Glory of the SPRRR (Senate and People of the Real-senate Republic of Rome)(RFC RAND)


(Financial, Philo)
Jun 12, 2008
Canada (Greatest Country Ever!!!!!)
As I will have allot of free time over the next few months, I challenge myself to gm 3 games at once. A realsenate will be my 3rd game. This will be a game set up like the roman senate. It is the exact same except one difference, rather then having one president, we have two (Who despite the votes will have equal power) consuls they are the leaders of the two parties with the most votes.
In it, they will be the leaders of the republic, although there power isn't absolute. Every member of Every party will get 1 vote in an issue, however the two consuls will have veto power. I will be playing monarch difficulty in RFCRAND1.27. We will be playing as Rome (as the name suggests). It will be high earth likeness, with everything but time victory enabled. Ilduces Civic mod is also being used.

I also learnt my lesson from the last one, I will try to cut back on spam (this means try to post little ot, and if for any reason you post, please put it in a spoiler)
Also I will make it less civ based, like Lighthearters I will make some issues that aren't in game.

Any questions?

the next two posts will be reserved, after that feel free to sign up.

Here are the rules:

- I as host reserve the right to veto any action any player wishes to undertake: To consolidate the stability of the AAR, to stop interference with the normal functioning of the thread or simply because I feel like it.

- Rule #1 of the senate: Democracy is absolute. Even when the Nazis or communists are elected into office, they will still have to answer to the opposition and face elections every twenty turns.

- Any member is free to establish or join a political party of his choice. A member can only be member of one party at a time, although he is free to switch allegiance whenever he sees fit.

- I am going to ask everyone to use their own nicknames at all times when playing or in story updates they write. This is to avoid confusion.

- Every twenty in-game turns an election shall be held, the first election will take place when 4 parties have begun to organize, and campaign to get as many people as they can to vote. Note that everyone registered on the CivFanatics forums is eligible to vote.

**recently changed- The two parties with the most votes during the election have their leaders become consuls, they are the leaders of Rome. The two coalitions with the highest votes leader will become consul. However if one coalition has more then double the vote of the other, they can elect two consuls instead of 1.**recently changed

- The party with the 3rd most amount of votes will be the opposition.

- Anyone can call opposition actions. They can call for a General Strike, a Vote of No Confidence, or if things get REALLY ugly, an Armed Revolution

**recently changed- The winning parties will come into office right after the elections. They then post who the members of the administration are. The Consuls have to decide together who fills what role, if this takes to long, the senate will intervene and vote for them. Here are the administration members and roles.
Praetor: Leader of the Army. 1 of 3 great general units I gave to Rome. Together the 2 consuls and the Praetor control the entire Roman army. If military stategies for war put forth by him are agreed by both Consuls, then it will not go forth to the senate.
Quaestor: Leader of Finance. He puts forth suggestions for tax rate (how high the tech rate, gold rate are). Also puts forth of the suggestions for building for the city of Roma, and what tiles are worked. He also puts forth suggestions for what techs are to be researched.
Aedile: Interior. He puts forth suggestions for what improvements the workers build and suggestions for building for the city of Roma
Governors: Appointed by the senate, the governors have control over the construction of there territory. They have full power over their region, however the senate can strip them of this power and replace them. However the governors do not vote in any issues, as they live to far away from Rome to voice there opinion. The governors can control all the cities within 4 tiles from his home city. (must be specified)
If there are not sufficient spots in the government to fill all spots, the Aedile and Quaestor can be played by the same person. If there are still not sufficient spots, I will take over for some of the Governors.
Tribune: The opposition leader. As well as having the highest success at performing opposition actions (tied with consuls) he can suggest vetoing a veto or putting forth his own veto. In either case, every member not in the administration votes, if all of them decide they want him to use his veto, then he is allowed to.**recently changed

-I will post in the forum before each play session, where the consuls and opposition leader will then put forth suggests to decide the course Rome takes. Each senator will then vote on which option they like best. The consuls have the option to veto the oppositions suggestions. If they do so, no vote towards the oppositions suggestions will be counted. They also have the option to veto the other consuls suggestion. If all 4 suggestions are vetoed, then the senate will have no control over what happens in the situation.

- Elections can be ended early if one side concedes defeat, but their starting strength will be lowered and they will gain it much slower.

- Every reader (including players) has two votes in the elections. Putting in two votes for a single party is not allowed. However, if parties want to play it smart they'll seek coalition with a like-minded party so players can put two votes into their front.

-The two consuls will have an in game unit, a great general, the great general will be attached to the unit of their choice, and if the unit dies. The position become vacant, and the other consul will temporarily hold full power.

-A consul cannot be elected twice in a row. Unless their party hold more then 40% of the vote during the second election.

- The host (Ilduce349) retains full rights to ban any party that has violated these rules. Spamming parties, parties using a complaint generator, parties inciting hate or parties that are found obtrusive for the normal functioning of this thread will be banned from the elections indefinitely.

- Please refrain from PMing me for every game-related issue. Alternatives are using the profile visitor comments, or simply commenting in the thread.

- You cannot change your vote once it is cast, but you can withdraw your party from a coalition and join another one mid-elections.

- By voting, joining a party or performing any other form of interaction with this AAR, you declare that you have read and understood these rules to the letter. I don't want to be a jerk guys, so keep it clean!

That about sums it up. I'll reserve one post after this for the party listing and one after that for the ruling entities/election status, then feel free to post parties or go independent and simply comment.
Partis (parties):

PARTIS DI BELLUM (The Party of War):
Probably a very aggressive party who supports war and nothing else. They strongly believe in Roman Patriotism, and past members came up with the sayings 'Dulce et decorum' and 'Si vis pacem, para bellum'
Founder: WIM
Leader: Wim
Other members: Mr Banana

Liber Partis (The Independent Party):
A grouping of differing people that wish to vote on events without getting caught up in the power structures and manouvering if they are a direct member of a political party. The Independent members do not vote for the Independent Party (but Ilduce might), instead they vote for other parties they support. The Independent Party does not join Coalitions or try to get elected into power. It is merely a title for Independent Voters.
Founder Ravus Sol
Leader Ravus Sol
Other members: none

Partis di Liberatio (The Liberation Party)
A party based on the fact that the people, not a water tart whom distributes swords, is the legal basis of a government. We abide to complete social liberties for everyone with the civics of choice.
Founder: Omega
Leader: Omega
Other members: none

Imperiosus Partis (The Imperial Party)
A party that wants to create peace through militaristic means, they want a large defensive army so that they will never be invaded. As a result similar to the war party, but they are more balanced, and seek to make alliances and friendship where possible, and only want to kill if a nation is really in our way or they really anger us. We support a large military though just in case
Founder: Dommy
Leader: Dommy
Other members: Duke of Britain

Glorificus Nationalistic Romanorum Partis (The Glorious Nationalistic Roman Party)
We believe that Rome should expand, militaristically and scientifically, but not to the point where we collapse. We would rather have a sustainable small empire with only 3-4 cities than an empire with 15 cities on the verge of collapse. We believe that civics should suit the nation, not some leader’s views, so we will change civics with the situation (AKA, PS and Communism when we have a large empire, Bureaucracy and Representation when we have a small empire behind in tech.) We dislike pacifism in general but, if needs be, we will be pacifists. Our main aim is to get Rome in a powerful, but stable, position.
Founder: Ninjacow
Leader: Ninjacow
Other members: none

Partis Di Romanorum Licentia (Party of Roman Freedom)
The Party of Roman Freedom supports a small defensive core of Roman legions as an army, small enough to not be s strain on the economy or be a worry to pacifists, big enough to be able to defend us. We value freedoms highly, and we will do anything to get rid of this current dictatorship if it is not released by the consuls RIGHT NOW. We are leftist, and believe in tech above all else, besides the people. War should be avoided.
Founder: Arya

Romanorum Liberatio Frons (Roman Liberation Front)
A militaristic Libertarian party. We deeply believe in freedom and liberty, and have no qualms over fighting for them.
Founder: Mechaerik
Leader: Mechaerik
Other members: None

We believe in upholding democracy, the freedoms of all peoples, pursue a slightly pacifist path, and love technology.
Founder: Aysee
Leader: Aysee
Other members: Aysee
Senate elections of 610 BC
Bel 5
Imp 4
Lib 3
Nit 1
Ind 1

The Grand Militaristic Coalition 8 votes
Unaligned 4 votes

Second Senate elections of 610 BC
Imp 7
Bel 6
Lib 2
Ind 1

Current Consuls: Mr Banana and Dommy

Opposition Strength Gauge:

Current: Minor Leader: Omega

- Insignificant

- Weak

- Minor

- Moderate

- Noticeable

- Fairly Strong

- Strong

- Dangerous

- Murderous

Opposition Actions:

Call for Reelection - Action that any player can take. Calls on the President to hold a reelection. I may step in depending on the circumstances, however, for one side or the other.

General Strike - Basic action. Must be declared in thread by opposition leader. Based on the strength of the opposition, a certain number of cities will be selected for coin flips. Heads=get off scat-free. Tails=all production shut down. Number of cities depends on opposition strength.

Vote of No Confidence - Advanced action. Must be called for in thread by opposition leader. If enough players support the motion, anarchy descends upon the nation until the vote is repealed.

Sabotage - Basic action. May destroy a random province improvement. To perform, ANY player must PM me with the target city and improvement(or leave it up to me) and I will flip a coin for odds of success. If it fails, I flip a coin again to decide if the President discovers evidence leading back to the instigator of the action.

Call for Desertion - Advanced action. Opposition must announce the call in the thread. Some units may or may not be disbanded. Number of units depends on opposition strength.

Armed Revolution - VERY advanced action. Must be declared in thread by opposition leader, a consul can choose to be the leader of the rebellion though. If a consul is a rebel, and wins, he will become dictator for the next 30 turns. Every player who wishes to participate for either side PMs me with this information:

- Allegiance (Government or Rebels)
- A unit type they wish to raise (Era applicable, please)
- Four promotions (in order of priority) for their unit to receive.
- Name of ship (if a naval unit, otherwise, unit will be called ______'s Company. Ships for the Government will be given the prefix HMS and rebel ships will be RNV(Revolutionary Naval Vessel)).

The leaders (Consuls and Opposition Leader) will be represented by a regiment with a Great General attached.

**recently changed**i will world builder a map, and add all the units pmed to me on it. I will also flip a coin to determine where each in game unit will be rebel or government. Heads=Rebel Tails=Government
We will then fight it out. I will be pming the leaders of rebellion on opposition for orders, giving sceenshots of the situation and asking them for orders. I will also pm anyone participating the the revolution to ask for orders. If they don't respond in time, I will just move for them.**recently changed**

Armed Revolution Concepts:

The Republican Guards/The Foreign Legions:

The Guards or the Legions will provide extra strength to the Government or the Rebels, respectively, in the event that the battle is upset enough that one side needs reinforcements to bring the outcome back into question. Note that there is a limit to what the Guards/Legions can do to affect the numbers.

Government Actions:

Temporary Dictator - Advanced action. All opposition actions except Armed Revolution and Sabotage are made impossible, and both are highly unlikely to succeed. One of the consuls (a vote will take place) will be elected to be a temporary dictator. For the next 10 turns, he will have full control over the country.
I would like to sign up for this Realpolitik. (I always wanted too join LH’s one, but I felt that it had gone on way to much for me to join. :()

Just a few questions, is this going to have all of LH’s Realpolitik stuff (Civil Wars, Martial Law etc.) or is this going to be more like Bobbytjoe’s one?

BTW I am really excited! (:D) I love RFC, but I never played RAND because it doesn’t work on a Mac :(.

On that note, if I do play, I am against the different Civics. I would like to be able to know as much about the game functions as possible.

1 of the reserves if or the rules, that I am currently writing, I differ from both LH and Bobs, I am trying to make it as similar to the Roman Senate as possible, while not making it over the top complicated were we need 300 people for it to work. I am also in the process of writing the story of how (and why) the Roman senate was founded, I played the first turn set (7 turns) and after posting the story, we will then try to begin the election. This means create parties NOW please. The election will start after we have 4-5 parties.
I´ll join. Are there going to be Non-Consul positions like the Pontifex Maximus (Religious Leader)? And I vote on the mod.

Also, I found
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GUY! I JUST UPDATED THE RULES! See the opening post.
I´ll join. Are there going to be Non-Consul positions like the Pontifex Maximus (Religious Leader)? And I vote on the mod.
I am putting that into debate, the problem is there are many positions in the real roman senate, and we don't have that many people. I will probably adopt a wait and see approach for now, if we get sufficient numbers then yes, if not then no.

Also please list you parties policies. Allthough they are clearly mostly war like.
The Rise of the Republic of Rome
It was 820BC, King Korinth stood at the center of the phalanx, he was about to add a major territory to his empire. The Italics, they called themselves. These barbarians couldn’t do anything. The barbarian praetorians charged, being heavily outnumbered they had little chance. They were facing the armies of the Greek League, the recently united city states now were a considerable power in the world, and the defiantly the power of middle east, at least for now. The Babylonian civil war helped Greece claim their spot as rightful power of the known world.
A barbarian connected with his spear, and he drew out his sword. Couldn’t these low life’s see that they had no chance of winning.
‘CHARGE!!!!’ He ordered his men as they rushed down hill to finish off the remaining defenders. Italia was his. The remaining enemy forces surrendered, they had fought bravely, but with nearly 1 in 3 dead, they all knew they had little chance of victory. The amount of comrades on the floor confirmed it. He had just added about 900 slaves to his palace back in Athenia. After the victory they reached the navel city of Trusca, the second largest city in Italia, and one of the only two worthy of becoming Greek. The city, now undefended, lay beneath his feat, and he had just added another territory to the Greek League. He smiled. Rename the city, Korinthos after the general who turned this barbaric city into a city worthy of the Greeks. The Italics had fought well to defend it, and he had suffered more casualties than anticipated. It was a beautiful city, worthy of carrying his name, Situated on the northern most point of Mediterranean it was the only point that made the sea look like an ocean, and it was nice. He dreamed of finding boats one day large enough to travel one, but that was impossible, the wind was to strong and waves to big, but dreams were dreams. There were rumours that his son had successfully taken the city of Roma, the other major city in Italia. He would travel north to confirm that. Regardless Italia had more than half their remaining forces situated outside Trusca, and with the city taken, it was only a matter of time that the rest of Italia would become Greek. He decided to name the territory area 7(Code Geass reference) after all, this was the 7th area conquered by the Greeks, 4 of them minor city states, but that was beside the point.

It had been 15 years ago that Italia surrendered to the Greek League in war. The city was in ruined, the nearby mines had collapsed from overworking, and all the miners died. They were all subjected to slavery in the Greek League and already 2 rebellions had been put down. More Phalanxes were sent from Athenia in order to prevent a third. The Italics 7s, hated their rulers, but couldn’t afford to fight them, to many lives had been lost, and King Sevvi was getting impatient, if his father hadn’t been buried in that city, he would have burnt it years ago. The people of Italia new this and some figured it was only a matter of time. However, he had recently found more reason to keep the city, the sugar reserves found on the east side of the city and found to be in high demand in Athenia, they could not financially afford to keep the burn the city. So he would just have to add more troops there. However time was running out, if the Carthaginians ever found out, war would be declared, and the Italics would be sure to rebel. He was being forced into a difficult situation, and couldn’t figure out what to do. Sending more soldiers north would invite a Carthaginian invasion force, but not sending any more would invite a rebellion. He orders an increase in spies going towards Carthage, if he could catch the Carthaginian spies, he wouldn’t have to worry about it.
9 Years had past and relations between Carthage and Greece tensed, once visiting the border he was frightened to see Numidian cavalry on the border, could war be near. The main reason for the panic was the sheer size of the army. Going back into his tent he asked one of his generals, “how big do you reckon that army is?”
“2000ish” the general replied, it was only an estimate, but was an accurate one.
Both of them new this was bad news, there were 400 Greek soldiers between this point and Athenia, If word got out, it would be over the Greeks would be slaughtered.
The room was silent, the generals worried that this would mark the fall of Greece.
Suddenly a messenger came in ‘The gods finally answered our prayers, 16 Carthage spies have been caught, right before they could send information to Carthage” the generals and king cheered. War had been avoided, and the spies were replaced with Greeks fluent in Phoenician, the language spoken by Carthage. They had successfully infiltrated Carthage, and Greece could afford to send more soldiers north.

Ilduce, former prince of Greece, was starting the preparations for war. The Huns had recently invaded Italia, and he decided they should rebel while Greece is fighting the off Huns. The rebellion would take place in Roma, as the Huns have placed Korinthos under siege. Go back to the good old days; the iron mine to the east was once again being reused, the Greeks didn’t have the technology used to mine iron, and yet the Italics are considered barbaric.
A year passed, and it was time, the Greeks were in final stages of pushing back the Huns, so now would be time for war. 9600 praetorians had been armed, and the Greeks, suffering heavy looses to the Huns probably had around 90000 soldiers. This was the best they could do.
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Italia and Greece on the verge of the Italic Revolution

Using superior tactics Ilduce proved his worth, he managed to win battle after battle, no matter the numbers he fought. He had been trained by the best military strategists in Greece, so knew everything about Greek tactics. He used this to his advantaged, and easily crushed the Greeks.
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Liberation of Trusca
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Reconstruction of Arretium, Siege of Hattatus (bottom corner, sorry I meant to completely show the city)

It was now time for the battle of Athens, once again the Greeks toppled, only 8000 soldiers left, this would be the first time Ilduce comfortably outnumbered the Greeks. The Italic forces were recently repelled here, as he wasn’t able to participate in the battle. But this time he was here, and he would win. Better soldiers, better tactics, more men. Only the gods could take victory from him. Despite the easy victory Ilduce suffered a fatal wound in the battle, one of the 24 Italics who would die as a result of this battle. Heavily wounded he would speak to his people one last time. "Ego hic ostendo sum nostrum libertas ex Cupiditas , tamen don't take is volo resurrection of vestri cado populus , nos mos non averto manuum of vicis , novus Italia nos vado in texo , vadum exsisto unus prolixus satis ut recipero totus populus histories , quod ideologies. Qua validus vadum non corrigia super pallens , quod is vadum exsisto accersitus Populus Res publica quod Orchestra of Rome."
“I hereby declare our independence from Greece, but don't take this to mean the resurrection of your fallen nation, we will not turn back the hands of time, the new Italia we go on to build, shall be one broad enough to accept all peoples and histories. Where the strong shall not rein over the weak, and it shall be called The People Republic and Senate of Rome.”
After stating Romes Independence, he suggested making the country a Republic, so that no man would ever have enough power to be the dictators, Pericles, Midas, and Korinth once were.
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The Size of Rome and her territories when the Republic was founded.


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I just played the first turn set, as I was bored. The first election will begin as soon as we have 4 parties.

We are still voting on whether or not to use my civics, or the regular civics, as soon as the election begins, the voting will end.
Need some clarification on a few issues:

What is RFCRAND? It doesn't look like we are starting in Rome/Italy... so is this merely a earth like map but we are in a different place? Or are you meaning you will be basing the peronification of the roman republic on the real earth history etc. So we are on a random map?

If we are on a random map or something different how does this effect the differing rules involved in RFC? I know from the orginal that where you place cities and what you build and do effects the stability rating of the empire. Does this still effect the Roman Empire in this version? Can we get these rules up in the initial posts for those who don't know about the game.

Also you don't make clear the consul power structure. You state that they are two equally powerful presidental positions but then state that there will be votes on issues and that the Consul's will have veto power. How will this work? Will every single issue be put up to a vote from everyone? (sounds time consuming) or will it merely be the game-master created issues that you yourself add in that need votes on? Also how equal is the power of the two consuls? If they disagree what happens? Does the opposition leader become a swing vote in a trio balance of power or does the country grind to a halt while they sort the issue out?

How do we vote on your civics when we have allready started... are these civics that you have put into the game as extras? If you wish to include them can we get some description of them in the opening posts for clarification on what you mean by extra civics and what they do?

Assuming i understand how this will be run later i'll probably create a Independent Party as so;

The Independent Party
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A grouping of differing people that wish to vote on events without getting caught up in the power structures and manouvering if they are a direct member of a political party.

The Independent members do not vote for the Independent Party, instead they vote for other parties they support. The Independent Party does not join Coalitions or try to get elected into power. It is merely a title for Independent Voters.
I am proud to announce (Again) the creation and new leadership of:

The Liberation Party​


Fighting for man's liberties

A party based on the fact that the people, not a water tart whom distributes swords, is the legal basis of a government. We abide to complete social liberties for everyone with the civics of choice.

Gov.: Despot, to HR, to Rep., to Universal Suffrage

Legal: Barb., to Vassalage, to Bureaucracy, to Free Speech

Labour: Tribalism, to Ecampination (We refuse slavery of any type, including the Caste Systym)

Eco: Decentralization, to Free Market

Religion: Paganism, to Free Religion

Once a tech unlocking it is available, we upgrade to the next "Acceptable" civic immediately.

We also believe in seperation of church and state. Immediately once in power, we will switch to Paganism/Free Religion and Secularism. We shall free the slaves immediately, with either Tribalism or Ecampination. Our preferred choice of victory is Diplomatic, so one of our biggest priorities is building the UN.


Also, can you upload those into Imageshack or Tinypic? Very annoying that I must click on the images to actually be able to to see them.

EDIT: Use modified civics, please.
Ok, we have 2 votes to modified civics, 1 vote to leave as is.
Ravus you didn't vote
What is RFCRAND?
We are playing The Rhyes and fall of a random map, or RFCrand. Other then that it is exactly like RFC: here is the download to the mod
(sounds time consuming)
That was the main problem with the senate, it was really inefficient, but yes, everyone votes. Majority rules. However the Consul can veto the senates decisions (like in real life)
How do we vote on your civics when we have allready started... are these civics that you have put into the game as extras? If you wish to include them can we get some description of them in the opening posts for clarification on what you mean by extra civics and what they do?
There are no new civics, it just changes what each civic does. It doesn't change the early civics, just the late, so it wouldn't make a difference yet (at least not to us) Egypt would be the only affected nation so far. Once we vote, I will replace the civic file with the one in my mod, if we vote in favor of it. The early civic changes aren't game breaking, (slavery gives unhappiness, monarch reduces maintenance (10%) and OR increases great person birth rate (10%)) those are the only groundbreaking changes to those civics. My main changes were to the later civics, which is why I decided it was ok to start.
Ok, we have 2 votes to modified civics, 1 vote to leave as is.
Ravus you didn't vote

I still don't know what these new/altered civics would do. Ergo i can't vote on the matter.

We are playing The Rhyes and fall of a random map, or RFCrand. Other then that it is exactly like RFC: here is the download to the mod

Intriuging. I Assume most of the playstyle is the same then and that the city placement is just negated. Could be fun. Will help in stability.

That was the main problem with the senate, it was really inefficient, but yes, everyone votes. Majority rules. However the Consul can veto the senates decisions (like in real life)

Sounds different. So the Consul's are basically just the trusted veto holders. They have no real power otherwise. Assuming human motivations then i guess that most parties will not matter then. Coalitions in this voting style will be more likely to break down as they only provide a veto-trustee and not a president or leader.

What happens when the two veto-trustee's completly disagree and just continuely veto all the senate decissions? There seems to be no clause for that except hoping the senante comes to a compromise exceptable to both sides or that one side submits. If thats the case i see the opposition options in this being used a lot more then the other ones. I'll definatly join in just to see how this all happens. (maybe i should change to a more radical party... naw i'll stick as it is for now to observe)

There are no new civics, it just changes what each civic does. It doesn't change the early civics, just the late, so it wouldn't make a difference yet (at least not to us) Egypt would be the only affected nation so far. Once we vote, I will replace the civic file with the one in my mod, if we vote in favor of it. The early civic changes aren't game breaking, (slavery gives unhappiness, monarch reduces maintenance (10%) and OR increases great person birth rate (10%)) those are the only groundbreaking changes to those civics. My main changes were to the later civics, which is why I decided it was ok to start.

Sounds interesting. If we can get a list up i'll make a proper vote on it.
Sounds different. So the Consul's are basically just the trusted veto holders. They have no real power otherwise. Assuming human motivations then i guess that most parties will not matter then. Coalitions in this voting style will be more likely to break down as they only provide a veto-trustee and not a president or leader.
The consuls also hold the power of a great general unit, this unit will be theirs and they can move it without the senates request. Consuls also have to power to enact temporary dictatorship, where they will have full control (like a president does in regular realpolitik) for 10 turns. This power can be abused and was ultimately the cause of the downfall of the senate in rl. The consuls have more power simply because they have the veto option. If someone puts forth a suggestion that either of them dislikes, the suggestion cannot be used. Of course abusing that power will get really frustrating for everyone else.

I still don't know what these new/altered civics would do. Ergo i can't vote on the matter.
I just tried to make them more balanced and realistic, however the point of the altered civics, is you would use them based on your parties beliefs rather the changing civics because this civic is better. Your not suppose to know.

Intriuging. I Assume most of the playstyle is the same then and that the city placement is just negated. Could be fun. Will help in stability.
It is one of the better civ 4 mods. My second faviote out of the ones that don't crash my computer.
I'd like to join the War Party. Warring as Rome is unlike warring as any other civ, especially onRAND when their stabilitys maps are in a lot of civ's core areas, so you can invade lots of people.

Ilduce, you realize that is Mussolini's nickname, right?
Please put all spam in a spoiler
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Sadly yes. In 2008 I was a HUGE Mussolini fan, hence the name. Now I am no longer a fan of his, but decided to keep the name simply because I am to lazy to create a new account.
Please put all spam in a spoiler
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Sadly yes. In 2008 I was a HUGE Mussolini fan, hence the name. Now I am no longer a fan of his, but decided to keep the name simply because I am to lazy to create a new account.

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Thank goodness you aren't a Mussolini fan anymore?:eek: I will assume that it was because of a lack of knowledge of what he really did?

I want to create the Imperial Party. They are similar to the war party, but they are more balanced, and seek to make alliances and friendship where possible, and only want to kill if a nation is really in our way or they really anger us. We support a large military though just in case.
Do you vote for or against my civic mod?

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Thank goodness you aren't a Mussolini fan anymore? I will assume that it was because of a lack of knowledge of what he really did?

pretty much, in 2008 I knew 2 things about Mussolini
1. He was the founder of Right Wing Extremist trend, that went wound the world in the 20's and 30's (Right before ww2, 40%(estimate, cant remember the exact number) of the worlds government had some form of fascism or Nazism in there government.
2. He was a fascist leader, which was my favorite form of government

However recently I found out about his anti-semantics, corruption and centralist economic policy. As well as finding the communist party of Italy, which when they got like 0.1% of the vote, he then created the fascist party, going for political opposites.
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