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Gotm 127


Civ2 GOTM Staff
Retired Moderator
Apr 6, 2006
Amersfoort (Netherlands)
Game of the Month 127: October 2011

Game Settings:
Civilization: Eqyptians
Map: Small map, round; 4 civ's:
Difficulty: Prince
Barbarians: Restless Tribes
Restarts: Off
Victory: Victory by conquest or spaceship

Starting Techs:
~ None

This month we play a normal game.
Good luck and have fun.
Games will be due on Nobember 22th, 2011.

Please be sure to follow the submission guidelines when submitting your game (please do not send your files in a .zip file. Attach them directly to your e-mail with your name in the save file). No extra save is needed.

Please sent the savegames only to civ2gotm@gmail.com.

Have fun.

Starting save is here.

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Hi guys,

Apologies if I've replied in the wrong place. How do I get involved in this? Is it just a case of playing/winning the game as early as possible? This is my first GOTM so I have no idea sorry.

Hello scozzy0 and welcome to the GOTM. You download the game and play as you wish. You can choose conquest or spaceship victory. You can choose to be quick or take longer and shoot for a larger score. The winners are decided by the GOTM scoring formula which rewards you for a larger Civ2 score and penalizes you for the number of turns you played to finish. Thus it is possible to get a higher rank with a lower score if you finish significantly earlier. Do not worry about all the details. Having fun is the most important part of it. Report your progress in the spoiler thread and read on the progress of others. There is no spoiler for GOTM 127 yet, as most of us are still busy playing GOTM 126. That one has a deadline of Nov. 1st.
Sweet, well I'll get a start on it tonight and see how I go. I doubt it will be very well, but it will be a whole lot better than I used to be. Since I've joined here I've learnt so much more.

I've played two OCC games on Deity level since I joined here. I had no idea they even existed. I won one and lost the other to the Zulu spaceship. Trade is WAY MORE IMPORTANT than I previously gave it credit for haha...
Always glad to see another GOTM player, and an OCC player is even sweeter.

If you have time, and want to be able to compare your progress to that of others right away, try GOTM 126 as well.
Before I start this game, I was thinking about dumping some ideas and we can all have a chat about it. Basically, due to the size and difficulty level, just getting people thinking about how they will be tackling it.

Am I able to start the new spoiler thread or will I step on someone's toes by doing that?
Anyone is welcome to start the spoiler thread. But the spoiler thread is for spoiler material; it typically contains game logs. People who have not started, or just started, the game will not read the spoiler thread.

If you want to talk about strategy based on what is known before making a move, do it here. We sometimes have those discussions.
GotM #123 is the most similar of recent games. It prescribed a win by conquest and the forum suggests it might be possible with a good "EC" execution to win "BC". It would seem that players might consider either that style of game or OCC.

We have as company Romans, Zulus and French. Not sure that affects the decision: it might make the OCC a shade less attractive? More significant may be where to locate the city if OCC. Map analysis / black clicking suggests there are seaside three special sites nearby but the terrain is unknown (I know it can be transformed as time goes on.) But perhaps at Prince level it's not necessary to get a good multi-special site?

Rapid EC I think it is all about getting early growth in city numbers. Black-clicking suggests the #6 landmass we are on will do nicely. Unless there is some catch I haven't spotted it would seem our EC experts will fare well.

So join the race to be runner up for the green star ;), or do something different and try OCC with maybe more headwind. It is likely to play quite quickly whichever, which is no doubt the intention.
I've already finished this one. I got lucky with some chariots from huts and decided to switch tack from ICS to all out attack using what little troops I picked up from huts. My points aren't very good, but I think I did it all in BC... though this was a few days back now, so I may be getting my facts wrong. I'm at work atm, so I cannot check.
Rapid EC I think it is all about getting early growth in city numbers.

I believe this is usually true (also for EL and Gold-gatherers), and have promoted this idea. There are other "leaner" styles, used by Grigor and Zenon for example, that stop at about 8-10 cities, but I'm pretty sure that fast early growth is important in their games, too. They start conquest earlier and often finish faster than me, especially on small maps like this one.

Black-clicking suggests the #6 landmass we are on will do nicely. Unless there is some catch I haven't spotted it would seem our EC experts will fare well.

Agreed. I haven't even opened the map yet, but this looks ideal for EC play, and I'd expect some BC finishes.

So join the race to be runner up for the green star ;)

LoL. If this is a compliment, thanks! But I think everyone who tries for Green on this small map has a good chance. A little hut luck or an early combat victory by a horseman could go a long way.
Dear Peaster,

Yes indeed my remark about "runner-up for the green star" was intended as a (humorous) compliment, and I'm glad it was taken as such. Fair enough it is of course open (e.g. grigor are you playing this one? Magic can be pretty speedy when he wants too) and you and others have freely shared knowledge. So many of the techniques will be used by many players. Huts and combat may make a difference; but would it be a big enough difference? My reading and limited experience suggests the race is often decided on strategic questions judged as the game develops, and you have got a good record on that. For example choosing the tech/wonder path (and when to stop) and adroit handling of the fleet.

scozzy commented he had finished and his points weren't good, but isn't that part of the deal with EC - being proud of scoring under 50 gets mentioned in the GotM 123 spoiler I recall!

And yes Early Landing (EL) is another choice: I imagine that may produce a good GotM score.

yours, Inkerman.

Any newcomers looking to take EC seriously I commend the spoiler for GotM 123 (as in previous post) and also a 2011 succession game called
the Mongol Horde.
... e.g. grigor are you playing this one? Magic can be pretty speedy when he wants too) and you and others have freely shared knowledge.
Yes - there are several players quite capable of winning Green if they try, including CharlieChuck, for example. In the days of LaFayette and Grigor and Tim, a GOTM might include 3 or 4 people competing for Green, but that is rare now. Also, I don't have time now to play every GOTM, and am not sure if I'll play 127.
Huts and combat may make a difference; but would it be a big enough difference? My reading and limited experience suggests the race is often decided on strategic questions judged as the game develops, and you have got a good record on that. For example choosing the tech/wonder path (and when to stop) and adroit handling of the fleet.
In my opinion, success with the "lean EC" style [few cities, WoWs, techs], which is probably the best choice here, depends on some daring, and decent luck in the very early game. My style is probably more scientific, more sensitive to bad luck than good luck, less likely to produce a truly dramatic 1000BC finish.
scozzy commented he had finished and his points weren't good, but isn't that part of the deal with EC - being proud of scoring under 50 gets mentioned in the GotM 123 spoiler I recall!
I probably said that. But it is a bit perverse.
I played this one to -2000 back in early November, then real life took over and I could not play at all for 6 weeks. Given this was due over 3 weeks ago, I am not even going to bother wondering if there is an extension.
I'm too much of a micro-manager for these things. I played a normal game with my highest so far. I'm not sure if I could do any better in my life time. It's in my sig.

Enjoy GotM though. If it's easier to manage the happiness the game isn't too hard imo. But we all know. ;)
Thanks for the results, much as expected from the spoiler. A deserved Gold Medal for Major, and a cool 25-point green star for grigor.

But: how nice, the five medals and stars are shared out one to each of the five entries! Now if only Ali had had time to do his OCC too how neat would that have been?
Thanks for the results, much as expected from the spoiler. A deserved Gold Medal for Major, ...

Thanks, but it was very close. By my calculations we were just 2 turns or 3 gamescore-points apart.

Still..... :woohoo: :dance: :trophy: :king: :beer:
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