German WWII Wintercamo Soldier


Mutant Zombie
Jun 11, 2006
Malaga, Spain
I've just finished the German Sturmtrooper version.
This is a easternfront regular soldier wearing a snow camo suit. Two diferents victory Flics and new sounds for death and victory, thanks to the forum for the feedback (further feedback'll be welcome too).
The previews

And the zip file:

Hope you like it.
Primero felicitaciones!!!, But please don´t call your unit Sturmtrooper, that make no sense (like asaltotrooper)
Ack! Just as I finally start doing some major work on my Greek scenario, you come up with these two amazing units that're just looking for a home on my comp... must... resist... temptation... to ... start... making... new WW2 scenario...
Wow, this is marvellous, the animations just flow so well. I like the little symbol that appears for the victory too.

Muchas gracias!! y mira que aqui en España estabamos todos convencidos de que la selección iba a perder todos los partidos (yo aún lo pienso :confused: ).

Thanks, I've to say again that the Utahjazz tutorial and models, and the kinboats models are excelent, I only followed the tutorial and used their work.

This is an easy units, I've used all the sturmtrooper animations and models. Now I'm doing a new MP40 attack and new default and victory animations for the africakorps, hope I can do it well again...

Un saludo
This is such good work. It really is hard to believe you're the new guy.
The animations are well done. The unit it very well detailed. Great attention to all the little bits and such. The flash and illumination works very well. I'm going to disagree with some of the other comments on the victory and say that I don't care for the ironcross appearing on the victory, but at least its new and interesting.
odintheking said:
Bjorn, he made two victories, the one with the ironcross and one without.

My old professors must be so proud.... all that time at the university and it seems I still can't read. Now that you mention it, I see that he said there were two victories. Doh!
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