Garry Denke
by Garry Denke,+Fall+on+us&sample=1-100&id=KjvReve
We all know that there is no god on geo
(earth) so geotheomechanics is simple
(a) geotheomechanics roots
here is no god on geo (earth)
here is a person on geo (earth)
(b) geotheomechanics branches
here is a person who has no god above the geobrain
0 / 1 = 0
here is a person who has no god beneath the geobrain
1 / 0 = 0, 1, infinity
here is a person who multiplies the geobrain by no god
1 x 0 = 0
here is a person who divides the geobrain by no god
1 / 0 = 0, 1, infinity
here is a person who adds no god to the geobrain
1 + 0 = 1
here is a person who subtracts no god from the geobrain
1 - 0 = 1
(c) geotheomechanics synthesis
a person who has no god above the geobrain
is a person who multiplies the geobrain by no god
a person who has no god beneath the geobrain
is a person who divides the geobrain by no god
0, 1, infinity
a person who adds no god to the geobrain
is a person who subtracts no god from the geobrain
(d) geotheomechanics analysis
0 = a geotheoatheist
0, 1, infinity = a geotheochristian
1 = geotheomuslim/geotheojew
(e) biotheology projections
a biotheobrained geoatheist is nonpolar
a biotheobrained geochristian is tripolar
a biotheobrained geojew/geomuslim is monopolar
geomuslim/geojew proof (a.1)
1 / 1 = 1
(e.1) geojew/geomuslim proof (1.a)
1 / 1 = 1
Whereinabove words "the geobrain" appear
substitute "herself"/"himself" accordingly
Geotheobipolarmechanics to follow
embracing new/new geobrains
rock / rock
geo rock
by Garry Denke,+Fall+on+us&sample=1-100&id=KjvReve
We all know that there is no god on geo
(earth) so geotheomechanics is simple
(a) geotheomechanics roots
here is no god on geo (earth)
here is a person on geo (earth)
(b) geotheomechanics branches
here is a person who has no god above the geobrain
0 / 1 = 0
here is a person who has no god beneath the geobrain
1 / 0 = 0, 1, infinity
here is a person who multiplies the geobrain by no god
1 x 0 = 0
here is a person who divides the geobrain by no god
1 / 0 = 0, 1, infinity
here is a person who adds no god to the geobrain
1 + 0 = 1
here is a person who subtracts no god from the geobrain
1 - 0 = 1
(c) geotheomechanics synthesis
a person who has no god above the geobrain
is a person who multiplies the geobrain by no god
a person who has no god beneath the geobrain
is a person who divides the geobrain by no god
0, 1, infinity
a person who adds no god to the geobrain
is a person who subtracts no god from the geobrain
(d) geotheomechanics analysis
0 = a geotheoatheist
0, 1, infinity = a geotheochristian
1 = geotheomuslim/geotheojew
(e) biotheology projections
a biotheobrained geoatheist is nonpolar
a biotheobrained geochristian is tripolar
a biotheobrained geojew/geomuslim is monopolar
geomuslim/geojew proof (a.1)
1 / 1 = 1
(e.1) geojew/geomuslim proof (1.a)
1 / 1 = 1
Whereinabove words "the geobrain" appear
substitute "herself"/"himself" accordingly
Geotheobipolarmechanics to follow
embracing new/new geobrains
rock / rock
geo rock