Originally posted by Cactus_Jack
Idid thats why i put a question mark after my statement. Please dont call all WTO idiots and lump them as all the same. Whats worse throwing stones at police, or implementing economic systems that attack the third world keeping them poor? People are matching against a unwelcome guest, and against the ilegal looting and occupation of Iraqi.
If you know anything about international law you would know invading a country doesnt give you a right to explot it resorces or write its economic policys for it for your own gain.
tsk tsk tsk, physical violence against people whose job it is to keep innocent people safe is something a bit different than economic abuse of third world countries.....
heard about Basel on Saturday evening? deomstrators attacked policemen with acid. Guess what they were demonstrating against? police oppression...... now, how can the police react to protect themselves from these people? by oppressing them
there is a lot of injustice in the world, but if you try to change it, then a) do not pick a fight with people who are not to blame and might help you and
b) find a way for your protest that has a chance of success.