Git Update Log


Retired Moderator
Aug 23, 2009
Git Update Log v1.17

This is a separate thread for commit logs, so recent changes don't get lost so easily in the General Discussion thread. This will make it easier to notice current changes or to get an overview over new features introduced in recent times.

I will continue to post significant changes in the discussion thread as well to provide context for discussion.

Please do not post in this thread to keep the update log clean. If you want to comment, simply go HERE.
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Merged a pull request by Sgt. Bears: Event Trigger Fixes
* techs enabling events are now made consistent so that they are enabled by entering an era
Merged a pull request by Panopticon: Senegal and Mozambique
* Laurenco Marques renamed Mocambique in the 1700 AD scenario
* Mocambique renamed Laurenco Marques when Portugal enters the Industrial era
* added French Saint Louis du Senegal to the 1700 AD scenario

Further updates:
* added the Senegal river and a flood plains tile to West Africa
Merged a pull request by merijn_v1: expanded corporation screen
* The corporation advisor now displays the required techs, available resources and factors influencing spread for a corporation
New feature: Rework of the city name manager
  • New method of entering names that requires less effort*, automatically making sure the inverse naming direction always exists
  • Moved communist names and era based renames to dictionaries
  • Communist renames are now checked when adopting new civics instead of when a tech is discovered
  • Added a method to reverse communist names when Central Planning is abandoned
  • General cleanup of the code

*to elaborate, this means that every city is now uniquely identified by one specific out of all of its possible names. For instance, Constantinople is always identified as "Constantinopolis". If you want to add a new name for the city for a language, you always only have to use this identifier (e.g. English only has to add "Constantinopolis -> Constantinople", but not e.g. "Konstantinoupolis -> Constantinople"). To make this work, you have to separately register the new rename as a possible name for the identifier "Constantinopolis" in a separate identifiers dictionary.

This helps in two ways: since you don't have to manually enter every possible name yourself, pairs cannot be missed and missing renames much less likely to happen. Secondly, it cuts down on the overall file size and amount of work to maintain it significantly.

Previously, the worst offender, Constantinople, had 19 possible names. To cover all possible renames, you had to manually enter all 18^2 = 324 combinations. Now only up to 2 * 19 entries are required. Likewise, entering a new name would only require at most 2 new entries instead of 19. People who are familiar with the many-to-many problem should be familiar with this phenomenon.

The reason the CNM file is not significantly shorter than before is because it now covers a lot of inverse renames that were previously missing at no extra space required.

I used an automated script to convert most of the renames to the new format. It's not entirely perfect, so some renames might have been missed. If so, please report missing renames in the thread I will create for this purpose.
New update: fix some mistakes in the new CNM code.
New update: If no found name is available, names from a civ native to the area are used.
New update: additional Polish, Babylonian and Ethiopian city names
New update: fixed Japanese capital transition (credit to bnxkpc).
NOTE: This update breaks savegame compatibility (I think).

Merged a pull request by merijn_v1: include the Platybuilder into the mod.

Merged a pull request by Sgt. Bears: reorder the entries of various XML files.
New update: Bogota tile now becomes a hill when the Inca conquerors appear.
New update: fixed a bug for the Byzantine bribe UP.
New update: Atlantic/Pacific coast is displayed as part of Canada.
New update: fixed wonder effects and requirements (includes Moai Statues and Eiffel Tower).
New update: Democracy changes
- America starts without Democracy
- increased Democracy cost
- Democracy counts as Industrial tech again
- first to discover Democracy receives a Great Statesman
New update: WARNING: this commit breaks savegame compatibility.
- trading company conquerors spawn at the end of turn to avoid a crash.

Savegame compatibility from the previous can be restored, see here.
New feature: merged a couple of pull requests by Sgt. Bears including code clean up, file reorganization and minor corrections.
New feature: reimplementation of the dynamic civilization name mechanic
- More generic civ names: "Kingdom of {}", "Empire of {}" and so on
- Short names ("England", "Britain" ...) and adjectives ("English", "British") are determined and inserted separately
- Vassal names are often generic and use master adjectives and vassal short names
- Auto-discovery code for commonly used text keys like republican, communist, fascist and default names
- Some civ names are dynamically derived from the name of its capital (e.g. Byzantium when not controlling Constantinople)
- Changed capital location based names to use coordinates instead of city names so it is not variant on renamed cities
- Default foreign names for basic short names to allow for sensible short name or adjective insertion (e.g. "the Netherlands" instead of "Netherlands")
- standardized mechanism for renaming civ short description and adjective (Phoenicia -> Carthage, Holy Rome -> Austria) including automatically accounting for their long titles
- used all the above features to significantly cut down on the number of required text keys and their registration in the dynamic names Python code
New update: Fixed third Thai goal to allow independent cities.
New update:
- Fixed a bug related to saved Python data.
- Added stability maps for Harappa, Polynesia and Canada.
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