Go, Boldly - Space Exploration


Jul 28, 2014
It could be coincidence. Just over a year after the first successful FTL jumps, a signal determined to have originated from Alpha Centauri reached Earth. A series of pulses. Rhythmic, in a way that could only be artificial. Perhaps it arrived at this time by chance. Maybe not.

The first fleet of FTL capable Starships have left their drydocks, and their eager Captains and crew look outwards, to see what is among the stars.

Go, Boldly is a game of exploration. Players take on the role of Captains, exploring space using their Starship and their crew. As they explore strange new worlds and seek out new life, they will develop their ships, grow their crew, and forge the future of humanity - whether that be one of peaceful coexistence with the wonders of the galaxy, or of domination and subjugation, or somewhere in between.

Spoiler :
To join, fill in the below form.

Captain Name: The name of the starship’s captain
Captain Experience: Choose one experience for the captain
Captain Trait: Choose one trait for the captain
Starship Name: The name of your ship (all ships will be given the prefix ESS, or Earth Star Ship)
Ship System Points: allocate the following points to their systems: 3,2,2,1,1
Weapons, Engines, Shields and Armour, Scanners and Comms, Stealth
Crew Points: allocate the following points to their crew sections: 3,2,2,1,1
Security, Command, Engineering, Science, Medical
Distinguished Officers: choose three officers, one Lieutenant, one First Lieutenant, and one Ensign
Ship Sprite and Colour: Choose one of the below sprites and a colour (with a hex code please) to represent your ship on the map:

Extra: Background of your Captain, crew, ship design, etc. Something I would particularly love to see are assignment patches.

ESS Hypothetical
Captain Theoretical
Ship Points: Weapons 2, Engines 3, Shields and Armour 1, Scanners and Comms 2, Stealth 1
Crew Points: Security 1, Command 2, Engineering 2, Science 3, Medical 1
Distinguished Officers: Lt. Linguist Sato, 2nd Lt. Critical Sys Engineer, Ensign Medic Wright
Ship Sprite: Bottom left, maroon (#800000)

The Captain
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Captain Experiences
A Captain's experience describes what the captain did before taking the starship's centre chair, giving them an edge in situations they know well.

- +1 to Security rolls
Career Officer - +1 to Command rolls
Engineer - +1 to Engineering rolls
Academic - +1 to Science rolls
Doctor - +1 to Medical rolls

Captain Traits
Captain traits are the skills that give the captain an edge (or possibly a penalty) in certain situations. Additional traits may be earned through extreme experiences at later times.

Diplomatic - +2 to rolls for diplomatic actions
Wanderlust - +1 sector movement
Exploratory - +2 to sector Scanner rolls
Team Player - +1 to all rolls when cooperating with another ship or crew
Homesick - +2 to all rolls when in an Earth controlled sector
Slippery - +5 to retreat rolls
Battle Fury - +1 to damage and attack rolls, +1 to defense in ship combat
Crew Priority - +2 Crew Points restored for free each turn
Ship Priority - +2 Ship Points restored for free each turn
Haggler - 5% off all RC costs

Crew and Ship Points
Spoiler :
Crew and Ship Points are your main stats, and determine the size, skill, and power of your crew and ship. You will use these points to complete Challenges, move your ship, engage in ground or ship combat, and anything else you may end up doing in Go, Boldly.

Weapons - Used in combat to deal damage. Can also be used for any challenge that requires very heavy damage dealing in space or from orbit.
Engines - Used to determine how fast and maneuverable the ship is. Also determines how far a ship can travel in a turn, with a ship being able travel sectors equal to its engine points. Makes a ship harder to hit in combat, as well as used to escape combat.
Shields and Armour - Used to protect against weapons. Can also be ‘extended’ to protect nearby ships or objects.
Scanners and Communication - Used to scan sectors or planets, as well as for locking onto targets. Used in combat to hit targets, and beat stealth.
Stealth - Used to keep the ship hidden from enemy scanners. Used in combat to get off first shots, or make a hidden escape.

Security - Used for combat or security on away-missions or onboard ships. Directly opposed to other security rolls.
Command - Used for diplomatic or administrative tasks. Can assist in almost any other task, though only with half rolls.
Engineering - Used for repairs, construction, or any other tasks involving machinery or technical equipment. Can repair Ship Points equal to Engineering Points every turn.
Science - Used for surveying, research, experimenting, or any other scientific matters.
Medical - Used for medical treatment, diagnosis, combat support, or any other health matters. Can replenish depleted crew points equal to its score every turn.

Distinguished Officers
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Distinguished officer are crew members that excel in a particular field, and contribute a bonus depending on their rank to any associated rolls in a challenge or in combat.

Linguist - can work out alien languages quickly, and is useful in almost any diplomatic setting
Android - can do rapid calculations on the spot, and directly interface with computers
Astrophysicist - can analyse and understand all manner of space phenomena
Psychologist - can understand the thinking of crew and possible aliens
Geoarchaeologist - can analyse and understand exoplanets and ancient artifacts or civilisations
Theologist - can analyse and understand xeno religions, as well as provide chaplain services
Biologist - can analyse, understand, and work with animal life
Botanist - can analyse, understand, and work with plant life
Tactician - can provide planning and execution of plans on the smaller, tactical scale
Strategist - can provide planning and execution of plans on the larger, strategic scale
Special Operative - can provide combat expertise to ship and away-team security and infiltration
Bomb Tech - can arm, disarm, find, handle, and analyse explosive devices
Investigator - can do detective work; finding evidence, motives, and interrogating suspects
Pilot - can expertly maneuver starships, as well as lesser vehicles
Gunner - can maintain, enhance, and understand various weapons systems
Support Systems Engineer - can maintain, enhance, and understand the various support systems, such as oxygen, heating, water, waste disposal, etc
Critical Systems Engineer - can maintain, enhance, and understand the various critical systems, such as engines, shields, power, etc
Medic - can provide immediate aid in rough conditions, such as on away missions or during combat
Surgeon - can undertake complicated medical procedures with precision instruments
Counselor - can smooth over inter-personal issues between the crew, or possible aliens
Cook - can make food real good
Steward - can requisition stores and inventory, handles crew pay and material requests
Entertainer - can entertain crew, visitors, or dignitaries, good for boosting morale when times are tough

The rank of an officer determines what bonus the officer provides to a roll. Officers can rank up if crew or ship points’ they are assisting rolls a natural 20.

Commander: +5
Lieutenant Commander: +4
Lieutenant: +3
Second Lieutenant: +2
Ensign: +1

Spoiler :
The main way you will use Crew or Ship Points is in Challenges. A Challenge has a hidden number, called a DC (difficulty class), which you will be required to beat by allocating the appropriate Crew or Ship Points. During a challenge, each Point is equal to one twenty-sided die roll. You may assign any number of your Points in any combination of types, but you can only use a Point once in a turn, it must be used in the same sector as your ship, and it must be used in a way that makes sense. Unused Crew or Ship Points will by default remain on the ship and be used for defense.

While the exact DC of Challenges is hidden, there are four ‘Alert’ groups that indicate roughly how difficult a Challenge will be. Blue Alert (DC 0-50), Yellow Alert (DC 50-150), Red Alert (DC 150-300), and Double Red Alert (DC 300+). The degree of failure or success in a challenge is determined by how below or above the DC your crew/ship points roll, with harsher penalties for worse failures, and more rewards for better successes.

There are three main types of Challenges. The most common are sector Challenges, which are restricted to any ships in the sector. The second most common are ship Challenges, which are of course subject only to a particular ship. Lastly are universal Challenges, which are rare events where every ship can interact with the Challenge, regardless of location.

Here is an example of a ship, as well as how it could handle a challenge.

Example Ship:
ESS Hypothetical
Captain Theoretical,
Ship: Weapons 2, Engines 3, Shields and Armour 1, Scanners and Comms 2, Stealth 1
Crew: Security 1, Command 2, Engineering 2, Science 2, Medical 1
Distinguished Officers: Ensign Medic Wright (+1), 2nd Lt. Critical Sys Engineer (+2)

Example Challenge:
Blue Alert
Description: The colony on Example Planet II has been overrun by aggressive and rapidly growing plant life. Not only have the plants damaged or destroyed the colonial facilities and equipment by growing into and through them, but it has also injured and killed hundreds of the colonists. The first ‘attacks’ occurred overnight, with plants rapidly overgrowing the colonists as they slept, somehow undetected by security systems. The colonists awoke to find their bodies intertwined with the plants, and separating bodies from the plants has resulted in the death of every patient. Colonial security officers have so far prevented anyone from leaving the planet for fear of spreading the plants to other sectors.

Example Orders:
The SEAS Hypothetical sends the following crew to the planet surface; 1 point of security, 1 point of command, 1 point of science, and 1 point of medical,and Ensign Medic Wright. The security crew are to protect the colonists and the Hypothetical’s crew from the plant life, the command crew are to negotiate with the colonists to keep them calm and on the planet, the science crew are to attempt to study the plant life and find a way to stop its spread or kill it, and the medical crew along with Ensign Wright are to try to save the surviving ‘overgrown’ colonists and see if they can safely remove ingrown plants.

Meanwhile, the Hypothetical will use 1 point of weapons and 2 points of scanners to assist the crew. The weapons will be used to orbitally bombard the plants if they become over aggressive, while the scanners are to scan the rest of the planet to either find the source of the plants, or at least how much of the planet’s surface is covered by the plants.

The remaining crew and ship points could then be used for any other Challenges in the Sector, or could be left unused as passive defense.

Example Result:
Total Successes
79 vs. DC 30
Extreme Success
(In some cases, individual rolls can fail if they are below ten, in which case the associated crew or ship point may be damaged)

Immediately upon landing on the planet’s surface, plants began rapidly growing towards the colonists’ stronghold. Security personnel, supported by orbital bombardment from the Hypothetical, were able to hold back the plant lift, allowing the command crew and colonial authorities were able to quell the panicking colonists. With the threat of the plants dealt with for the time being, and the colonists calm enough to deal with, the science and medical crew set to work examining and treating the ‘intertwined’ colonists. Ensign Wright and the medical crew determined that it was impossible to remove the ingrown plants, as they had melded with the patients’ central nervous systems. Observing odd behaviour from the intertwined colonists and the nearby plants, and corroborating with the Hypothetical’s sensor readings, the science crew came to the conclusion that the plants were sentient, and had numerous ‘cities’ around the planet, one of which was right next to the colony. The science and medical staff managed to stabilise the intertwined colonists, and found that with a particular drug cocktail were able to open up the colonists consciousness to the wider plant hive minds. After some awkward communication attempts, command got across the point that the colonists were not intending to harm the plants, and that the plants’ actions were very much harming the colonists. Negotiations over the next few days between the colonists and plants was successful, resulting in not only peaceful coexistence, but in a combining of the colony with the neighbour ‘city’, along with further intertwining of willing colonists with the plants. One of the Hypothetical’s botanists even underwent the intertwining, and has gained a new perspective on their work.
Effect: +200 Requisition Credits, +Ensign Botanist, Example Planet II colony strengthened.

Spoiler :
You will often have minimal information about a sector when first entering it. When entering a system, your ship will use its Scanners, aided by the Science crew, to discover what it can about the system, revealing celestial bodies, anomalies, life forms, and possible contact with those life forms. Depending on your Scanners and Science roll, you may only reveal a fraction of the sector’s contents, and further Scanner rolls will be required to discover more. You will receive Requisition Credits for scanning sectors equal to the % revealed.

The amount the Science crew is limited by the ship's Scanners, the maximum Science points that will be rolled when exploring a sector is limited to the Scanners points.

Spoiler :
Crew and ship points are also used in combat. Combat may arise during challenges, or by direct attacks by players onto NPC ships, or NPC ships onto player ships (or, in extreme cases, player on player attacks).

Combat between crews within challenges is usually contained within the DC, but in certain circumstances security points will be directly rolled against other security-like points, along with any modifiers.

Combat between ships is handled differently. Ships trade attacks until one either retreats, surrenders, is disabled, or is destroyed.

Detection and Stealth Strike - When ships first enter combat, they must each make a Scanner vs. Stealth check. If both sides fail (are unable to detect each other), they roll again. If both succeed, they enter combat normally, with the one making a higher Scanner roll attacking first. If one side succeeds and the other fails, then the winner gets a free attack, then makes the first attack of normal combat.

Attack - When attacking, the attacker rolls a d20+Scanners and Comms points against the opponent's defense.

Defense - For the attacking ship to hit, it must score above 10+Shields and Armour+Engines.

Damage - If the attacker hits, it deals damage equal to its Weapons points, with this damage taking away the defending ship’s points, starting with its Shields and Armour, then being able to freely target other systems at will afterwards.

Destroying Systems - Removing all the points from a system will change how a ship functions in combat in various ways: removing Weapons renders the ship unable to attack, removing Engines makes all future attacks against the ship automatically hit and renders the ship unable to retreat, removing Scanners and Communication gives the ship a -5 to all attack rolls, and removing stealth means the ship cannot attempt to stealth retreat.

Retreat - There are two ways for a ship to retreat. A ship can attempt to retreat by making three successful d20+engine rolls against the same rolls by its opponent. Alternatively, a ship can retreat by making three successful d20+stealth rolls against a d20+Scanners roll by its opponent.

Success - If a ship doesn’t surrender, it must have its Shields, Engines and Weapons reduced to zero to render it disabled. A ship is destroyed if it takes damage without any remaining system points.

- To board a ship, it must be disabled by reducing its Shields, Engines and Weapons to zero points. A forceful boarding will require a direct roll between the two crews’ Security points, and any additional modifiers, such as relevant distinguished officers.

Emergency Repairs
When a ship starts taking damage, it can forgo an attack to conduct emergency repairs, allowing for a Engineering roll to make repairs, with the result/10 points of systems being repaired.

Crew Losses
Once a ship's Shields and Armour are depleted,the crew may begin taking losses. For each point of damage taken, the a d20+Medical Points roll must be made. If the result is under 10, a Crew Point will be lost at random.

Combat Orders - When writing orders for combat, you may give ‘standing orders’ for combat if you desire, such as which systems your ship should target first, if and when it should attempt to retreat, and whether it should aim to kill or disable its opponent. You can be as specific as you want with conditions, or leave it entirely automated. Your crew will do their best to keep the ship alive.

Spoiler :
Ships and crews can cooperate with other ships and crews in almost any situation, whether it in Exploration, Challenges, or Combat. In many cases, it is much more efficient to work with other Captains, as it will minimise the risk to your own ship and crew, and greatly increase chances of success. The rewards for completing Challenges, Combat, or Exploration will be split between the ships and crews involved, according to their performance.

When in combat, there a few special cooperative actions that can be taken.

Extend Shields - A ship can use its Shield Points to protect another ship, sacrificing its own defenses.

Aid Targeting - a hip can use its Scanners Points to improve the attacks of another ship, sacrificing its own attack bonus.

Requisition Credits and Costs
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RC’s are gained from exploring and completing challenges, and used to upgrade your ship and recruit new distinguished officers. NOTE: You must be within 4 sectors from the nearest friendly settled sector to use RCs.

Crew and Ship Points
2nd level point - 100RC
3rd level point - 225RC
4th level point - 375RC
5th level point - 550RC
6th level point - 750RC
7th level point - 975RC
8th level point - 1225RC
9th level point - 1500RC
10th level point - 1800RC

Replenish crew/ship point - 50RC


Ensign officer - 200RC
2nd Lt. officer - 350RC
1st Lt. officer - 500RC
Lt. Cdr. - 650RC
Cdr. officer - 800RC

Setting Bible
Spoiler :
Supranational Earth Authority (SEA)
The Third World War in the first half of the 21st century, and the ensuing chaos and regional wars of the second half, thoroughly weakened the nation states that had once dominated Earth’s politics. Multinational corporations and the surviving elements of the United Nations and other international organisations began to accrue more influence among the war weary population, eventually leading to the rise of the Supranational Earth Authority (SEA) in the opening decades of 22nd century. While nation states continued to exist, they were thoroughly defanged by the 2150s. The next hundred years saw the steady rise of living standards, expansion of space development, and the continued integration of the SEA into all levels of government around the world, from municipal to global. The discovery of FTL drives on the eve of the 24th century arrived in a world where a united Earth has been the norm for nearly two hundred years.

Sol Outer Colonies
The Outer Colonies are described as any human settlement not on Earth or Luna. The largest non-Terran settlement in the solar system is Mars, followed by the Saturnian and Jovian systems, and lastly the combined asteroid belt stations. The SEA control of its colonies has always been fairly authoritarian in nature, seeing them as an extension of Earth rather than distinct political bodies. This disregard led to the 2292-93 Earth-Free Alliance War, and the loss of nearly a million lives, ending in a SEA victory. At the dawn of the 24th century, the outer colonies are still recovering from the war.

Earth Space Force (ESF)
The ESF began as the Supranational Earth Authority Space Agency (SEASA) in the late 22nd century as the colonisation of mars began in earnest. It changed into the ESF as humanity spread throughout the solar system and private spacecraft became more widespread, and with them the prospect of non-governmental armed vessels, resulting in the arming of the Space Agency. The discovery of stable FTL drives has seen a massive increase in ESF spending and recruitment, resulting in the construction of a fleet of new Starships, ready to explore humanity’s neighbouring space sectors. And in the wake of those Starships, large colony ships are already being finished and stocked with goods and eager colonists.

Alchemy Oven
The alchemy oven is the cornerstone technology that has enabled Earth to flourish. It automatically breaks down material into its raw elements and reconstructs them into completed items, equipment, or even food. For starships, carrying nutrient or material blocks saves space and time, as their is no need to carry large stores of replacement equipment or various foods. Crew can simply ‘cook’ whatever meal or parts they need at the time.

FTL Drive
The FTL Drive has enabled humanity to reach beyond Sol to other stars for the first time. The Drive is still not entirely stable, with about 5% of tested FTL jumps resulting in some sort of anomaly or accident, but is deemed safe enough for use in starships.

Free Alliance - Earth War
Relations between Earth and her colonies had always been tense, but with the development and improvement of the Alchemy Oven, these tensions came to a breaking point. The SEA had long held the Mars and the outer colonies with a tight grip, but its reliance on their mining wealth had at least ensured that the colonial workers would be well payed and supplied. But the Oven allowed Earth (and Mars, to an extent) to become much more self-sufficient, leaving many of the outer colonies' workers out of work, and their stations' infrastructure budgets drying out. If the outer colonies weren't even going to get economic support from Earth, then they felt they should at least have autonomy, but the SEA was proving slow in recognizing this desire, and even slower in shifting any power off of Earth.

In mid 2292, the outer colonies of the asteroid belt and Jupiter and Saturn's moons declared independence from Earth, and under the flag of the Free Alliance launched an attempted surprise attack on the Earth Space Force's colonial holdings. Word of the Free Alliance's military build up had leaked quite early on though, as Earth still had many personnel and supporters in the outer colonies, allowing for the ESF to pull back and rally most of its forces before they could be cut off from Earth.

The first few months of the war saw gains for the Free Alliance, with most of the asteroid belt and Saturnian and Jovian moons freed from ESF control. Skirmishes resulted in heavy losses for both sides, and the entrance of Mars into the Free Alliance further tipped the balance of the war. But as losses on the Free Alliance side mounted, it became clear that the SEA could repair its own ships faster than they could be destroyed. The discovery and destruction of the Free Alliance's outer dry docks were seen as the killing blow, though it would take over a year for Mars, followed by the moons and the belt, to surrender.

ESF reestablished control over the outer colonies, further restricting freedoms and autonomy, but the SEA was quick in passing new economic aid packages to the colonies. Further talks of reparation and possible devolution of power continued, but stalled with the development of FTL, and the discovery of the Alpha Centauri signal. While the military capabilities of the colonies has been shattered, and much of the independence movement demoralised, anti-SEA sentiment on Mars, in the Saturnian and Jovian systems, and in the Belt, is as high as ever.
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Spoiler :

ESS Angela Ziegler - Reus
Captain Lucie Tureau
Captain Experience: Doctor
Captain Trait: Team Player
Requisition Credits: 43
Ship Points:

Weapons 1/1
Engines 2/2
Shields and Armour 3/3
Scanners and Comms 2/2
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 1/1
Command 2/2
Engineering 1/1
Science 2/2
Medical 3/3
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Medic Karl DeForest
2nd Lt. Surgeon Alexandra Seymour
Ens. Biologist Alice Belsch

ESS Alamo - Everblack
Captain Stella Martínez
Captain Experience: Career Officer
Captain Trait: Ship Priority
Requisition Credits: 57
Ship Points:
Weapons 2/2
Engines 1/1
Shields and Armour 3/3
Scanners and Comms 2/2
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 3/3
Command 2/2
Engineering 2/2
Science 1/1
Medical 1/1
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Special Operative Cobalt Briggs
2nd Lt. Linguist Eve Williams
Ens. Medic Parker Samson

ESS Azrael - thomas.berubeg
Captain Jayne Bramford
Captain Experience: Veteran
Captain Trait: Crew Priority
Requisition Credits: 282
Ship Points:
Weapons 2/2
Engines 1/1
Shields and Armour 2/2
Scanners and Comms 3/3
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 1/1
Command 2/2
Engineering 2/2
Science 3/3
Medical 1/1
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Geoarchaeologist Jason Beringer
2nd Lt. Pilot Seraphina Mickey
Ens. Linguist Ayse Turku

ESS Catalina - Nuka-sama
Captain John Jack Utah
Captain Experience: Veteran
Captain Trait: Wanderlust
Requisition Credits: 159
Ship Points:

Weapons 2/2
Engines 1/1
Shields and Armour 1/1
Scanners and Comms 2/2
Stealth 3/3
Crew Points:
Security 3/3
Command 2/2
Engineering 2/2
Science 1/1
Medical 1/1
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Special Operative Maya Osmangalu
1st Lt. Pilot Hana Song
Ens. Bomb Tech Laika Rurikovich

ESS Colombus - TheGryphonPrince
Captain James Lincoln
Captain Experience: Engineering
Captain Trait: Exploratory
Requisition Credits: 154
Ship Points:
Weapons 1/1
Engines 2/2
Scanners and Comm 2/2
Shields and Armour 3/3
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 1/ 1
Command 2/2
Engineering 1/1
Science 2/2
Medical 3/3
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Astrophysicist Jack Thomson
2nd Lt. Android HT881
Ens. Biologist Adam Cole

ESS Dave Bowman - SouthernKing
Captain Irene Yeoh
Captain Experience: Academic
Captain Trait: Wanderlust
Requisition Credits: 212
Ship Points:
Weapons 1/1
Engines 2/2
Scanners and Comms 3/3
Shields and Armour 2/2
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 1/1
Command 2/2
Engineering 2/2
Science 3/3
Medical 1/1
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Linguist Chloe Zouma
2nd Lt. Geoarchaeologist Karun Katayama
Ens. Investigator Fairuz Azam

ESS Geneva - NinjaCow64
Michelle Georgiou
Captain Experience: Career Officer
Captain Trait: Diplomatic
Requisition Credits: 143
Ship Points:

Weapons 1/1
Engines 3/3
Shields and Armour 1/1
Scanners and Comms 2/2
Stealth 2/2
Crew Points:
Security 1/1
Command 3/3
Engineering 2/2
Science 2/2
Medical 1/1
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Linguist Ronald Thompson
2nd. Lt. Theologist Elise Watson
Ens. Counsellor Aaron Anderson

ESS Ghost in the Machine - Tolni
Captain Adminj
Captain Experience: Engineering
Captain Trait: Crew Priority
Requisition Credits: 150
Ship Points:

Weapons 1/1
Engines 2/2
Shields and Armour 2/2
Scanners and Comms 3/3
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 1/1
Command 1/1
Engineering 2/2
Science 3/3
Medical 2/2
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Android X-1240212
2nd Lt. Pilot X-1241123
Ens. Critical Systems Engineer X-124111
Ens. Entertainer X-1241132

ESS Hiawatha - Ailedhoo
Captain Citlali Azarola
Captain Experience: Career Officer
Captain Trait: Diplomat
Requisition Credits: 232
Ship Points:

Weapons 1/1
Engines 2/2
Shields and Armour 2/2
Scanners and Comms 3/3
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 1/1
Command 3/3
Engineering 1/1
Science 2/2
Medical 2/2
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Counselor Sam Farzid
2nd Lt. Surgeon Dr. Lesedi Dube
Ens. Linguist Dr Papan Colex

ESS Leviathan - inthesomeday
Captain Sandoval Park III
Captain Experience: Academic
Captain Trait: Diplomatic
Requisition Credits: 68
Ship Points:

Weapons 1/1
Engines 2/2
Shields and Armour 2/2
Scanners and Comms 3/3
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 2/2
Command 3/3
Engineering 1/1
Science 2/2
Medical 1/1
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Pilot Aisha Gould
2nd Lt. Psychologist Jamal McNamara
Ens. Linguist Natasha Patel

ESS Liberty - Crezth
Captain Lilian Morgan
Captain Experience: Engineer
Captain Trait: Slippery
Requisition Credits: 21
Ship Points:

Weapons 1/1
Engines 3/3
Shields and Armour 1/1
Scanners and Comms 2/2
Stealth 2/2
Crew Points:
Security 1/1
Command 2/2
Engineering 3/3
Science 2/2
Medical /11
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Psychologist Dr. Sophia Shepherd
1st Lt. Pilot William Walsh
Ens. Critical Systems Engineer Owain Glyndwr

ESS Midway - sniiperman
Captain John Stickler
Captain Experience: Veteran
Captain Trait: Battlefury
Requisition Credits: 78
Ship Points:
Weapons 2/2
Engines 3/3
Shields and Armour 1/2
Scanners and Comms 1/1
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 3/3
Command 2/2
Engineering 1/1
Science 2/2
Medical 1/1
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Strategist Eugene
2nd Lt. Linguist Wesley
Ens. Pilot Roddenberry

ESS Scarborough - Zappericus
Captain Marcus Sutherland
Captain Experience: Career Officer
Captain Trait: Battle Fury
Requisition Credits: 216
Ship Points:

Weapons 3/3
Engines 2/2
Shields and Armour 2/2
Scanners and Comms 1/1
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 3/3
Command 2/2
Engineering 2/2
Science 1/1
Medical 1/1
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Gunner Sylvester Gibbs
2nd Lt. Tactician Nathaniel Adams
Ens. Pilot Catherine Westchester

ESS Tiamat - Shirogane
Captain Naomi Zhan
Captain Experience: Career Officer
Captain Trait: Battle Fury
Requisition Credits: 250
Ship Points:

Weapons 1/1
Engines 2/2
Shields and Armour 2/2
Scanners and Comms 3/3
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 1/1
Command 3/3
Engineering 2/2
Science 1/1
Medical 2/2
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Gunner Johnny Wagner
2nd Lt. Android Terra Prime
Ens. Linguist Michelle Horn

ESS Tian Shan - Amesjay
Captain Leon Li
Captain Experience: Career Officer
Captain Trait: Diplomatic
Requisition Credits: 195
Ship Points:
Weapons 1/1
Engines 3/3
Shields and Armour 2/2
Scanners and Comms 2/2
Stealth 1/1
Crew Points:
Security 3/3
Command 2/2
Engineering 1/1
Science 1/1
Medical 2/2
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Linguist Robert Lancer
2nd Lt. Entertainer Michelle Su
Ens. Cook Adam Green

ESS Zero Gravitas - Seon
Captain Sora
Experience: Engineer
Trait: Wanderlust
Requisition Credits: 224
Ship Points:
Weapons 1/1
Engines 3/3
Shields and Armour 1/1
Scanners and Comms 2/2
Stealth 2/2
Crew Points:
Security 1/1
Command 1/1
Engineering 2/2
Science 3/3
Medical 2/2
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Android 84S (Grey)
2nd Lt. Pilot Taehyun
Ens. Geoarchaeologist Dr. Watson

Spoiler :

Birthplace of humanity, and centre of the SEA.
Discovered: 100%
Yellow main sequence star system: - 1 Class A, 1 Class B, 1 Class C, 1 Class D, 4 Class F, Numerous Class E
-Earth-Luna, highly prosperous, Class A and Class E, Human, SEA controlled
Cradle of humanity, SEA capital.
-Mars, moderately prosperous, Class B, Human, SEA controlled
First human planetary colony, slowly being terraformed.
-Outer colonies, poor, numerous Class E, Human, SEA controlled
Declining network of mining and science stations.

Alpha 1
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Binary white main sequence star system:

Alpha 2
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Binary red dwarf system:

Alpha 3
Discovered: 0%
Contents: White dwarf system:

Alpha Centauri A4
Nearest star system to Sol. Possible artificial signal detected.
Discovered: 100%
Binary yellow main sequence star system: 2 Class C
Red dwarf star system: 1 Class G
-Mining Stations: Unknown
-Signal Planet: Unknown
Challenges:Singalong, Ascending, Off to Work We Go, Hard Attraction, In the Ring

Alpha 5
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Nebula:

Torus A6
Discovered: 58%
Contents: Red dwarf system: Numerous Class E
Beta 1

Discovered: 0%


Beta 2
Discovered: 0%
Contents: White main sequence star system:

B3 Utah
Discovered: 39%
Contents: Red main sequence star system: 1 Class A (degrading to B), 1 Class F, Multiple Class E

Beta 4
Discovered: 0%


Beta 5
Discovered: 0%


Beta 6
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Blue main sequence star system:

Anastasia B7
Lifeforms detected on Class A (B7-2)
Discovered: 52%
Contents: Blue main sequence star system: 1 Class A, 1 Class U, 1 Class F, Numerous Class E
-New Terra: Moderately prosperous, Class E, Aesthan, Human, Aesthan controlled
Large domed city, advanced robots, Aesthan capital, small human population.
Challenges: World of Green

Beta 8
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Red main sequence star system: 3 Class U
Challenges: First Responder

Beta 9
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Red dwarf star:

Beta 10
Discovered: 0%


Beta 11
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Blue supergiant star system:

Beta 12
Discovered: 0%


Gamma 1
Discovered: 0%
Contents: White dwarf star system:

Gamma 3
Discovered: 0%
Contents: White dwarf star system:

Gamma 4
Discovered: 0%


Gamma 5
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Red dwarf star system:

Gamma 7
Discovered: 0%
Contents: White main sequence star system:

Midway G8
Discovered: 28%
Contents: Red dwarf main sequence star system:
Challenges: Rock Wrangling

Gamma 9
Discovered: 0%


Gamma 10
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Scanner distortion

Gamma 11
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Red dwarf star system:

Gamma 12
Discovered: 0%


Gamma 16
Discovered: 0%


G17 Sepang
Discovered: 52%
Contents: Black hole: asteroid ring
Challenges: Deep Dive, Tapping In,

Etruria G18
Discovered: 39%


Delta 1
Discovered: 0%


Delta 10
Discovered: 0%


Delta 11
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Binary red main sequence star red dwarf star system:

Delta 22
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Nebula:

Delta 23
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Red main sequence star system:

Veii D24
Discovered: 69%
Contents: Yellow supergiant star system: 2 Class D, 1 Class F, Numerous Class E
Challenges: Ice Cold

Epsilon 11
Discovered: 0%
Contents: White dwarf star system:

Stickler E12
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Red dwarf star system:

Epsilon 13
Discovered: 0%


Epsilon 29
Discovered: 0%


Epsilon 30
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Red dwarf star system:

Zeta 14
Discovered: 0%
Contents: Yellow supergiant star system:

Zeta 15
Discovered: 0%

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ESS Azrael

Captain Jayne Bramford

Captain Experience: Veteran

Captain Trait: Crew Priority

Ship Points: Weapons 2, Engines 1, Shields and Armour 2 , Scanners and Comms 3, Stealth 1

Crew Points: Security 1, Command 2, Engineering 2, Science 3, Medical 1

Distinguished Officers: Lt. Geoarchaeologist Jason Beringer, 2nd Lt. Pilot Seraphina Mickey, Ensign Linguist Ayse Turku.

Ship Sprite: 3,3 Please, so the Bird of Prey looking one.

Extra: History
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E.S.S Midway
Captain John Stickler
Experience: Veteran
Trait: Battlefury

Ship points: weapons 2
Engines 3
Stealth 1
Coms 1
Armor 2

Science 2
Security 3
Command 2
Engineering 1
Medical 1
Distinguished officer:
Lt strategist
2nd LT Linguist
Ensign Pilot

I'll take the one next to the most bottomest left one. The star destroyer looking one. #1B75BB

Extra: John Stickler is a War veteran who, after leaving the military, decided to explore the stars. He brought several of his fellow war veterans alongside him on this journey. He right now operates as a free lancer. He has seen many battles in war, and by extension, has seen many deaths of friends dear to him. However, he has kept going and wants to forget what he saw in war. He hopes to forge a new legacy amongst the stars...
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SSS Zero Gravitas
Color: Blue

Captain Sora
Experience: Engineer
Trait: Wanderlust

Ship Points:
Weapons 1
Engines: 3
Shields and armor: 1
Comms and Scanners: 2
Stealth: 2

Crew Points:
Science: 3
Engineering: 2
Medical: 2
Command: 1
Security: 1

Distinguished Officers:
LT: Android 84S (Grey)
2nd LT: Pilot Taehyun
Ensign: Geoarchaeologist Dr. Watson
E.S.S Colombus

Captain Name:
James Lincoln
Captain Experience: Engineering
Captain Trait: Exploratory
Ship System Points:
Scanners and Comms: 2
Engines: 2
Shields and Armour: 3
Weapons: 1
Stealth: 1
Crew Points:
Command: 2
Science: 2
Medical: 3
Engineering: 1
Security: 1
Distinguished Officers:
1st. Lt. Astrophysicist Jack Thomson
2nd. Lt. Android HT881
Ensign Biologist Adam Cole
Ship Sprite and Colour: 3,4, #bddd2d
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ESS Dave Bowman
Captain Name:
Irene Yeoh
Captain Experience: Academic
Captain Trait: Wanderlust
Ship System Points
-Weapons: 1
-Engines: 2
-Shields and armour: 2
-Comms and Scanners: 3
-Stealth: 1
-Crew Points:
-Science: 3
-Engineering: 2
-Medical: 1
-Command: 2
-Security: 1
Distinguished Officers:
-Lt. Linguist Chloe Zouma
-2nd Lt. Geoarchaeologist Karun Katayama
-Ensign Investigator Fairuz Azam
Ship Sprite and Colour: 3rd on the top row, #f4c430 (saffron)
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Captain Name: Captain Stella Martínez
Captain Experience: Career Officer
Captain Trait: Ship Priority
Starship Name: ESS Alamo
Ship System Points: Weapons 2| Engines 1| Shields and Armour 3| Scanners and Comms 2| Stealth 1
Crew Points: allocate the following points to their crew sections: Security 3| Command 2| Engineering 2| Science 1| Medical 1
Distinguished Officers: Special Operative Lieutenant Cobalt Briggs, Linguist First Lieutenant Eve Williams, Medic Ensign Parker Samson
Ship Sprite and Colour: Dark Green


  • Space go (2).png
    Space go (2).png
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Signups are looking good so far. Only notes so far: @thomas.berubeg could you give me a hex code for your colour, and @Seon could you choose a ship sprite and colour?

Rule Notes: Made two slight changes I forget to edit in earlier:
1) Engines do not give double sector movement, so engine points equals sector movement (this means the wanderlust trait is more powerful).
2) Stealth and Scanners determine who goes first in combat, and if anyone gets a free attack. See the combat section for more details.
Subbed. Will make something soonish.
Captain Name: Michelle Georgiou
Captain Experience: Career Officer
Captain Trait: Diplomatic
Starship Name: ESS Geneva

Ship System Points:
-Weapons: 1
-Engines: 3
-Shields & Armour: 1
-Scanners and Comms: 2
-Stealth: 2

Crew Points:
Security: 1
Command: 3
Engineering: 2
Science: 2
Medical: 1

Distinguished Officers: choose three officers, one Lieutenant, one First Lieutenant, and one Ensign
-Lieutenant Ronald Thompson (Linguist)
-First Lieutenant Elise Watson (Theologist)
-Ensign Aaron Anderson (Counsellor)

Ship Sprite and Colour:
Sprite: [2, 2]
Colour: #5b92e5

Background: Michelle Gergiou is a massive Star Trek nerd, that ancient series was her primary inspiration for joining the ESF in the first place and for her specialisation in diplomatic efforts. Hearing of the signal, she requested her ship to be specialised for first contact with an alien civilisation.
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Sprite, 4.4

Color. Blue
Plan on joining. Give me a bit.
Captain Name: Citlali Azarola
Captain Experience: Career Officer
Captain Trait: Diplomat
Starship Name: ESS Hiawatha
Ship System Points: Scanners and Comms 3, Engines 2, Shield 2 and Armor, Weapons 1, Stealth 1
Crew Points: Command 3, Medical 2, Science 2, Engineering 1, Security 1
Distinguished Officers:

Emissary/Lieutenant Console Sam Farzid

Second Lieutenant Surgeon Dr Lesedi Dube

Ensign Linguist Dr Papan Colex

Ship Sprite and Colour: center right at the bottom, cyan


Citlali Azarola was born of Nahautl and Hispanic origin in the Mexico City. During her studies at university at UNAM she gained membership of the socialist Latin American indigenous originated revolutionary organisation turned interstellar alliance of alter-globalist movements: the UCJ or United Communities for Justice. After finishing her joint degree in history and politics she took to NGO work before gaining a chance to be a crew member of the NGO medical cargo vassal CCLV Carna. When the war broke out between the Free Alliance and Earth she joined the military and was trained at the Armstrong Academy on the Moon. She entered medical vassal ESS Eir as a junior officer. She gained a medal for risking her live when the vassal was hit by a mine, attempting to enter the breached areas to rescue surviving crew members of the hit section. After the war she turned to politics proper as the UCJ took the Alchemy Oven as an opportunity to promote their revolutionary agenda, while at the same time Azarola agreed to help as a officer on the civilian vessel CVL Lugh on behalf of the International Peace Corp on a mission to inspect the conditions of the former Free Alliance as part of the peace settlement. When the time for the great exploration came Azarola got recommended for her diplomatic connections

Sam Farzid was a brilliant diplomat born in the village of Bandar Abbas in Iran which had grown into a financial hub in the 22nd century after the Hong Kong collapse, though the rise of the Alchemy Oven would doom Bandar Abbas's crown. After having a good childhood Sam Farzid went to Aberystwyth University in Wales to study international politics before joining becoming a junior member of the diplomatic affairs department of the vast civil service of the SEA; he took a position in the SEA offices at his home of Bandar Abbas. The war between Earth and the Free Alliance shook Sam Farzid a bit and he left to join the peace focused NGO organisation known as the International Peace Corp, an organisation that had formed before World War Three to try to discourage it and has since existed to try to avoid a repeat. At the wart end Sam Farzid gained an opportunity to join a conference settling the terms of the peace settlement. After the war the IPC came more influential to the point when the exploration came open they got Sam Farzid onto a ship as a diplomat in hoped agreement with SEA to have a peaceful approach to any founded alien civilizations.

Dr Lesedi Dube is a surgeon from Cape Town, South Africa. After obtaining her medical studies at University College London she joined Médecins Sans Frontières, practicing surgery. In the Free Alliance-Earth War she was positioned to provide surgery at refugee camps. After the war she continued to provide services to the displaced and joined the International Peace Corp as a member in hope of countering the horrors she witnessed of the war. When the exploration came she got recommended along with Sam Farzid for the ESS Hiawatha; she attended training at Armstrong Academy and was hence joined as a lead on the Haiwatha’s medical team for her surgery skills.

Dr Papan Colex was born of Nahautl origin south of Cholula, Puebla. She gained a scholarship to study linguistics at UNAM, while also joining both the UCJ and the Indigenous Mexican Literature Society. She only attained her doctorate when the calls for linguists by the ESF came; she volunteered and after a star crew course at the Armstrong Academy joined as an ensign on the Haiwatha where she came under the command of Captain Citlali Azarola.
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Captain Name: Captain John Jack Utah
Captain Experience: Veteran
Captain Trait: Wanderlust
Starship Name: The Catalina
Ship System Points: Weapons 2, Engines 1, Shields and Armour 1, Scanners and Comms 2, Stealth 3
Crew Points: Security 3, Command 2, Engineering 2, Science 1, Medical 1
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Maya Osmangalu -Special Operative
1st Lt. Hana Song-Pilot
Ensign Laika Rurikovich- Bomb Expert
Ship Sprite and Color: Column 4, Row 4, Red

John Jack Utah is a wild card, former cowboy from Missouri. After the war, he lived a playboy lifestyle, bedding one woman after another until he met *the one*. Catalina, she was called. She took him for everything, and in the end left him for another man, who was later found dead in mysterious circumstances that were in no way connected to John Jack Utah. However, sensing a need to get off the planet very quickly, John Jack joined the fleet and, using his former military experience, secured captaincy of a ship. Through vigorous training, blackmail, and intimidation, he was left with a crew of all females, which has become a de-facto floating harm. Now, The Catalina goes forth into the galaxy in search of...well, something. Beautiful women perhaps? Space piracy? With a captain with such loose morals, nothing is impossible. And who knows, maybe a woman might be met that could convince John Jack Utah to change the name of the ship....

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ESS Scarborough

Spoiler Depiction of the ESS Scarborough :

The Scarborough is the newest member of a next-generation advanced capital-class battlecruiser designed and manufactured by McMillan Interglobal to be used as the next ship-of-the-line by the Earth Space Force. It is aproximately 350 meters in length and bears a distinct dagger-like shape. This design makes the ship harder to spot and hit when encountered face-forward. With a reinforced superstructure, military-grade armour plating, powerful shielding, eight heavy directed-energy beam lancer turrets (four located on both the left and right half of the vessel, in batteries in front of the command bridge), four missile batteries locate at the back of the ship's bow, twelve target-assisted torpedo tubes in the front surrounding a high-capacity plasma accelerator drive cannon and a myriad of close-proximity point defense turrets to deal with smaller craft this vessel is assumed to be able to hold its ground against any targets of its category and below. Sadly, the vessel trades scanning capabilities for firepower and it's large size makes stealth an impossible task at best.

The ship also holds a series of smaller holds and a primary hangar for transport, EVAs and other smaller craft. If emptied, the hangar compartment may hold a frigate-class vessel. At the mid-section lie the marine quarters, where the Scarborough holds their battalion-sized marine force for ground operations and for repelling potential attackers.

Spoiler "Per ardua ad astra" :

The ship is under the command of Captain Marcus Sutherland

Captain Experience: Career Officer
Captain Trait: Battle Fury

Sutherland is a textbook naval officer descending from old money: posh, aristocratic and self-centered. He enrolled into the Earth Space Force as a Lieutenant at a young age after graduating from Royal Britannia, spending most of his youth as the tactical liason and later designated helmsman aboard an ESF patrol frigate, the Colonial Dawn. Making a name for himself as an excellent officer and an exemplary teacher's pet he climbed the military hierarchy up until he reached the rank of captain and was approached by naval command to take command of his own vessel; The Scarborough. As part of a command initiative, he was granted this new battlecruiser fresh off the orbital shipyards as to prove himself. Should he be able to command the starship successfully, he might find himself at the helm of a fleet of his own, as Admiral. And as a career man, that was something Marcus simply could not find himself able to refuse. Sutherland's and his prized warship now soars through the endless void, protecting colonies under Earth's jurisdiction and the critical trade lanes that are vital for the growth of these assets.

Ship Points: Weapons 3, Engines 1, Shields and Armour 2, Scanners and Comms 2, Stealth 1
Crew Points: Security 3, Command 2, Engineering 2, Science 1, Medical 1
Distinguished Officers:
Lt. Gunner Sylvester Gibbs
2nd Lt. Tactician Nathaniel Adams
Ensign Pilot Catherine Westchester

Ship Sprite:
Star Destroyer sprite, Red (#BF0000)
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The Captain

“For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast,
And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed;
And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill,
And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!”

Jayne, Captain Bramford, now, ran her hand over the gleaming hull and bright red lettering that adorned the graceful curves of the FAS Azrael. She whispered the words of the poem as hands danced over them, the paint still slightly tacky under her fingers. the words of Lord Byron proclaimed to the world, to the SEA, exactly who was on the other side of her fearsome particle cannons and torpedo tubes.

“She’s a beautiful lady, that’s for sure. All smooth lines and soft curves. Just what I like in a woman… and in a ship.”

Jayne turned to face the person who had spoken, awe in her voice, and walked across the thin gangay to join her. It was a woman, short, with dark skin and almond eyes, wearing instead of a uniform, belter coat. She snapped snapped a quick salute as Jayne approached.

“Commander Serafina Mickey, captain. I’m to be your XO and pilot aboard this beautiful lady.” She flashed a grin at Jayne, “No need to introduce yourself, I know ALL about you: First Belter to graduate ESF command school. Glad you remembered your roots and are on our side. We need everyone people like you.”

Jayne smiled back “I wouldn’t be anywhere else. Turnship is my home, no matter where I’ve been in my life. Where do you hail from, Commander?”

“High Iqualuit. It’s a small hunk of rock, but it’s got ice, and it’s home. I’m not about to let some Merman blow it hell!”

Jayne clasped her hand. “We’re going to protect every rock out in the belt. Little Fargo, The Grasp, Arroyo, Ceres, High Iqualuit, Dover. A hundred thousand belters fighting with us. We’re going to WIN this war, because our cause is just, and because we’re belters. And what does that mean?

“We’re smarter, stronger, quicker, than those gravity-slowed folks.” Both Jayne and Serafina finished the belter saying together.


“Status report, lieutenant!” Captain Bramford shouted, hoping, needing, to be heard over the percussion of the enemy’s fire against the shield, the hull. Lights flashed red, automatically dimming to emergency levels, to preserve power for the deflectors.

“One second, Captain!” The lieutenant, a hefty man with a big beard, who hailed from Fort Ross, a small rock at the edge of the belt with maybe half a dozen families. “Sensors rebooting after that last nuke.” He paused, before letting out a whoop of joy. “Got it! Mermen are down to one cruiser, The New York is the only with power readings. Richmond and Arkangel are dead in the sky.” He paused again. “The New York is breaking off! We’ve won.”

The deck crew cheered, and Commander Mickey, Serafina, shouted from the pilot’s station “For the Angel of Death spread her wings on the blast…”

“...And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed!” the crew chorused.

“We might actually win this thing,” the weapons officer sighed.

By the time the crew had gathered, a few hours later, in the mess for dinner, more good news had come. Mars had risen up on the side of the Free Alliance, lending it’s own ships and strength to the cause.


Smoke filled the command deck of the Azrael, dulling the lights of the sparks flying from the shattered consoles. Jayne coughed, blinking away the blood in her eyes.

“Captain, I’ve got power restored…” Commander Mickey coughed. “Power restored to engines and life support.”

Jayne looked around the shattered deck, mentally counting the bodies that lay still, or groaning, or slowly sitting up to retake their place.

“Med bay, prepare to receive injured crew members.” She spoke into her comms, but only a hiss of static answered. She grimaced, and looked at the McConnel, the officer at the sensors console. “Did…” She coughed again, the acrid smoke of burning electronics filling her lungs. “Did we get the courier?”

McConnel frowned, and looked at his screen. “I don’t know. Don’t think so, though. There’s a debris field, and I think I can account for the Mumbai, the Yaroslav, and the Tokyo, and maybe the Sydney, but I don’t see debris from the courier.”

“Dammit. We’ve got to warn the Keelyards that Earth knows where they are, now. Maybe we can evacuate before the SEA musters it’s offensive. Dammit dammit DAMMIT!” She slamed her fist into the side of her chair.

“Captain, we’re dead in the sky, here.” That was Mickey, fiddling with her station. “It’s… we’ve got three, four percent of power. We’ll barely be able to make it to Phobos base, let alone the Dover Keelyards.”

“Get us to Phobos, then. We’ll repair there, and get back to the fight. There’ll be someone in the Mars Docks that will be fast enough to get the word out.”

It sounded hollow, even as she said it.


“We’ve got you up and running, but you’ll need more time in a proper shipyard to bring her back up to shape.” The martian engineer smiled, though it didn’t quite reach his hollow eyes. It was a look the commander was more and more familiar with, as the war dragged out into years, making shellshocked veterans of even those who weren’t on the front lines.

“If we still had any…” Commander Mickey whispered.

The destruction of the Dover Keelyards a year before, for which Serafina knew the Captain still blamed herself, had dealt a severe blow to the independence movement. The Rebel’s ship production capabilities had been decimated, and it took all the efforts of belter chop shops and Martian repair yards to keep existing ships in fighting condition. It was a race they were losing, as more and more ships were destroyed by the Earth fleet, which itself had no problems keeping their ships up to par, nor in replacing those destroyed.

As Serafina signed off on the pad the engineer handed her, the intercom hissed to life. “Attention all Personnel. Attention all Personnel. The Mars Central Authority has surrendered to the ESF and has been disbanded. All ships are to remain locked into their bays and crews to surrender to the ESF Forces for processing. All Crew are ordered to cooperate with ESF Forces to the best of their abilities.”

The Engineer looked at her, shock in his eyes, then yelled “GO! GO! I can give it three minutes before I have to maglock the ship.”

Serafina looked at him uncomprehendingly, confusion at what she had just heard. Even as the tech started running, he shouted “GO!” again. Serafina spun, dropping the pad she had been signing, and sprinted towards the airlock of the ship.

“Prepare for launch,” she yelled into her com as she ran into the ship. “PREPARE FOR LAUNCH!”

She felt the vibration of the ship’s engines warming up under her pounding feet. She didn’t slow down, even as she entered the command deck. Gone was the gleaming chrome and white deck of five years past. Instead, jury-rigged bundles of wire snaked across the floor, half of the lights were burned out, and scorch marks marred the dark grey walls. Serafina slid into her seat, fingers dancing across the controls even before she was fully seated. With a lurch, the Azrael lifted out of it’s cradle, and shot away from the station.

“What’s going on?” the Captain strode into the command deck, still buttoning her coat. Serafina knew she had been sleeping, but she looked composed, even if her face was drawn and thin.

“Mars surrendered.”

“Oh.” The captain said, looking out the viewport into the darkness. Around them, dozens more ships were fleeing the station, but many more still remained, trapped, in the arms of the station, unable to flee.

“Oh” she repeated, softer. Jayne closed her eyes. “How many were left behind?”

“Our crew? About a dozen were on shore leave. That’s…” Serafina sighed.


“Crew of the Pirate Ship Azrael, secure weapons and prepare to be boarded.” the harsh voice of the Commander of the ESF Chicago blared from the Azrael’s intercom.

“Pirates, eh?” Mickey glanced at the Jayne, who sat in the captain’s chair with a frown on her face. “Not even enemy combatants, anymore.”

The captain ignored her “Open a channel.” She sighed and looked around at the deck crew, or what was left of it. More stations were empty than full.

“This is the FAS Azrael. We are legitimate combatants. Couldn’t fight you, though. Weapons systems damaged.”

“Negative, Traitor. As of thirty minutes ago, your Belter Council surrendered to the ESF. If you continue hostile actions, you will be destroyed like the Pirates you are.”

Jayne felt the bottom fall out of her world.


“Transmitting the Surrender to you now. Secure your weapons and prepare to be boarded, or be destroyed like the dogs you are.”

The Captain’s eyes skimmed over the transmission, before sitting up straight, eyes rapidly blinking tears from her eyes, and taking a deep breath. “Stand by, ESF Chicago. Transmitting clearance codes now, weapons and shield disengaging.”

As her fingers slowly punched in the codes, she whispered “For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast...”

“And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed; And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still.” Serafina answered, laying her sidearm on the ground next to her console.


“You’ve got a visitor, Traitor.” The guard banged on the bars on the door with his nightstick.

Jayne Bramford, no longer captain, sighed, and stood up, silently moving towards where the guard pointed. To her surprise, it was not the public visitation room, but rather a private, closed, room.

In the middle of the otherwise bare room was a table, with two chairs. The one facing her was already occupied.

When she saw who was sitting in the chair, half remembered habit had her arm halfway in a salute before remembering where she has.

“Captain Bramford.” The uniformed man laughed, his blue eyes crinkling a bit. “Not forgotten everything in your time here, I see.”

“Not a captain, anymore,” Jayne answered.

“You’ll forgive an old man his lapses in memory, I trust?”

“Admiral Xiao.” Jayne smiled. “Why are you here? Got tired of tormenting your students? Had to go find some old students to get your satisfaction?”

“Hardly, my dear. I… don’t teach, anymore. Promoted beyond the school.”

“What? You… have? You always loved teaching. Your passion, I remember you saying.”

“Things have changed… the War, and…” He paused. “I heard a lot of good things about you. The defense of Gibraltar was inspired, from what I’ve seen.”

Jayne’s face darkened. “Didn’t do us much good.”

“Well, don’t worry. There were alot of us at the ESF, especially in the upper echelons, who agreed with the Belter’s complaints.”

“Not enough to do anything.” Jayne sighed. “If you had, you’d just be sitting here with me.”

“Indeed.” He sat silent for a moment.

“You said things had changed. Not just the war.”

The Admiral was silent for a moment longer, before speaking.



“Maybe Aliens.” Xiao amended, his eyes shinning. “Aliens, and an opportunity.”

“An opportunity?”

“Amnesty. We need experienced captains. You get a ship, a crew, and you get to go far away.”

“Under the flag of the ESF?”

“And is that so bad?”

“They oppressed my people. They killed hundreds of us!”

“And for that I am sorry. I wish things had gone differently. Politicians always think they know better about war than soldiers.” Xiao bowed his head. “But, Jayne, Captain Bramford, you’ve always been destined for great things! Do you really want to spend the rest of your days here? Waiting for the day you die between grey walls? Never to see the stars again? Never to feel the strum of the ship beneath your feet?”

Jayne sat back, closing her eyes for a moment. “Where are these aliens?”

“We’ve detected a signal coming from Alpha Centauri. It’s been all the talk, well, everywhere. It’s even eclipsed the reparation negotiations.”

“So close!” Jayne breathed.

“Ah, you understand, I see.”

Jayne nodded. “Alpha Centauri is our neighbor. If there’s aliens that close, well… our sky might be mighty crowded soon.”

“Indeed.” Xiao answered, again. “We’ve, the ESF, that is, have decided to send out science missions, archaeologists, linguists, even theologists and tacticians.”

“And you need someone who knows what they're doing to babysit.” Jayne finished for him, and Xiao nodded. “Fine, I’ll do it, but I have two conditions.”

“I expected you might.”

“She’s going to be called the Azrael, and you get me my old XO.”
John Stickler's ship is a Praetorian class Cruiser. it is armed with several missiles and cannons. It also has several point defense systems to stop enemy missiles. It carries other armament as well.
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