Currently, each civ has a preset alignment, which changes when they change to certain religions. This works fine, but here's another take.
Give each leader a scale from 1-100. Can't go above 100, or below 1, to prevent irrevocable changes.
1-30 is evil, 31-70 is neutral, and 71-100 is good. Each leader starts at a certain number. This will change based on the in-game actions and choices, such as
Each turn as Ashen veil gives -4 points.
Each turn as Octopus overlords gives -2.
Each turn as Fellowship moves 1 points towards 50, either plus 1 or minus 1.
Each turn as Runes of K gives +2
Each turn as Order give +4
compassion civics will give from -2 to +2 or so per turn.
Razing Cities will give an immediate -6
Regifting cities to original owner gives +6
Declaring war with evil civ gives +5, with good -5.
Sacing slaves gives -6
Building Death/Entrophy/Chaos Mana -5
Building Life/Law/Creation Mana +5
If this isn't too processor intensive, anyway. Then Diplomacy penalty could give a bonus if the civs were less than 30 points apart, and -1 or 2 for each 10 points you are away in alignment beyond 30, i.e, If Basium was 90 and another civ was 60, they'd get a bonus for similar alignment, but if they were 90 and 10 they'd have -5 for you are evil/good.
Also, if your alignment strayed too far from your religion's set point, due to just changing or razing a ton of cities, maybe an unhappy penalty one for each 10 difference until it adjusts.
Again, this may be overly complex, but this way there is more to being good than adopting the order, you'd also have to not kill too many civilians.
Give each leader a scale from 1-100. Can't go above 100, or below 1, to prevent irrevocable changes.
1-30 is evil, 31-70 is neutral, and 71-100 is good. Each leader starts at a certain number. This will change based on the in-game actions and choices, such as
Each turn as Ashen veil gives -4 points.
Each turn as Octopus overlords gives -2.
Each turn as Fellowship moves 1 points towards 50, either plus 1 or minus 1.
Each turn as Runes of K gives +2
Each turn as Order give +4
compassion civics will give from -2 to +2 or so per turn.
Razing Cities will give an immediate -6
Regifting cities to original owner gives +6
Declaring war with evil civ gives +5, with good -5.
Sacing slaves gives -6
Building Death/Entrophy/Chaos Mana -5
Building Life/Law/Creation Mana +5
If this isn't too processor intensive, anyway. Then Diplomacy penalty could give a bonus if the civs were less than 30 points apart, and -1 or 2 for each 10 points you are away in alignment beyond 30, i.e, If Basium was 90 and another civ was 60, they'd get a bonus for similar alignment, but if they were 90 and 10 they'd have -5 for you are evil/good.
Also, if your alignment strayed too far from your religion's set point, due to just changing or razing a ton of cities, maybe an unhappy penalty one for each 10 difference until it adjusts.
Again, this may be overly complex, but this way there is more to being good than adopting the order, you'd also have to not kill too many civilians.