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Give us the ability to Nuke our own lands.


Oct 23, 2005
Im currently in a game where I just lost an American Indian city i captured to the Portuguese. They are building up masses of units in this city and i built nukes to smoke a few of them before i attacked just to find that I cant drop the nuke because my lands border the city!!!

I think there are times when it is necessary to drop nukes, sometimes even in your own lands and i dont understand why you cannot do this. Another game i had there were a massive amount of enemy units grouped together in my land and i wanted to drop a nuke on them to weaken them so i could destroy them. I couldnt do this but i sort of accepted it at the time.

In the end in my current game i just dropped the nuke on my enemies capital and then sued for peace, not really what i wanted though!

Well i just wondered everyones thoughts and why you cannot do this, it is a bit upsetting to me. I have to go for space race now :P
Really? I hadn't noticed that change.

Now I can find something for my workers to do when they're bored :p
i think that if you drop the nuke near the city, the effect is the same. i did that ina game i recently played.

Ghandi had a city near my borders with aluminum nearby, so i nuked a tundra tile near it, and the population dropped from 11 to 3.
Yes, but you can't in your vassal's lands, which is very frustrating. In one game I, as America, vassalized Germany and then had to repel the evil Chinese invaders from European soil. It was extremely hard because they were able to drop tactical nukes at will, but I couldn't nuke their stacks because they were all in German territory!
I tried that, and they wasted them.... :rolleyes: Launched them at one- or two-unit stacks. Plus, their cities were too far away from the main target. :(
Imagine the diplomatic fallout from if you dropped a nuke and it just clipped a few friendlies
lol i know. But i dont even mind taking a diplomatic hit.

The situation now, i have a massive build up in this city and this war is pretty much armageddon. Do or die, in this situation i would want to hit the city, yes innocent American indians die (it used to be there city) but also masses of the enemies troops will be hit and we can fight back saving the rest of the cities from loss. I just think it should be an option with penalties.

Yes, i know i would make a terrible real life world leader! But i try not to get too attatched to the binary people
You can drop nukes on the sea already, but only in empty plots or plots without an ally.

This is the real issue I have with it: it's impossible to nuke somebody in your own territory if ONE other AI unit is nearby. Maybe the simplest solution would be to change the blast radius of a tactical nuke from one to zero, meaning it will only affect the target square. That'd simplify things a bit because you wouldn't have to worry every time you were fighting a war in someone else's territory. (Plus, it's a bit more realistic when you consider what exactly a tactical nuke is.)
I think the game should tweak nukes to reflect what they truely do- drop one and the city just vanishes in a big puddle of fallout. Period. No stupid ' population drops to 3 from 12' nonsense or one tile with gold on it remaining blasted unaffected.
Using a certain # of nukes in a short period ( 50-100 yrs duration) should also automatically trigger climate change and desertification penalties around tropical areas.
For zapping invading stacks, we should have a MOAB type weapon
You can drop nukes on the sea already, but only in empty plots or plots without an ally.

This is the real issue I have with it: it's impossible to nuke somebody in your own territory if ONE other AI unit is nearby. Maybe the simplest solution would be to change the blast radius of a tactical nuke from one to zero, meaning it will only affect the target square. That'd simplify things a bit because you wouldn't have to worry every time you were fighting a war in someone else's territory. (Plus, it's a bit more realistic when you consider what exactly a tactical nuke is.)

Yeah thats a cool idea and would fix it, but i do like the area effect of nukes :nuke:
I think the game should tweak nukes to reflect what they truely do- drop one and the city just vanishes in a big puddle of fallout. Period. No stupid ' population drops to 3 from 12' nonsense or one tile with gold on it remaining blasted unaffected.
Using a certain # of nukes in a short period ( 50-100 yrs duration) should also automatically trigger climate change and desertification penalties around tropical areas.
For zapping invading stacks, we should have a MOAB type weapon

Erm...there have been 2 nukes dropped on cities so far. Last time I checked the cities still existed.
Last time I checked the cities still existed.

More like 'rebuilt' and had zero production,health ( zero everything) for several turns. Besides, nukes today have yeilds that'd make entire tri-state area into a smoking crater, so its pretty silly to have nukes that'd only partially damage cities. Oh and i don't think if we use nukes, we should have the option to clean fallout and re-use the tiles. We certainly cannot do that today and not only would it be a better reflection of reality, it'd make the game tactically more robust ( where nukage means permanent destruction of those city tiles or for 1000+ years).
If there was going to be nukes that big, we'd need some kind of MAD system in place. An auto-launch feature, maybe?
You can drop nukes on the sea already, but only in empty plots or plots without an ally.

This is the real issue I have with it: it's impossible to nuke somebody in your own territory if ONE other AI unit is nearby. Maybe the simplest solution would be to change the blast radius of a tactical nuke from one to zero, meaning it will only affect the target square. That'd simplify things a bit because you wouldn't have to worry every time you were fighting a war in someone else's territory. (Plus, it's a bit more realistic when you consider what exactly a tactical nuke is.)

This is, indeed, very irritating. Sometimes I'll try to nuke a city and a neutral AI just happens to have a unit sleeping right near it. Often it'll be tough to find a single tile that you can nuke because they'll have so many units nearby.
Erm...there have been 2 nukes dropped on cities so far. Last time I checked the cities still existed.

Yes, as others have said, those nukes were relatively weak compared to the nukes of today, but they still destroyed both cities. The cities were rebuilt, not much infrastructure in the cities survived the blasts. If I'm wrong, someone correct me, but the nukes caused enough damage to make the cities uninhabitable.
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