[BTS] Getting the AI to offer peaces treaties...


May 30, 2022
I've been playing BTS for years, and one thing that really bothers me is that the AI never offers peace treaties. It is my understanding that this is a bug that has never been resolved.

I've been looking into modding Civ4 recently and I was wondering if it's possible to mod the code to correct the problem, or if this is something in the core that cannot be touched. If it can be modded, any guidance would be great. Even if someone could direct me to which file in the Python or SDK I should look at, that would be amazing. Hopefully I can figure it out from there.

This thread should have the info you seek. Maybe not the best way to get started with modding because the bug is indeed in the "core that cannot be touched," i.e. in the BtS executable, and my bugfix/ workaround through the SDK is a bit unwieldy and obscure.
This thread should have the info you seek. Maybe not the best way to get started with modding because the bug is indeed in the "core that cannot be touched," i.e. in the BtS executable, and my bugfix/ workaround through the SDK is a bit unwieldy and obscure.

Hmm...maybe you're right about it not being a first project but I might one day try it anyway. Thanks for the insight and your mod looks really interesting. I may try it soon. I've been working my way through the gargantuan thread about it, and I find all of the thought you put into it to be quite interesting.
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