Getting YNAMP to re-draw leaders and city-states upon restart


Jun 29, 2012
When restarting a game, leaders are not re-drawn, and if "Civ6 default" is not selected under "CS Selection Usage", neither are city-states.

I've had no luck figuring where the culprit is in the YNAMP LUA scripts. I'd like to change this behavior but I have nothing to go on regarding where the code that's responsible for this is...

I could use a hint, any keyword to search for within the files...
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Progress report: I believe made some progress: seems like the `AdvancedSteup.lua` script is responsible for randomly selecting city-states.

However, it doesn't seem to be re-called on every restart. Or at least the `OnStartButton` function isn't.

Not sure what I can do about it though... perhaps move the code that updates the city-state list somewhere else?

Edit: Tried moving it to AssignStartingPlots... It didn't work out
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