Giving up Civ 4 MP for Lent


Nov 1, 2005
Romford, UK
Well actually due to pressure of work. It is getting very difficult for me to take my turns consistantly and keep track of the games. In one of them I am at war which complicates things further.

I am in three games and if anyone is interested in taking over please pm me and I will send you the details plus a brief overview of whats happening to the powers or contact the game admin person.

The games are:

History of the World - Played from CivFanatics site. Played on an Huge Earth Map as the Incans. 4th/5th (out of 15 remaining) nations. But at war and there looks to be a runaway winner emerging in Europe (Spain). Other than you are not going to win the game the position is not too bad. The war should be winable with some effort and the Incans were (and maybe still are) the largest Civ on the planet :)

Chaos & Civility II - A Mod game played of the website. Hopeless start and hopeless position :) Not helped by me handing power to the AI for a large part of the game. You do have a powerful ally though. One of the many Dutch powers :) This one could probably safely go AI though....

TG:Terrible Twos - Played off the site. You have an ally (Snakefield of the Zulus) and play the Chinese. Rather hopeless position as our team is well behind in points.

I have enjoyed playing these games and the ones before hand. I have learned a huge amount from playing mp and met lots of great people. Sadly work is making playing these games a source of stress rather than enjoyment and I feel by playing them badly/ a little just short changes the other players.

Thanks for all the games! And happy civing :) I will not set my nations to AI just yet and still try and take a few turns while replacements are found.
Sorry to hear you're giving up Civ for lent! Can't you give up one of your other bad habits instead? Such as gambling, prostitutes, or cocaine? :p

Wish you the best, and hope you return to civ eventually.
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