GermaNES: Governors and Emperors

He's a truck driver, give him some time. Patience is a virtue you need to acquire, like I did. (Somewhat)
ok I have some questions b4 I send orders

Anatolia Command/General /Churchill25
Capital: Constantinople
Pay: 1500 a month
Threat level: 10 (war)
Infrastructure: 8
Legions: 27 Imperial Legions (Veterans); 3 Imperial Legions (Volunteers)
Naval Forces: Under the command of the Emperor of Rome.

Where is my economy thing, that is supposed to look like this Economy: (15/20/15) (50)
And what do those 4 numbers mean.

And what does it mean by pay 1500 a month, where is that being subtracted from?
You are a general, you do not recieve taxes, agriculture tax, or trade income for your lands. All of that goes under the Emperor or King of Kings. You are paid on a monthly basis for your services to the Empire, you are being paid 1500 a month by the Emperor of Rome for your services, this pay may rise or drop depending on actions on the battlefield.

For the governors who may be wondering what the 4 numbers mean, (tax/agriculture tax/trade) (total spending).

I will update now with only 5 ordersets. Perhaps I will get better turnout at next deadline.

Expect update up in about 1 hour.

Also, you will not get your orders from your leaders until after the update, I want to see what you guys planned to do before the leaders begin to interfere. I will still accept late orders as long as they are in before the update. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Update 1: Love and War

The messenger from Germania was the first to arrive at the Imperial Palace in Rome bearing a message for the Emperor.

Legions have begun to march all over Germania. Several march south, these Legions fly the standard of the Emperor and despite some grumbling among the more wealthier Romans several Provincial Legions have also been transferred to Imperial control for the war in the East.

The only thing keeping the local populace, especially the Roman side, calm is the fact that levies are being called. Mostly local tribes are being asked to join the new Legions. It is unknown what could happen but the Emperor is just glad he has more Legions to send East that he is looking the other way.

This might be reinforced by the fact that the Governor has also ordered vast civil engineering projects to begin immediatly, the roads were updated from lowly dirt paths to well paved dirt paths marked with signs. No more will people walk from their homes and get lost.

A trade caravan left the capitol heading east deep into Barbarian territory, it is rumored that it is attempting to reach Parthia and possibly help those poor Legions trapped there. The caravan has yet to arrive.

The second messenger arrived via sea, the Imperial Legions to the south are on the move. The General of the North African Command has issued marching orders to his troops, several Legions have initiated border skirmishes with the barbarians to the south, mostly Nubians and Numidians not under Roman rule. But the Legions advance no further as they encounter a vast desert. In the words of a Legionary: It seems as big as the great Mediterrnean Sea. Rumors from local villages bring bad news to the soldiers, "men have ventured deep in this great sandy sea only to never return." Naturally, the Legions refuse to march any further.

More Legions march East towards Egypt, to reinforce the local garrison there. The lone highway in North Africa that follows the sea is filled with Legions in marching formation 4 miles long. Merchants and travelers grumble as they are forced off the highway to allow the Imperial forces to pass by.

As the messenger from Africa departs yet another messenger arrives, this one from Sicily. With great news for the Emperor, the Sicilian Governor has donated 3 gold for the Great Eastern War.

The Provincial Tax in Sicily is nonexistent, as a result a population boom struck the small island and its new acquisitions, providing thousands of veteran soldiers, unemployed men and several seedy men. The construction of the new stables have created thousands of jobs for these men and as a result the economy did not suffer the tax cut.

To make managing the region better the Governor moved the capital to Panorma, due to its vast harbor and strategic location on the island. Though many people still think Syracusae or Lilybaum would be better cities for a governor to reside they do not protest.

With the arrival of many veteran soldiers due to the tax rate, 2 new Veteran Legions were created and sent to join the Imperial forces in Italy. The Provincial Legions were not idle themselves, they marched around the islands and showed the might and beauty of the Legion and why they are the best fighting force in the world. Many young boys eager to join the army capatilized on the chance to learn basic combat skills even though nervous mothers watched them closely.

War Reports:

Persian divisions in Anatolia clashed with Roman Legions just north of Constantinople, even though the Romans were surprised, they still withdrew in good order and allowed the Persians to slip to the north. This resulted in the Persian Commander knowing exactly how the Roman General would react should he focus a full attack on the Roman garrison in just west of Constantinople, so now the two armies stare at each other across the narrow strait seperating Europe from Asia.

Meanwhile at the Nile Delta the first true test against the Roman war machine was engaged, the Persian armies, mostly the elites pitted themselves against the Imperial forces of Rome. Many of whom were Elite as well. The battle was pitched and heavy, the arrival of Provincial forces did nothing to change the outcome of the battle, the Persian mercs were tenacious in their attack and relentless. The managed to push the Romans back to the very gates of Alexandria. The Persian army besieged Alexandria for 3 weeks before they encountered a Roman Cohort marching down the main highway into Alexandria from the West, the cohort was attacked, but the poor Persians did not realize who they were up against, the lone cohort was a part of the immortal 13th Legion, the remaining cohorts and the legion commander arriving of whom were now arriving one by one.

The Persian Mercs quickly found themselves fighting not one cohort, but a whole legion, and the immortal 13th (Bull Legion from Spain) to boot. But the Persians continued to push the 13th back, tasting victory the Commander decided to pit the remaining forces in a flanking movement around the 13th and crush them once and for all. As the Persian cavalry launched their charge, the air was filled with sounds of battle horns, the Persians stared at each other wondering what it was, behind the 13th, the standards of the 15th and 18th Legions could be seen and a whole line of men were marching in perfect formation, red shields forming a solid wall. The Persian Mercs began to waver, but then realized it was still 5 to 1 against the Romans and renewed their attacks. But the red wall held, 15 minutes later the standards of the 20th and 10th Legions were spotted arriving, the line continued to grow longer and longer, denying the Persians the chance to attack the flanks. The Roman Cavalry, Numidians on horses, arrived and began harrassing the Persian Cavalry. Right behind the Numidians came another Legion. A Persian soldier could be heard remarking: Is there no end to their numbers?

Finally Persian scouts managed to get behind Roman lines, they discovered that they were only fighting 6 Legions to the Persian 15. The Persian General smiled, he still had everything going for him, he ordered a new charge and his soldiers surged ahead one last time. The red line held firm, the Roman Divisional Commander has finally arrived, but he immediatly relinquished command to the Commander of the Egyptian Imperial Forces who have begun to pour out of the city in assistance to their brothers in arms.

After 1 hour of bitter fighting, the sun finally set on the battle field and both armies exhausted from the day's battle agreed to a ceasefire until morning.

The total casaulties list is as follows:
Romans: -3 Legions.
Persians: -5 Divisions.

Finally, in other news.... The raids in Britannia continue to grow in intensity, the Governor will have to take measures to stop them and quickly before Britannia is lost once again.
The raids in Germania have increased with the departure of the Imperial Legions. Several Border towns have been burned and razed. The Levies still trying to learn their formations and marching order.
In Persia, the King of Kings grows much more bolder and the creation of the Persian Immortals have been completed, the only question is where to send them.
The Emperor Galen has finally wed, he has married a wealthy women from a family in Northern Italy. The Wedding will be held in Febuary and all Governors and Generals are invited if they wish to attend.
Nice orders must have been lost in a sketchy internet connection. Oh well, will just add them to my orders for this turn.
Awesome update!

From the Governor of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.
To the Emperor and the Admiral of Roman Navy.

Sadly, its becoming increasingly clear that the Roman Army alone will not be able to quickly crush the Invaders, the Roman navy is set to play a bigger role, both to quickly transport troops from the outer reaches of the empire and to cut of waterways and supplies to the advancing enemy forces. In a minor show of our immense patriotism our people have decided to fund the construction of a great Dockyard in Caralis, besides its great strategic location we are planning to clear a good portion of the local forests to make the island more suitable for the reallocation of the war refugees as settlers and we would love to see our trees be transformed into mighty warships for the glorious Imperial Navy instead of being made into Charcoal.
Fëanor;7593068 said:
Awesome update!

From the Governor of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.
To the Emperor and the Admiral of Roman Navy.

Sadly, its becoming increasingly clear that the Roman Army alone will not be able to quickly crush the Invaders, the Roman navy is set to play a bigger role, both to quickly transport troops from the outer reaches of the empire and to cut of waterways and supplies to the advancing enemy forces. In a minor show of our immense patriotism our people have decided to fund the construction of a great Dockyard in Caralis, besides its great strategic location we are planning to clear a good portion of the local forests to make the island more suitable for the reallocation of the war refugees as settlers and we would love to see our trees be transformed into mighty warships for the glorious Imperial Navy instead of being made into Charcoal.

From: The Admiral of the Roman Navy
To: The Governor of Sicily

We accept your offer wholeheartedly. It is superb that politicians understand that naval actions can be much more effective in this conflict than they appear to be at the moment. We are not exactly sure if we can take the timber to build warships, since the Emperor's facilities supply us with all vessels.

From: The Admiral of the Roman Navy
To: The Emperor

Would the Emperor allow us to build and establish naval facilities giving the Navy the option to construct its own warships and train crews? If you were to accept, the Navy would be able expand its strength without sapping the imperial treasury.

@Germanicus - When will stats be updated?
so, am I the bishop of Rome?
That was a great update i see success in this Neses future.
I like the update, but primarily because I'm in it so much.:)

From the Governor of Germania
To the Emperor

Compared to the fate of the Empire, one province is as nothing. We will send 4 gold to Rome to aid the war effort.
Thanks for the show of support. The stats are being updated now, and yes Warhead you are the Bishop of Rome, you stats are being included in the updated ones soon.

Also, I gave you temporary names, if you want it to change please note it so I can add it to the stats. Otherwise the names I have chosen will be added after the next update. Thank you.

To Governor Tranquillus and Admiral Julius
From Emperor Galen

Of course, anything that could be done to help our Empire crush our enemies would be greatly appreciated. Therefore Rome approves the construction of the Dockyards in Corsica and grants the Admiral and Governor of Sicily authority to use their funds towards constructing new warships for the Empire.

To Governor Arelian
From Emperor Galen

The Emperor thanks you for your support to the war effort, and reminds you to keep the barbarians at bay. Stability in the region is vital and should they break through, it would be devastating to the northern Empire.

To Governor Longinius and General Cassius
From Emperor Galen

Can you hold the Nile delta and Alexandria long enough for reinforcements to arrive?

To General Aretius
From Emperor Galen

I am disappointed in your efforts to prevent the Persians access to the northern regions. Since I do realize you are still new to command, I will give you one more chance to redeem yourself. Best make good use of it.
From: Admiral Julius of the Roman Navy
To: Emperor Galen

We cannot thank the Emperor enough for allowing the Navy to construct its own warships. Truly, this is a great day for Rome. AVE IMPERATOR!!! AVE ROMA!!!

From: Admiral Julius of the Roman Navy
To: North African Command

Your legions are desperately needed to fend off the Persian forces near Alexandria. Had we known of your intentions to move east, we would have gladly ferried you. Now, we insist we ferry a portion of your forces to Alexandria. Granted, we may not get you there in time, but God knows that we will get you there faster than marching on that road. A portion of the fleet will be waiting at Lepus Magna, unless you inform us of your exact location, to pick you up. If you have passed Lepus Magna, or are not close to it, tell us where is the closest port where we can pick you up.

From: Admiral Julius of the Roman Navy
To: Governor Longinius and General Cassius of Egyptian Forces

Help is on the way. We will not be able to do much damage to enemy troops, unless they are near the coast, but we will make sure that Persian warships do not take Egyptian waters, and that the sea lanes from Alexandria stay open (if Alexandria is besieged).

@Germanicus - Can the Navy's allowance be switched to Gold so I can know exactly how many ships I can buy? Also, I don't know if stats have been updated, but if they have, I am missing those ships.
Good to see our boys doing their duty for the Roman Empire!

Sorry for lack of orders. Lock Time.

Also, some help with stats. What are the numbers for income? Thanks!
So I am Longinius? The governor of Egypt? I wish there was updateable map.
Thanks for the show of support. The stats are being updated now, and yes Warhead you are the Bishop of Rome, you stats are being included in the updated ones soon.

Also, I gave you temporary names, if you want it to change please note it so I can add it to the stats. Otherwise the names I have chosen will be added after the next update. Thank you.

To Governor Tranquillus and Admiral Julius
From Emperor Galen

Of course, anything that could be done to help our Empire crush our enemies would be greatly appreciated. Therefore Rome approves the construction of the Dockyards in Corsica and grants the Admiral and Governor of Sicily authority to use their funds towards constructing new warships for the Empire.

To Governor Arelian
From Emperor Galen

The Emperor thanks you for your support to the war effort, and reminds you to keep the barbarians at bay. Stability in the region is vital and should they break through, it would be devastating to the northern Empire.

To Governor Longinius and General Cassius
From Emperor Galen

Can you hold the Nile delta and Alexandria long enough for reinforcements to arrive?

To General Aretius
From Emperor Galen

I am disappointed in your efforts to prevent the Persians access to the northern regions. Since I do realize you are still new to command, I will give you one more chance to redeem yourself. Best make good use of it.

Can I use Servius Larcius Severus? I did mention it already.
Ok, I am putting the final touches on the stats. Most of them are already updated with a few minor changes that I forgot to include from orders.

As for an updated map, my paint does not work for some strange reason but basically the Persians occupy everything north east of the Nile River in Egypt, and stand only 1 mile from the gates of Alexandria, siege broken by the arrival of the North African Legions.

Also, names as I stated before can be changed. Just do it in your orders so I can do them as I update the stats. And DarthNader, yes I will change them to an income gold instead of paycheck.
Ok Stats are now completely updated... I hope. :crazyeye:

I have added additions to the rules... especially for the Bishop... look for the red in the ruleset and that represent new rules. Thank you.

I have also updated the War and Battle stats below the stat page... this will cover all battles and wars in the world and the causalties numbers as well as combatants and brief description of the battle.
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