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General Politics the second: But what is politics?

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According to the BEEB the flood dislodged a number of land mines.
Images from the bus show great damage to the inner side of its roof, among other areas. Which is one of the causes of speculation.


Regardless, the team simply lacked the needed security.
Something else, that occurs to me... since this is a federal case against Hunter Biden... it seems pretty obvious that even if he got convicted, his Dad is literally POTUS so he's going to be pardoned...

No way would Joe pardon Hunter. Even if he were inclined to, which I don't think he would be, the politics of the situation won't let him do it.
I saw somewhere that it was in the neighborhood of 2-300, with none brought as a stand-alone case, always in conjunction with some other gun-related crime. But don't quote me.
I'm quoting you... cause I do what I want and I like to live dangerously.
No way would Joe pardon Hunter. Even if he were inclined to, which I don't think he would be, the politics of the situation won't let him do it.
If Hunter Biden is given years of Federal felony jail time, HIS DAD is going to pardon him, 100%, its not even a question of if. Its done. There is no way as a Dad you are letting YOUR SON rot in jail when you have the absolute power to wave your magic wand (pen) and let him out.

The only question is when he will give Hunter the pardon and I will agree that the politics/optics will influence that. My bet would be that at a minimum, Biden waits until he is either re-elected or not re-elected, but the last month/week of his "lame-duck" period is the absolute latest that he would issue the pardon. Either way, there is no effing way that Joe Biden leaves office with his son languishing in jail.

First of all, no, its not happening :nope:... secondly, Jill would divorce him over some crap like that... "You're going to leave OUR SON to rot in jail?!? :dubious: Over POLITICS?!? :gripe:" No way Jill Biden is letting that stand. Joe wouldn't even be able to go to sleep at night without listening to her scream at him for at least 2 hours every night. He will have to pardon Hunter... there's just no possibility that he wouldn't. Write it down now and go ahead and smash that quote button.
If Hunter Biden is given years of Federal felony jail time, HIS DAD is going to pardon him, 100%, its not even a question of if. Its done. There is no way as a Dad you are letting YOUR SON rot in jail when you have the absolute power to wave your magic wand (pen) and let him out.

The only question is when he will give Hunter the pardon and I will agree that the politics/optics will influence that. My bet would be that at a minimum, Biden waits until he is either re-elected or not re-elected, but the last month/week of his "lame-duck" period is the absolute latest that he would issue the pardon. Either way, there is no effing way that Joe Biden leaves office with his son languishing in jail.

First of all, no, its not happening :nope:... secondly, Jill would divorce him over some crap like that... "You're going to leave OUR SON to rot in jail?!? :dubious: Over POLITICS?!? :gripe:" No way Jill Biden is letting that stand. Joe wouldn't even be able to go to sleep at night without listening to her scream at him for at least 2 hours every night. He will have to pardon Hunter... there's just no possibility that he wouldn't. Write it down now and go ahead and smash that quote button.
I don't get this at all.
Who gaf if "Jill will divorce him". These people aren't kings and queens. You can't just cancel a court ruling in such a case, in a show of force.
Even the british royals went around it, by securing the matter would not get to court (eg prince Andrew re Epstein), not crudely cancel the ruling of the court.
Who gaf if "Jill will divorce him".
:confused: Huh?

Joe does, that's who... and that's all that matters.

Joe - "Well hun, it looks like they are sending Hunter to Federal prison"
Jill - "Um, no they're not sweetheart, because you're the POTUS and you're going to pardon him"
Joe - "Well honey, its not that simpl...
Jill - "Sure it is sweetheart. You're not letting my son sit in jail over Politics"
Joe - "Uh, gee, er, ummm"
Jill - "Sweetheart, you're going to pardon him or I am going to file for divorce"
Joe - "Yes Dear, I'll do it in the morning"
Jill - "You'll do it right now, here's the phone"
Joe - "Yes Dear"

However, I agree with you that the most likely scenario is that the matter is resolved without Hunter actually getting sentenced to any jail time. He would be pretty stupid to let himself get convicted to a term in Federal prison, in part, precisely because of the akward position it would put his parents, particularly his father in as POTUS.
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:confused: Huh?

Joe does, that's who... and that's all that matters.

Joe - "Well hun, it looks like they are sending Hunter to Federal prison"
Jill - "Um, no they're not sweetheart, because you're the POTUS and you're going to pardon him"
Joe - "Well honey, its not that simpl...
Jill - "Sure it is sweetheart. You're not letting my son sit in jail over Politics"
Joe - "Uh, gee, er, ummm"
Jill - "Sweetheart, you're going to pardon him or I am going to file for divorce"
Joe - "Yes Dear, I'll do it in the morning"
Jill - "You'll do it right now, here's the phone"
Joe - "Yes Dear"
Sure. But isn't it a bit way too on the nose?
Some family faces such each week in the US.
It's not the right Court, but regardless, it still undercuts the case.
Well, if this speeds the SCOTUS striking the statue to bring appellate clarity, I'll take loosing a ****bag who ****bag Sr. is going to pardon anyways as an overall win.
I like to live dangerously
I also like to live dangerously. So I will quote you quoting me even in a case where I can't provide the primary data.
I'm also with you on your view of Joe pardoning Hunter.
Well, if this speeds the SCOTUS striking the statue to bring appellate clarity, I'll take loosing a ****bag who ****bag Sr. is going to pardon anyways as an overall win.
I can certainly get people not particularly liking Joe Biden, but I don't think he rises to the level of that moniker. Hunter? Sure fire away, but Joe?... seems uncalled for.

The "Brandon" slogan is pretty clever and actually quite humorous. I think it gets the job done just fine.

Like McCain... or Romney... Joe is about as elder statesman as it gets nowadays. You may not care for them or their politics, but they don't warrant the same level of disdain/insults as someone like, Trump for example.
Pardoning your felon son qualifies one for the term, so within this discussion, I'll use it. I don't use it elsewhere. I even linked it with the "sr" term, he can bathe in the light of his creation.
I don't agree. In fact I'd lean towards thinking less of him as a Dad if he didn't pardon his son, just to score political points with a bunch of virtue signaling. Sacrificing your own son on the altar of approval ratings? Now that would be worthy of some choice insults..

Nobody is a perfect parent. My Dad was still blaming himself for our (his kids') mistakes up until the day he died, even though we were grown adults.

That's still his baby boy and he's going to protect him, for better or worse. If I can give the Trump kids a pass for sticking by their despicable father (I do... because afterall, that's their Dad) then I can give Joe a pass for pardoning his son.

"God so loved the world" so as to give up his only begotten son. The point of that verse (and the Abraham - Issac story), is to drive home how exceptional of a sacrifice it would be, and the exceptional circumstances which would call for it, right? "poll numbers" isn't the correct scenario, and neither is "virtue signaling"... not even close.

Plus, I'm sure that Joe Biden is going to be pardoning a lot worse than, "illegally purchased firearms" and "lying on permit applications" before he leaves office.
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Then the smell sticks to them all. Hard stop.

It's not like I get a pass from the kid being socially inept as hell. There are real social costs, at least, if you aren't primeir ****bag of the country numero uno.
If Hunter Biden is given years of Federal felony jail time, HIS DAD is going to pardon him, 100%, its not even a question of if. Its done. There is no way as a Dad you are letting YOUR SON rot in jail when you have the absolute power to wave your magic wand (pen) and let him out.

I have zero doubt that my parents would let me face the consequences of my actions because they would consider it wrong to intervene both in the sense that it wouldn't be ethical of them and in the sense that it would be bad for me to feel like I can do whatever I want and get away with it because of who my parents are.

Now, maybe you're right about the hypothetical conversation between Jill and Joe, but my response to Jill would be: you want to let fascists take over the country because our son, who is 53 years old, not 16, made bad choices and is facing the consequences of those choices?

You may be right that Joe pardons Hunter in his lame-duck period though. Still think the optics of that would be very bad but maybe not quite so consequential.
I don't agree. In fact I'd lean towards thinking less of him as a Dad if he didn't pardon his son, just to score political points with a bunch of virtue signaling. Sacrificing your own son on the altar of approval ratings? Now that would be worthy of some choice insults..

Nobody is a perfect parent. My Dad was still blaming himself for our (his kids') mistakes up until the day he died, even though we were grown adults.

That's still his baby boy and he's going to protect him, for better or worse. If I can give the Trump kids a pass for sticking by their despicable father (I do... because afterall, that's their Dad) then I can give Joe a pass for pardoning his son.
What are you talking about? :(
I am honestly surprised you think this way.
You can't just make a show of the law not applying to your son, when countless sons across the US are thrown to prison.
I have zero doubt that my parents would let me face the consequences of my actions because they would consider it wrong to intervene both in the sense that it wouldn't be ethical of them and in the sense that it would be bad for me to feel like I can do whatever I want and get away with it because of who my parents are.
First, I think you might be underestimating the lengths your parents would take to protect you, and maybe overestimating the lengths your parents would go to "teach you a lesson". I admit of course that I do not know your parents, so this is just pure speculation. However, if you were facing felony charges and you could not afford a lawyer, I suspect your parents might be willing to help you with that, if they could, because they would be willing to do what was in their power/means to do, in order to help their son. Joe Biden is probably going to be like any parent in this regard. He will do what is in his power to protect his son.

Also I think you're mixing apples and oranges a little with this. I am skeptical that the true "ethics" or "principle" of the situation would matter to Joe Biden as much as the political optics. In other words, my sense is that a decision to leave Hunter in prison would be less about "doing the right thing" and more about "how this makes me look politically". I just have a hard time believing that Joe Biden is totally above a little hypocrisy in the interest of protecting his son.
Now, maybe you're right about the hypothetical conversation between Jill and Joe, but my response to Jill would be: you want to let fascists take over the country because our son, who is 53 years old, not 16, made bad choices and is facing the consequences of those choices?
I don't follow how pardoning Hunter is "letting fascists take over the country":confused: Also... I am pretty sure that if Joe Biden were to let some squeeze like that fall out of his mouth to Jill, that she would slap the taste off his lips before he could even finish the sentence.
You may be right that Joe pardons Hunter in his lame-duck period though. Still think the optics of that would be very bad but maybe not quite so consequential.
Pardon or no pardon, the optics are going to be bad. The optics are already bad. Joe Biden's opponents are going to criticize him no matter what he does and his supporters will support him regardless. I don't think Biden gains or loses a single vote based on this, particularly, because he probably waits until after the election anyway.

@Kyriakos and Lexicus - I have to admit, that I am a little surprised at the extremely high regard you both seem to have for Joe Biden's moral character/principles. I mean I think Biden is a relatively respectable statesman, worthy of a degree of respect, certainly higher than the average politician, but wow... you guys seem to think that he's a real, true-blue boyscout :salute:
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Maybe in the the realm of hypocrisy and ethics, there have been some unstated "notes" about who refuses to stand up when weed vapers and gummy eaters are selectively deprived of core federal rights.

I don't think the man elected as the end-responsibility for enforcing those laws against all of us deciding he and his are above them is a positive development, though I do generally agree with your assessment of the situation. **** monarchs.
You don't have to be a "real, true-blue boyscout" to not make a reckless and blatant mockery of your country's law by cancelling the decision of a court to send your son to jail.
I also don't see what the parents paying for a lawyer has to do with a parent overruling the court.

Apart from the ridiculous nepotism of it all, I have to assume that the pardoning ability is meant for stuff that is explicitly tied to politics, not personal crime.
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