I ended up with 12 by turn 250. Also moved my cap 1 W, 2 S. Snagged pretty much every prophet wonder in cap and a good portion of the cultural ones too. Shoulda got MoM though, that would have been nice. Now on my way to a cultural victory within 100 turns. (I got 4 religions)
It certainly was fun to be able to do an Oracle slingshot to CoL, picking up Conf. Then went Philo and got Tao. I never built the shrines though. Grabbed Sistine and then went merc+SoL and ran specs. In the end, I had 5 widely spread religions and Christianity in a city I flipped from the north.
Edit: Interestingly, the only game I ever played where I intentionally built the Chicken Pizza. Also, on Monarch, the priest economy works EXTREMELY well when you settle the priests in one city. In the end game, this allowed me to run 100% culture with pacifism on and lots of units.
Edit 2: Well, not 100% for the last few turns. I was running a deficit, but had enough gold saved up for the end game.