GermaNES: Governors and Emperors

To:Emperor Galen
From:Governor Longinius of Egypt

We will hold the line!

To:Admiral Julius
From:Governor Longinius of Egypt

Thanks abunch gangster. We do need our dadgum waters cleared so that Alexandria can withstand a prolonged siege, should that become the case.

To:North African Command
From:Governor Longinius of Egypt

Send some men my way, so that we can keep the persian hordes at bay. Better send men now while we've got a chance to defeat the persians rather than later when you are the target and the persians have the strength of the nile behind them.
To:Admiral Julius
From:Governor Longinius of Egypt

Thanks abunch gangster. We do need our dadgum waters cleared so that Alexandria can withstand a prolonged siege, should that become the case.

From: Admiral Julius
To: Governor Longinius

Not only will we be keeping the sea route open, but we will also ferry North African legions directly into Alexandria, so you can get more relief faster. Also, we may tip the tide in the fighting in your region, and this may lead to a counter-offensive into Arabia and/or Palestina. Lets just see how things work out, shall we?

From: Admiral Julius, Commander of the Roman Navy
To: Commanders of the Persian Army and Navy

Your made a grave error in assaulting Roman lands. Not only have you brought the attention of our mighty legions upon you, but now, you have given us, the Navy, a very good reason to kill you. As long as you are on or near the water, we will find you, and force you to pay retribution in blood and flesh! You are not safe, nor will you ever be! We will take no Persian prisoner, but instead, send him to his maker, God almighty, who will take no pity on heathens! So, we give you this! Take your selves and get as far from us as possible, and pray that we don't find you!
To:Admiral Julius
From:Governor Longius

Was that a rhetorical question? (Shall we?)
Great Update!

But what happened to my Victory parades and encouragement of the empire and such?
From Governor of Sicily
To the Emperor

Ave Imperator,
We are please to announce besides the 6 gold tax we will be sending 4 gold to support the war efforts. We will also be investing heavily into Shipbuilding infrastructure so that we may quickly replenish losses and maintain control of the Mare Nostrum.

From Governor of Sicily
To the Pope

Ave Papa,
We are pleased to inform you that we will fund the construction of new churches in the heartlands of Sardinia and Corsica, we hope that you will dispatch priests to man those houses of god and lead their flocks to righteous and productive lives.

OOC: Orders Sent
From Governor of Iberia
To the Emperor

We are please to announce besides the 6 gold tax we will be sending 2 gold to support the war effort. Also we are supporting the Medal of Valor, made of silver and gold and made to be placed on the Bannor of a Century. We are proud to announce that elements of the 14th, 10th and parts of other centuries gained this honor for valor and bravory in battle.
OOC: Orders sent before his. Used same format (formal format ;))
Sorry for the delay.

Update will be up in 1 hour. Thanks to all who sent orders.
Update 2: The action on Mare Nostrum.

We begin our day in a glorious sunny villa in Southern Italy in a lovely little town called Nova Pompeii. The wedding of the Emperor Galen and his lovely bride was winding down, several prestigious merchants and patricians attended despite threat of war and rebellions. As the day wound down, a messenger barged in smeared in dirt and sweat, obvisiouly raced hard from wherever he left, the Legionary despite how exhausted he was stood at attention and saluted, after which he handed a bloodied letter into the Emperor's hand.

After reading the message the Emperor looked around several times enjoying the party before heading for the door. As the Emperor looked up at the door, he could see a party of Legionairies standing outside the door, knowing full well that their messages do not warrant enough importance to interrupt the Emperor right now, the Emperor still sighed, even on such a wonderful day, he still had an empire to protect.

News from Sicily was great, Stables grow and fine horses have begun to arrive in port by the shipload, soon every Cavalry officer and General will be riding fine Sicilian horses.

Also churches have been constructed and while the Pope has yet to send priests or even clergy's, the people line up at the doors staring in awe of the beauty of the churces and several bang on the doors requesting to see the interior and speak to a serveant of God. The doors never open and people angry begin to cause trouble. Four of the beatiful churches are burned to the ground before the Provincial Legions arrive to arrest the troublemakers. The Priest would have to arrive soon or Sicily may face one of the largest riots ever to hit the Italian mainland in Corsica and Sardina. Already the Legions beef up prepared for the upcoming fight.

Parades are held in the streets of Corsica, Sardina and Sicily, and due to the recent actions of the Legions against the riot in Corsica, enough volunteers arrive to create 1 Legion.

But despite all this troubles, the Great Dockyards are still ahead of schedule in their construction efforts. The Dockyards rival those of Ostia (Rome), and Constantinople. Even those in Alexandria, the Dockyards can fit dozens of war galleys and still have room for 5 trade ships and scores of merchant navy vessels. Truly one of the great wonders of Rome should it finish.

Facing the threats to the north, Germania and her legions continue to battle the recent pushes by the Goths and Huns. Several pitched battles have ignited and while the Romans won, they lost lots of good men, the Veteran Imperials long gone, the inexperienced Volunteers and Draftees put up a valiant fight without the assistance of Provincial veterans, the Legions stopped the attacks and forced the barbarians to stop 40 miles from the capital of Germania. The war is now at a stalemate as the legions fight a delaying action against 200,000 barbarians. They never counterattacked, being pushed every step of the way, the poor Legionairies were surprised at the tenacity and speed the barbarians moved against their positions. It was only the fresh levies that stopped the tide and evened the battleground. 5 Imperial Legions have been ordered back to Germania with orders to remain in Germania until the threat has disapeared or the Emperor recalls them back.

Britannia continues to fight a costly war, the Imperial Legions long since left, as the Emperor beleived the Governor dead and many wealthy Romans long since left. Hadrians wall has been breached again and Britannia is now in her death throes, unless the Governor comes back to lead his legions, the Emperor will place the Provincial Legions there under his command and ship them to Egypt.

Meanwhile in Spain, the Provincial Legions marched in major towns as heros. Which angered the population as the Legions never even fought in a battle yet, nevertheless it did not deter the Governor from making a Medal of Valor out of pure gold and sending it on a fast ship to Egypt as a gift to the Bull Legion, an Imperial Legion that was raised in Spain and renowned for its fighting tenacity.

At least the people calmed a bit at the news that tax rates dropped a few gold, there have been no trouble of gold flow or gathering to date.

Finally, the battles shifted from land to sea.

As the Persian fleets patrolled their region they encountered pirates radiating out of Constantinople which the Persians quickly engaged and defeated. But as the Persians were busy in the Black Sea and Asia Minor, the Romans were not idle themselves, the mighty Roman navy reorganized itself under the command of a new Admiral to make reinforcing a new region easier than before. Out of this, the first battle between Persia and Rome was started by Rome on the high seas just south east of Greece and Anatolia. The battle lasted only 2 hours and ended in a resounding Roman victory which freed up the supply lines feeding Alexandria by sea. Even though the Persians suffered bitter defeat, they can still enjoy a laugh at the sight of several Roman ships collapsing under their own wieght from catapults trying to launch projectiles. But these were only testing ships, those with Balliste proved very effective and the Romans quickly capitalized on that.

With the Persian supply line to Egypt cut off by patrolling Roman fleets the Persian army outside Alexandria is forced to raiding the countryside for what food they can find. Meanwhile 5 new Imperial forces arrive from Italy via the new supply line, this is followed by new equipment, wine, clothes, and everthing a Legion needs to fight.

The fighting in Anatolia and Egypt only saw small skirmishes here and there and no pitched battles. As all the action was focused on the sea and trade lanes.
Wth? No news of Gaul again? What happened to exterminating the barbarians in my province! And why aren't my stats still edited, from last update?

From: Admiral Julius
To: All Roman Governors, Generals, and Emperor Galen himself

Behold the Roman Navy, masters and controllers of the seas! Look upon the creation you have all contributed to build and strengthen, and marvel at their great fleets! The Roman Navy will no longer be idle, but shall regain the importance it deserves, like that gained during the Punic Wars! We shall fight the Persians to land, AND CONTINUE WITHOUT OUR SHIPS!!!

leaving this nes.
OOC: Great Update!

To Pope
From Lucius Gaius Tranquillus, Rector provinciae Sicilia

Ave Papa,
We are very troubled by your inaction regarding our newly build churches, not only many of these fine buildings have now been lost, but a true ecclesiastical void has been created and due to it there is now real risk of rebellion and perhaps the creation of Heretic movements. We hope that you will act more swiftly and decisively in the near future or we might be forced to seek alternatives that might end up undermining your authority.

To Imperator Galen
From Lucius Gaius Tranquillus, Rector provinciae Sicilia

Ave Imperator,
We would like to congratulate you with the great victory of the Imperial Navy, may that be a glimpse of the things to come.

To Admiral Julius
From Lucius Gaius Tranquillus, Rector provinciae Sicilia

Ave Julius,
We congratulate you on your great leadership and innovation, the Empire owes everything it has achieved and become to great leaders such as yourself and your namesake, the Great Julius Caesar. We allocate considerable funds to allow as many ships as possible to be fitted with these new weapons at our Caralis Dockyard.
From: Admiral Julius Sempronius Titus
To: Governor Lucius

If you are contributing funds to assist us, please specify how much. If you mean supplies, vessels and other non-monetary contribution, please be a bit more specific. Otherwise, we look forward to serving Rome and her provinces in the future.

@Germanicus - Roman ships were already equipped with catapults...its not a new concept.
Ok, I apologize for the long delay, this is not dead.... no far from it in fact.

I just terminated my contract with a company and joined another one closer to home and I have been busy doing work to show my new "paymasters" that I can do the work if needed.

But now that things have calmed down and I got myself into a established day of operation, I can update more regularly.

Is there still interest in this?

To answer the questions from the last few posts....

Charles: Sorry I must have missed Gaul in the update. I will take an extra threat level off. And yes your Veterans did see some action, but mostly against rebels and criminal organizations. No real combat, at least non in the last 20 years.

Darth: Yes, this is true, but they were scrapped during the reign of Romulus when they proved too costly to maintain and build. The Roman shipbuilders have yet to perfect the art.
I'm still in this.
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