reintroduce suzerainty in different form, hoping to find something interesting to allow proxy war.

About district, I will remove some, and those left will have to be build adjacent to another or city center to keep consistency with the culture diffusion and tile flipping mechanisms.
Some more visualizations of trade network :

Spoiler Trader and River Routes :

On the screen above, you can see all the cities Delhi is sending resources to:
- Mumbai using a Trader Route
- Calcutta and Baltimore using a River Route (you can see that those are not affected by mountains)

Note that Baltimore is exporting resources to Delhi (Bananas) and Mumbai is transferring resources to Delhi (Marble)

Calcutta is not sending resources to Delhi, on mouse over its name you would not see a visualization, only the routes for resources going out are shown (but I do plan a report screens at the city level for all routes)

In the mod context I use "transfert" when sending resources to another city of the same civilization and "export" when sending resources to a foreign city (ATM this requires Open Borders, except when using a Trader, I'd like to have this linked to a new diplomatic agreement)

Transfers does not generate incomes, but Import/Export does (for gameplay reasons, you'll get more gold from exporting than from importing, which means that, yes, importing is also a source of income)

Spoiler Coastal and Road Routes :

Here you see that Philadelphia is sending resources to:
- Los Angeles using a Coastal Route
- Washington using a Road Route (in fact a Trader Route from Washington, but it will become a Road Route once the Trader is affected to another city)

Spoiler I call that a feature ! :

You can't see Routes linking to a city you've not discovered, but you can see a Route between two cities you know, even if you haven't discovered all the plots forming the Route.

But to create a Route, your own cities will require you to reveal all plots.

In the example above, Scythia has explored all the required plots, which allows Kostromskaya to Export resources to Calcutta, but Calcutta can't create the reverse Route until I've revealed it.

I do think it's an acceptable gameplay mechanism, you know the two cities, you know there is a route between them, you even know the path, but you don't know what's on it, and so your own traders requires you to map it.
This seems incredibly interesting! Just after you were talking about the plausibility of making a total conversion mod here you are building an amazing one! So is this meant to be a mod that affects all Eras? Will I be able to play a normal TSL YNAEMP game from start to finish? Or will you attach a Scenario to it? Or will you make a WWII only scenario for it like you did Civ 5?
It means to affect all eras, it's too early in the design phase to plan the units/buildings/tech/civic trees, but I'd like to have longer eras, in relation with Historical Spawning Dates.

It's planned to be used on any map including those from YnAMP.

And I don't see why it can't be used with scenario... On one with fixed diplomacy it may even be possible before the mod is ready for the normal game.


Another small update on GitHub
- add code to give buildings a storage capacity for resources
- add code to allow for each resource specific values for percentage of stock to reserve for units/industries/transfer/export/import
- various bug fixes
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Well it sounds pretty nice! This mod sounds like it has everything that I would want in Civ with the exception of Vassals. I know you don't want to have CS in the game and want a different form of Suzerainty. I am interested to know how you plan to change Diplomacy among Civs and Civ relationships. How you will be able to make a pseudo Suzerainty over other Civs or if you will be able to vassalize civs and the such. And I am guessing you will (Like in the Civ 5 WW2 mod) have the ability to capture tiles with military troops? (That is probably what I wanted the most as its own mod in Civ 5 for plenty of other scenarios)
Gedemon, this is truly brilliant. The trade network will revolutionise gameplay much like your other ideas. Is there also scope to create trade blocs, grand military alliances and better governmental features, such as controlling taxes etc? I really hope that the civ team hire you to work on future games.

Meanwhile, I am going to revert back to civ 5. The game's (unneeded) graphics system means the game is way too slow on my computer. What's more, I dislike districts way too much. As I said, I wish for a game which is a mix between a city simulator and total war - and years ago I did hope civ would go in this direction.

Great work though, Ged, you are one of the good ones! Also, my idea of the civ states would purely be about making the game run quicker (with less civs), what's more in civ 5, I used the editor to create Canada through city states, by increasing boundaries of Canadian cities, and was able to do similar stuff with other cities.

If you do add a historic spawn mod into the mix, would it be possible to start with more cities, so that there is no territorial disadvantage? For instance, if you are the USA, it would be unlikely for an AI to simulate the rapid growth of this country,especially if other spaces on the map are already occupied.
Spoiler Another trade network example :

This one is interesting to illustrate that routes may have different efficiency over distance.

Efficiency controls how much resources can be send from cityA to cityB, the current value for Road Routes efficiency is lower than the value for Sea Routes, that's why Pazyryk is using Coastal Routes to Neapolis and Kostromskaya instead of the available shorter Road Routes.

Note that the path must be free of enemy units, if there were ships blockading Pazyryk, it would use the Road Routes (transferring less resources) and would be cut from Calcutta.
Well it sounds pretty nice! This mod sounds like it has everything that I would want in Civ with the exception of Vassals. I know you don't want to have CS in the game and want a different form of Suzerainty. I am interested to know how you plan to change Diplomacy among Civs and Civ relationships. How you will be able to make a pseudo Suzerainty over other Civs or if you will be able to vassalize civs and the such. And I am guessing you will (Like in the Civ 5 WW2 mod) have the ability to capture tiles with military troops? (That is probably what I wanted the most as its own mod in Civ 5 for plenty of other scenarios)

See https://github.com/Gedemon/Civ6-GCO/blob/master/Concepts.txt for a draft of what's roughly planned.

A lot depend of what can be done with the actual codes related to send/receive informations in network games for the new mechanisms.

For example, if sliders can't be made for economy in MP, new Policies could be used as setting them will register in MP games (but with of course less customization possible)

But a way to synchronise decisions is an absolute requirement for a total diplomatic override.

And yes, Front Lines are planned as a part of the dynamic borders.

If you do add a historic spawn mod into the mix, would it be possible to start with more cities, so that there is no territorial disadvantage? For instance, if you are the USA, it would be unlikely for an AI to simulate the rapid growth of this country,especially if other spaces on the map are already occupied.
The actual HSD use various balance mechanisms, one of those being that later spawning civs got a building in each of their new cities that gives an amount of every yield as a permanent bonus (more bonuses the later they spawn), they also got a number of settlers related to the average number of cities for existing civs.

But that's a generic balance, the component will be integrated to this mod to use its mechanisms for specific balance, including Revolutions.
Permanent agreement between 2 nations, 1 being considered less powerful (client score <65% of suzerain score ?)
Agreement can be revoked anytime by any party (with relation/thrust modifiers affected, may cause war), or by the client (without penalty) if its score became >85% of suzerain
Client states types:
+ Satellite State (modern, require same government))
The term satellite state designates a country that is formally independent in the world,
but under heavy political, economic and military influence or control from another country.
- Suzerain can decide the Client diplomacy independantly of it's own (proxy war, ...)
- de facto Non Agression Pact
- Defensive Pact from Suzerain (more protected than a Puppet State, but how does that play with proxy war ?)
- common Open Market
- common Open Borders
+ Associated state (modern)
An associated state is the minor partner in a formal, free relationship between a political territory with a degree of statehood and a (usually larger) nation,
for which no other specific term, such as protectorate, is adopted.
- Open Borders given to Suzerain
- under complete military protection of Suzerain (give control of all its military land units, Defensive Pact from Suzerain)
- not required to follow the Suzerain in wars
- limited diplomacy (can't declare war independantly of Suzerain or join a different alliance than Suzerain')
- de facto Non Agression Pact
- common Open Market
+ Puppet State (modern, can have different government)
A puppet state is a metaphor of a state that is supposedly independent but is in fact dependent upon an outside power.
It is nominally sovereign but effectively controlled by a foreign or otherwise alien power, for reasons such as financial interests.
A puppet state preserves the external paraphernalia of independence like a name, flag, anthem, constitution, law codes and motto but in reality is an organ of another state which created or sponsored the government
- Strict following of Suzerain diplomacy actions (DOW, DOF, Denounce, Embargo, ...), with lesser modifiers penalties
- Suzerain can decide the Client diplomacy independantly of it's own (proxy war, ...)
- Exchange Territorial Integrity and Non Agression Pact (But both exchange occupied territory before applying)
- Open Borders given to Suzerain
- Open Market given to Suzerain
+ Colony (other continent, far from Capital city)
In politics and history, a colony is a territory under the immediate political control of a state, distinct from the home territory of the sovereign.
Some colonies were historically countries, while others were territories without definite statehood from their inception.
The Metropolitan state is the state that owns the colony.
Unlike a puppet state or satellite state, a colony has no independent international representation,
and its top-level administration is under direct control of the metropolitan state.
- Inherit the Diplomatic relations of the Suzerain (de faco Non Agression and Defensive Pacts but also follow in offensive wars and every diplomatic actions, including economics)
- Open Borders given to Suzerain
- Open Market given to Suzerain
- Exchange Territorial Integrity
+ Protectorate
A protectorate, in its inception adopted by modern international law,
is a dependent territory that has been granted local autonomy and some independence while still retaining the suzerainty of a greater sovereign state.
In exchange for this, the protectorate usually accepts specified obligations, which may vary greatly, depending on the real nature of their relationship
- Exchange Territorial Integrity
- Exchange Non Agression Pact
- More inclined to accept Suzerain diplomatic demands
- Open Borders given to Suzerain
- Open Market given to Suzerain
- Defensive Pact from Suzerain
+ Vassal State (pre-modern) -> Satellite State or Puppet State
A vassal state is any state that is subordinate to another. The vassal in these cases is the ruler, rather than the state itself.
Being a vassal most commonly implies providing military assistance to the dominant state when requested to do so.
It sometimes implies paying tribute, but a state which does so is better described as a tributary state.
In simpler terms the vassal state would have to provide military power to the dominant state.
Today, more common terms are puppet state, protectorate or associated state.
- Strict following of Suzerain diplomacy actions (DOW, DOF, Denounce, Embargo, ...), with lesser modifiers penalties
- Must defend the Suzerain when attacked
- Can have its own diplomacy (including declaration of war)
- Exchange Territorial Integrity and Non Agression Pact (But both exchange occupied territory before applying)
- Open Borders given to Suzerain
- Open Market given to Suzerain
+ Tributary State (pre-modern) -> Associated State or Satellite State
The term tributary state refers to one of the two main ways in which a pre-modern state might be subordinate to a more powerful state.
The heart of the relationship was that the tributary would send a regular token of submission (tribute) to the superior power.
This token often took the form of a substantial transfer of wealth, such as the delivery of gold, produce, or slaves,
so that tribute might best be seen as the payment of protection money.
- Give something to Suzerain (gold per turn, Open Market, ...)
- Do not oppose Suzerain in diplomacy (Client count less negative modifiers to Suzerain action)
- Exchange Territorial Integrity and Non Agression Pact
Hegemony as a possible victory condition ?

If this is something that can be used against other Civs and this is the future of diplomacy in your mod? This will be my favorite mod of all time.
small update again on GitHub:

add code to allow a building to create one resource type using multiple different resources (for example steel using iron and coal)
add code to allow a building to create multiple resource types using one resource type (for example leather and meat with cattle)
add butchery building to test the above code
various bug fixes
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