Gold subsidising AIs for maximizing resource trade yields allowed?


Aug 25, 2011
I recently stumbled upon the trick where you give the AI say 100GPT+horse, then you get the maximum gpt the AI have available for further resource trades floor(City pop / 3).
If a AI has 66 population, you get 6 gold per resource trade.
Without subsity, you might only get that 6gpt for one of your resource, but if you give the AI alot of gold per turn you can then trade all of your surplus resource for that gold.

This is starting to get abit borderline cheezy when you can the next turn just pillage the horse and break the -100gpt deal.... Or one could consider this more fair, since the AIs usually trade with each other in weird ways (oil for pig, iron for sheep etc). And getting the fair price for your resources might be considered just too.

A more legit variant might be to iron on for 10 turns with the -GPT, and only then cancel your subsidy.

But the question at hand is, what is considered OK here? Is this trick allowed or dissalowed in HoF or BOTM games?
Is it OK to gift the AI a resource (for example horse) and 100GPT, only to pillage the horse the same turn to make the deal auto-cancel next turn?

The reason for the deal is to make the AI think they have become very rich, so that they then put up more GPT by themselves for resource trades.
Trading strategic or happines resources to the AI is generally regarded as not a good idea so not convinced we need to ban this interesting exploit.

I think the point of the exploit was that you trade a strategic resource +100gpt to the AI and then make a whole lot of other trades (for non strategic resources) and then pillage the resource the same turn (cancelling the trade before the AI can use the resource or you have to pay any gold) but you have alot more gpt coming in than you otherwise would have for at least 10 turns. It is somewhat dubious....
Haven't tried it out extensively, but it looks like it can be a good source of income if the conditions are right.
Regarding slowing the AI down... not so much from what I have seen.
Perhaps a slight hinderance, but it also helps them grow their cities larger.
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