Update 1: Love and War
The messenger from Germania was the first to arrive at the Imperial Palace in Rome bearing a message for the Emperor.
Legions have begun to march all over Germania. Several march south, these Legions fly the standard of the Emperor and despite some grumbling among the more wealthier Romans several Provincial Legions have also been transferred to Imperial control for the war in the East.
The only thing keeping the local populace, especially the Roman side, calm is the fact that levies are being called. Mostly local tribes are being asked to join the new Legions. It is unknown what could happen but the Emperor is just glad he has more Legions to send East that he is looking the other way.
This might be reinforced by the fact that the Governor has also ordered vast civil engineering projects to begin immediatly, the roads were updated from lowly dirt paths to well paved dirt paths marked with signs. No more will people walk from their homes and get lost.
A trade caravan left the capitol heading east deep into Barbarian territory, it is rumored that it is attempting to reach Parthia and possibly help those poor Legions trapped there. The caravan has yet to arrive.
The second messenger arrived via sea, the Imperial Legions to the south are on the move. The General of the North African Command has issued marching orders to his troops, several Legions have initiated border skirmishes with the barbarians to the south, mostly Nubians and Numidians not under Roman rule. But the Legions advance no further as they encounter a vast desert. In the words of a Legionary: It seems as big as the great Mediterrnean Sea. Rumors from local villages bring bad news to the soldiers, "men have ventured deep in this great sandy sea only to never return." Naturally, the Legions refuse to march any further.
More Legions march East towards Egypt, to reinforce the local garrison there. The lone highway in North Africa that follows the sea is filled with Legions in marching formation 4 miles long. Merchants and travelers grumble as they are forced off the highway to allow the Imperial forces to pass by.
As the messenger from Africa departs yet another messenger arrives, this one from Sicily. With great news for the Emperor, the Sicilian Governor has donated 3 gold for the Great Eastern War.
The Provincial Tax in Sicily is nonexistent, as a result a population boom struck the small island and its new acquisitions, providing thousands of veteran soldiers, unemployed men and several seedy men. The construction of the new stables have created thousands of jobs for these men and as a result the economy did not suffer the tax cut.
To make managing the region better the Governor moved the capital to Panorma, due to its vast harbor and strategic location on the island. Though many people still think Syracusae or Lilybaum would be better cities for a governor to reside they do not protest.
With the arrival of many veteran soldiers due to the tax rate, 2 new Veteran Legions were created and sent to join the Imperial forces in Italy. The Provincial Legions were not idle themselves, they marched around the islands and showed the might and beauty of the Legion and why they are the best fighting force in the world. Many young boys eager to join the army capatilized on the chance to learn basic combat skills even though nervous mothers watched them closely.
War Reports:
Persian divisions in Anatolia clashed with Roman Legions just north of Constantinople, even though the Romans were surprised, they still withdrew in good order and allowed the Persians to slip to the north. This resulted in the Persian Commander knowing exactly how the Roman General would react should he focus a full attack on the Roman garrison in just west of Constantinople, so now the two armies stare at each other across the narrow strait seperating Europe from Asia.
Meanwhile at the Nile Delta the first true test against the Roman war machine was engaged, the Persian armies, mostly the elites pitted themselves against the Imperial forces of Rome. Many of whom were Elite as well. The battle was pitched and heavy, the arrival of Provincial forces did nothing to change the outcome of the battle, the Persian mercs were tenacious in their attack and relentless. The managed to push the Romans back to the very gates of Alexandria. The Persian army besieged Alexandria for 3 weeks before they encountered a Roman Cohort marching down the main highway into Alexandria from the West, the cohort was attacked, but the poor Persians did not realize who they were up against, the lone cohort was a part of the immortal 13th Legion, the remaining cohorts and the legion commander arriving of whom were now arriving one by one.
The Persian Mercs quickly found themselves fighting not one cohort, but a whole legion, and the immortal 13th (Bull Legion from Spain) to boot. But the Persians continued to push the 13th back, tasting victory the Commander decided to pit the remaining forces in a flanking movement around the 13th and crush them once and for all. As the Persian cavalry launched their charge, the air was filled with sounds of battle horns, the Persians stared at each other wondering what it was, behind the 13th, the standards of the 15th and 18th Legions could be seen and a whole line of men were marching in perfect formation, red shields forming a solid wall. The Persian Mercs began to waver, but then realized it was still 5 to 1 against the Romans and renewed their attacks. But the red wall held, 15 minutes later the standards of the 20th and 10th Legions were spotted arriving, the line continued to grow longer and longer, denying the Persians the chance to attack the flanks. The Roman Cavalry, Numidians on horses, arrived and began harrassing the Persian Cavalry. Right behind the Numidians came another Legion. A Persian soldier could be heard remarking: Is there no end to their numbers?
Finally Persian scouts managed to get behind Roman lines, they discovered that they were only fighting 6 Legions to the Persian 15. The Persian General smiled, he still had everything going for him, he ordered a new charge and his soldiers surged ahead one last time. The red line held firm, the Roman Divisional Commander has finally arrived, but he immediatly relinquished command to the Commander of the Egyptian Imperial Forces who have begun to pour out of the city in assistance to their brothers in arms.
After 1 hour of bitter fighting, the sun finally set on the battle field and both armies exhausted from the day's battle agreed to a ceasefire until morning.
The total casaulties list is as follows:
Romans: -3 Legions.
Persians: -5 Divisions.
Finally, in other news.... The raids in Britannia continue to grow in intensity, the Governor will have to take measures to stop them and quickly before Britannia is lost once again.
The raids in Germania have increased with the departure of the Imperial Legions. Several Border towns have been burned and razed. The Levies still trying to learn their formations and marching order.
In Persia, the King of Kings grows much more bolder and the creation of the Persian Immortals have been completed, the only question is where to send them.
The Emperor Galen has finally wed, he has married a wealthy women from a family in Northern Italy. The Wedding will be held in Febuary and all Governors and Generals are invited if they wish to attend.