Golden Sun and Dr. Strange Civs


Sep 19, 2019
I recently came up with and am coding two mods and was wondering if anyone would be willing to critique their unique features for me.

The first is based on Golden Sun (a series of video games for Gameboy Advance and Nintendo DS released in 2001, 2002, and 2010).

Isaac of Weyard

UA: Masters of Psynergy

All non-air units gain one of four promotions on first combat:
Venus Djinn: increases defensive strength by 20%
Mars Djinn: increases attack strength by 20%
Mercury Djinn: increases healing rate
Jupiter Djinn: increases movement by 1
Also all specialists provide 2 science (this seems kind of powerful, but it's still weaker than Korea)

UB: Elemental Lighthouse (lighthouse)

It grants the normal benefits of a lighthouse, and also boosts science output by 20% (again, I'm worried this may be overpowered. May make it replace the Observatory instead). Must be built on the coast.

UU: Psynergy Adept (swordsman)

A swordsman replacement with no added combat strength, but a promotion (Psynergy Strike) which allows for a ranged attack before melee attacks (like the Zulu Impi). (Considering making this promotion inheritable. Not sure)

The second is based on Dr. Strange from Marvel comics. I know someone was making a ton of superhero civilizations but hasn't made a Dr. Strange civilization so I figured I might take a stab at it.

Dr. Strange of the Sorcery Empire (Empire name pending)

UA: Sorcerer Supreme

+1 science from specialists and 25% boost to great scientist generation. It's a combination of Korea and Babylon's UA's but both are less than half as strong. Is it too weak?

UB: Sanctum Sanctorum (observatory)

+30% science to the city, but does not require mountains. Also grants bonus gold to enemies who capture a city with a Sanctum Sanctorum. May have an additional effect like boosting city defense or decreasing spy stealing rate. Hard to say.

UU: Sorcery Corps (crossbowman)

Stronger at range (18 > 22 CS) but weaker defending (13 > 10 CS). Has the indirect fire promotion. If too bland I may add the ability to earn science on kills.
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