General Turn Information Thread III

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Romulan Commander
Retired Moderator
Nov 19, 2000
Cloaked Warbird in the Neutral Zone
In Sixchan's early absent I've compiled the polls and played 3 more turns. I need the governors, and any other cabinet member, to post their info here, so I can get the game e-mailed out.

I'll also posted some screenshots.

Any city that finished building a caravan, I decided to upgrade our defensive units. Replacing our outdated Phalanxes with Pikemen. Since we had SOOOOO many caravans sitting around, I decided to do some trading abroad. Building a ship now.

Turn 1
Lost our Exploring horseman to a Roman Elephant. :(
Changed completed caravans to Pikeman.
Starting road to complete connection between all homeland cities.

Turn 2
Chinese built Great Library.
Continued exploration near Rome.
Continuing completing road network.
Started Library in Athenae

Turn 3
Unknown City built Temple.
CornMaster is now building Pikeman.

Turn 4
Completed another Caravan in Olympia.
Continuing roads.
Moving caravans toward trieme.

Turn 5
Sixchan built temple.

Turn 6
Met the Zulus who had a size two city on Spycatcher Island.
Traded techs. Philo for Mathematics. Made peace.

Caravans are now on a trieme and on route to Mongolia.

Caravans and routes:
Fort Pornstar - Hides - Mongolia
Cornmaster - Dye - Mongolia
Olympia - Gems - Dreadtown

What I need done:
Governors to decide what should be built in our cities. DETAILS PLEASE!!
Leader of the Interior. Decide where our exploring Trieme should go. Also, what our extra 5 caravans should do? Build wonder? Trade? etc...
Foregin Minister. What to do with the Zulus. Where our foreign caravans should head in Mongolia.

Screenshots to follow...
Expansion Screen.


  • expansion.gif
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Cornmaster, as the Govenor of Deimos I respectfully request the current game file so that I can comply with your request as to what should be done with my province. Although, I must say right now that my people are not going to stand for having a Zulu city on Spycather Island.

Send the file to, if you could please.
as deputy governor I am going to post what I think we should do and if our Governor disagrees he may change it.

THDP :finish caravan and than build a settler to build roads

Potopolia should finish pikeman and than build granary and/or more settlers(you never have enough settlers)

Athenae should finish library than granary

The fort should finish library for now

Hmm previous rulers have posted specifically which cities need polls and that is quite helpful for us govenrnors...To check whether I am right, do you want polls for Cornmaster and Olympia?
Originally posted by Stormbringer
as deputy governor I am going to post what I think we should do and if our Governor disagrees he may change it.

THDP :finish caravan and than build a settler to build roads

Potopolia should finish pikeman and than build granary and/or more settlers(you never have enough settlers)

Athenae should finish library than granary

The fort should finish library for now


I agree with the first part, all of the cities should finish their current orders. I don't think we need settlers, because AoA built enough of them. What I need to know from Cornmaster is:
1) Which cities need polls ?
2) Do I have to poll on the current orders or the next orders ? Make a poll for both is very complicated, especially with only 4 options.
Originally posted by Dell19
Hmm previous rulers have posted specifically which cities need polls and that is quite helpful for us govenrnors...To check whether I am right, do you want polls for Cornmaster and Olympia?

Previous leaders had a CP Leader too, and no saved game to administer. It shouldn't take any more than 2-3 minutes to load up the game and make the decision for yourself....the governors wanted more power...but more power comes with more responsibility.
I agree with cornmaster. we don't need polls governors can decide on their own with the help of the deputy governors if required.
Shouldn't there have been some polling done before some of these choices are made?

I thought that changing production orders, starting new units, specifying trade destinations, and exploration required voting. I think we need a diplo vote on the Zulus as well.

I can see that when we have a fair amount of cities it could be a pain as there will almost always be a city that completes SOMETHING which requires voting. It could take ages to play, but would it be possible instead to have the governors set up a produciton queue? It could change if new tech brings on something amazing, but it could save some turns in the here and now.

Again, not sure if this is the case since I'm still relatively new to this, but I would have certainly voted against some of the choices made (but certainly WITH some as well).
Perhaps we can change the way we handle city production, either by eliminating the polls or making more abstract polls (general goals). However, IMHO, we have to give it a lot of thought/discussion before putting it to practice.

Cornmaster, I have posted four polls on the production of the cities of Phobos. You'll find my decisions there, after a decente number of citizens have already voted. They are:


Fort Pornstar


Originally posted by Stormbringer
I agree with cornmaster. we don't need polls governors can decide on their own with the help of the deputy governors if required.


That's not what I meant!!

I meant the governors can load up the game and decide what to poll about.

BUT they MUST poll!!!
So... no new science polls needed right?
When we need science polls, try ICQ or PM, CM, and I'll ask for the requiremental info screenshots.
(I don't have MGE, and my Civ2 just crashed:()
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