Decided to play this as a One City Game.
Features: Emperor Level, Open Map, Alphabet, Bronze.
4000: Stepped to the 4 special Forest.
3950: Built Capitol. > Size One Settler.
3900: > Code of Laws (10).
3450: Size One Settler emerges and begins irrigation upon the forest city square. Amidst various possibilities, decided to build a 2nd size one Settler. Code of Laws > Writing.
3250: Completion of deforestation project. Settler production rushed from 18 > 20.
3100: Completion of road on Grass/shield.
2950: Road on Wheat.
2900: 2nd Size One Settler > Warrior. Settler doubles up on Wheat irrigation project.
2800: Writing > Literacy (33). Completion of Irrigation on Wheat and with 17 food in the box, this square is chosen and provides a +1 food surplus.
2700: Road on Plain. Other Settler with one turn of stored work and a 2 of 3 chance to reach the Fur was able to make it.
2650: Road on Fur. 20 Food in the box.
2600: 1 > 2. One of the 2 Settlers joins city which further increases in size from 2 > 3. 1st Warrior > 2nd Warrior. Grass/shield instead of Fur to have this warrior in two turns.
2500: 2nd Warrior > Colossus. Shifted from Grass/shield square to Fur.
2500 bc Summary: Despotism, Size 3, 4 techs with Literacy in progress @ 11/30. No buildings. Units: 1 settler, 2 warriors. Income: Sci 4, Gold 3, Shields 4. Treasury: 24.
2250: With irrigation progress on Fur @ 9/10, Lux is set to 60% to initiate a celebration. Beaker cost of Literacy shifts from 30 > 33 and is thus delayed a turn.
2200: Literacy > Republic (48 with anticipated 1650 Oedo). Celebration. S > 60 / L > 40. Science production is now 5 and food surplus has increased from 2 > 4.
1950: Completion of irrigation on Grass/shield.
1650: Republic > Map Making. (Currency not offered). L 50 to initiate (or maintain) Celebration. S 50. Disbanded both warriors inside city. Wonder @ 81/200.
1600: 4 > 5. End of Celebration for now. S 60 / L 40.
1400: Completion of Mine on Hill and this square is chosen increasing net shields from 5 > 7.
1300: Map Making > Currency (78).
1200: Mined hill receives road.
1000 bc Summary: Republic, Size 5 (and 6 next turn via food growth). Colossus production @ 162/200. 7 techs with Currency @ 54/78. No buildings. Units: 1 settler. Income: 8 gross shields (7 net) and 9/8 next turn. 7 science (8 next turn). Treasury: 57.
975: 5 > 6 (via food growth). Completion of irrigation on Plain.
925: Currency > Trade (91).
875: Colossus > Trireme.
750: Trade > Ceremonial Burial (112). Trireme > Wonder Caravan. Trireme explores one step to open up the whale and the remaining ocean squares within the city perimeter and then goes back into the city to disband, allowing the city to produce 10 net shields to hasten completion of the next 8 wonder caravans and 3 Trade caravans. Caravan rushed 20 > 30 > 40.
750 bc Summary: Colossus. No wonders in progress. Republic size 6, 9 techs. No buildings, 1 Settler. Treasury: 10.
725: 1st Wonder Caravan > 2nd.
625: 2nd Wonder Caravan > 3rd.
550: 3rd Wonder Caravan > 4th. Final work is done in capitol and Settler is disbanded.
500: 4th Wonder Caravan > Marco's and 4 caravans fill 200 shields.
500 bc Summary: Colossus and Marco's to emerge next turn. Republic, Size 6. 9 techs, No buildings, no units. Treasury: 50 gold.
475: Marco's.
Summary of Diplomacy:
Picked up 11 techs: Masonry, Pottery, Construction, Mysticism, Iron Working, Warrior Code, Ceremonial Burial, Horseback Riding, Polytheism, The Wheel. Bridge Building.
Alliances with: Rome (100 gift), Vikings (150 gift), America (0 gift). No alliances with Spain and Mongols who are at war with one or more of these allies and no alliance with Babylon as yet who is free of wars.
450: Received 150 gold from America to declare War on Icy Spain. Gifted two civs their tech in progress. Treasury: 408.
425: Completion of 1st current wonder Caravan. Babylon becomes 4th alliance and they elected to not gift gold to me.
375: 2nd Wonder caravan > 3rd. 6 > 7 via food growth. All maps except for Spain's with whom there is war.
325: 3rd Wonder Caravan > Lighthouse. 3 Caras and 200 Gold fill 200 shields.
300: Lighthouse. Spain destroys the American civ.
275: Gifts: Rome 50, Vikes 50,
250: 1st Trade Caravan. Gifts requested: Babylon which offered only their Sympathy.
225: No gifts requested.
200: 1st current Trireme.
175: Babylon completes Math and i traded them for it. Gifts received: Rome 25, Babylon 50, Vikes 25.
150: 2nd Trade Caravan and Trireme sets sail. Gifts received: Rome 25, Babylon 50, Vikes 25.
125: 3rd Trade Caravan.
100: Gifts received: Rome 25, Babylon 50, Vikes 25.
75: Temple. Celebration. Gifts received: Rome 50, Babylon 25.
50: 7 > 8.
25: Aqueduct. 8 > 9. Gifts received: Rome 50, Babylon 50, Vikes 50.
1ad: Colosseum. 9 > 10.
1ad Summary: Colossus, Marco's, Lighthouse. Republic, size 10. Buildings: Temple, Aqueduct, Colosseum. Units: 3 trade caravans, 1 Trireme.
20: 10 > 11. Rome develops Banking and i traded them for it.
40: Marketplace. 11 > 12.
60: > Astronomy (546). Wanted Philosophy, but the only other choice was Invention. 1st trade of game, Demanded Bead to size 1 Aarhas: 364 (which is the max possible). Sci > 80.
80: Library.
100: 1st Wonder Caravan. Spain develops Monarchy. Waiting to trade for it.
120: Astronomy > Philosophy (598). 2nd Wonder Caravan. 2nd Trade of Game: Demanded Beads to Karakorum: 398. Gift received from Rome: 50. Gifted Key Civ 3 techs.
140: 3rd Wonder Caravan.
160: Philosophy > Medicine > Sanitation. 4th Wonder Caravan.
180: Bank. Gifts received: Rome 50, Babylon 50, Vikes 0.
200: 5th Wonder Caravan. Gift: Vikes 50. S 80 / T 20 / L 0. 5 Wonder Caras and 200 Gold fill 300 shields.
220: Shakespeare's. 3rd Trade: Undemanded Cloth to size 4 Nishapur: 364.
240: 1st (current) Wonder Caravan. L 20. Gift received: Vike 50.
260: Sanitation > Seafaring. Celebration. Babylonians undertake Copernicus, a wonder i absolutely must build : ). Receptive Spain has refused to trade me Monarchy for the past several turns and continues to resist. Gift received: Vike 25.
280: Sewer. 12 > 13. New alliance with the Mongols and received 100 from them. This came at the cost of having to declare war against Spain and dinging my reputation down to honorable. Also received 50 from Babylon and 25 from the Vikes.
300: 13 > 14. 2nd wonder caravan. Gift received: Babylon 50.
320: 14 > 15. 3rd wonder caravan. Spain completes Great Library and Hanging Gardens. Babylon switches production to Copernicus and the Mongols to King Rick's. Will minimize risk of losing Copernicus and Rush it as soon as possible. No gifts received and not enough gold to rush it this turn, thus rushed next Wonder Caravan instead.
340: 15 > 16. Awaiting Seafaring for continued growth. T 80 / S 20. 4th wonder caravan. Gift: Vike 25. 4 Caras + 400 gold fill 300 shields. S > 80, T 20.
360: Copernicus. Gifts: Babylon 50, Vike 50.
380: Mongols develop Invention. Gift: Vike 50.
400: Seafaring > University. Gifted Seafaring to the Vikes and the Roman's still need it. No gifts.
420: Mongol's build Rick's. Gifted Rome Seafaring. No gold received. Celebration.
440: Harbor. 16 > 17.
460: 17 > 18. University > Theory of Gravity. Mongols 75. Tax to 80.
480: 18 > 19. Mongols break ground on Leo's. Sci to 80.
500: 19 > 20. University (building).
520: 20 > 21.
540: 21 > 22. Mongols 50.
560: 22 > 23. End of Celebration for now. Vikes 50, Mongols 50.
580: 4th Wonder Caravan. Total gifts: 125.
600: 5th Wonder Caravan. Mongols 50.
620: Theory of Gravity > Democracy (Oedo 700). 6th wonder caravan. 6 caras and 400 gold fill 400 shields. Mongols 50. S 30 / T 70.
640: Sir Isaac's. Receptive Spanish in cease fire develop Feudalism. Holding off on seeking to trade for this, but most likely would not be able to at this point even if i wanted to.
660: 1st wonder Caravan. Gifts 50 + 50.
680: Vikes develop Navigation, traded them for it and i gifted it to the appropriate recipient. 2nd wonder caravan. Mongols 100.
700: Democracy > Economics. 3rd Wonder Caravan. S 60 for a 2 turn tech. L 20 / T 20. Mongols 50.
720: Celebration. 4th Wonder Caravan.
740: Economics > Chemistry. 23 > 24. 5th Wonder Caravan. Gold caravan becomes available to build.
760: Gold Caravan. Sails towards Uppsala. 24 > 25. End of food surplus and celebration for now. L > 0. Net gift receipts 100.
780: Leo's. Chemistry > Physics. Mongols switch wonder production from Leo's to Great Wall, Spanish from Leo's to Sun Tzu's keeping the competition for Magellan's minimal. Mongols 100.
800: Stock Exchange. Spain completes Sun Tzu's. Mongols 100.
Interim: Mongols develop Gunpowder.
820: Chemistry > Gunpowder... and traded the Mongols for it. 1st Wonder Caravan. Vikes developed Physics, traded them for it and gifted it to the two others researching it. Mongols 100.
Interim: Russians develop Monotheism and begins production on Mike's.
840: > Magnetism (Explosives not offered). Russia would not trade Mono since they are too busy building Mike's.
860: Magnetism > Explosives. Vikes 100, Mongols 50.
880: Vikes 150, Mongols 100.
900: Explosives > Feudalism (1040). Traded Spain for Feudalism. 3rd Wonder Caravan. Gold demand in Uppsala disappears and there is no other demanding city that is reachable. 4th Trade of game: Undemanded Gold to Uppsala: 268. Triggers availability of a Gem.
920: Gem Caravan. > Metallurgy. Net gifts: 0 (50 - 50).
940: Power rating shifts causing a delay in reaching Metallurgy. 1st Engineer. 25 > 24. Net gifts 50.
Interim: Russians have nearly completed Mike's.
960: Metallurgy > Monotheism. Electricity towards Refrig. not offered so we chose the tech for which we will be able to trade as soon as Mike's completes. 2nd Engineer, 24 > 23. Received 100. 3 Wonder Caravans and 1000 gold fill 400 shields.
Interim: Russia builds Mike's.
980: Magellan's. Traded Russia for Monotheism and gifted it to the Mongol peoples. Gifts @ Weak: 50, 0.
1000: > Electricity. 3rd Engineer. 23 > 22. Gifts received @ weak: 50, 0, 150.
1000 ad Summary: Colossus, Marco's, Lighthouse, Shakespeare's, Copernicus, Sir Isaac's, Leo's, Magellan's. Democracy, size 22. 4 Trades. 43 Techs and 44th is anticipated next turn. Buildings: Temple, Aqueduct, Colosseum, Marketplace, Library, Bank, Sewer, Harbor, University, Stock Exchange. Units: 1 trade caravan, 3 Engineers, 1 Galleon. Treasury: 132.
1020: Electricity > Steam Engine. Refrigeration not offered. 4th Engineer. City square: Plain > Grassland. 2 of 4 engineers set sail with the goal of building trade roads. Gifts: 50, 0.
1040: No unit or building. Gifts: 50, 50, 0, 200.
1060: Steam Engine > Refrigeration. Gifted Steam to the 3 civs researching it. 1st Diplomat > Bead Caravan which just became available to build. Gifts: 50, 100.
1080: Bead Caravan. 4th trade road connects other pre-existing roads and the southern shore of Midlands connects to Trondheim on the Midlands northern coast. Gem is set to land next turn. Gifts: 50, 0, 100, 100.
1100: Refrigeration > Railroad (Towards Industrialization/Corporation). 5th Trade: Demanded Gem to Trondheim: 780. Gifts: 50, 0, 75.
1120: Railroad > Conscription (Industrialization not offered). Supermarket. Gifts: 0, 100. 2nd Plain > Grassland. Farmland x 6 is next.
1140: Gifts: 100, 50.
1160: Conscription > Industrialization. 2nd Diplomat. 6th Trade: Demanded Beads to size 4 Roskilde: 288. Gift: 100.
1180: Spain develops Chivalry and we trade them for it. Gifts: 0, 0, 75. Lux to 20.
1200: Industrialization > Leadership. Celebration. Gifts 0.
1220: 22 > 23. Cost for bribing Mongol engineers is prohibitive at about 650. Similar with Rome and the other midland civs are in Democracy.
1240: 23 > 24. Gifts: 0, 0, 0.
1260: Leadership > Corporation (650 x 2). End of food surplus and celebration for now. Gifts: 0, 0, 0. 2 civs are researching Communism which will cancel the effects of Marco's. As such, current research projects are documented as follows: Rome Fundy, Babylon Communism, Vikings Communism, Spanish Corporation, Mongols: Atomic Theory.
1280. 3rd Wonder Caravan. Gift requests: 0, 0.
Interim: Vikes develop Communism cancelling Marco's.
1300: Corporation > Steel (676 x 2). Traded Vikes for Communism. Gifted Babylon towards it. Gifted Corporation to the Spanish. Updated research projects to the best of my knowledge: Rome Fundy, Babylon Communism (will continue attempting to gift it), Vikings ??? , Spanish ??? Mongols: Atomic Theory. Gifts received: 0, 0.
1320: 2nd Transport. Updated techs in progress as far as i know: Rome Fundy, Babylon ??? , Vikings ??? , Spanish ??? Mongols: Atomic Theory. Gifts: 0, 0. Cost for a potential Roman Galleon is prohibitive @ 554.
1340: Steel > Espionage (689 x 2). Updated all 5 maps. Since Babylon has a Midlands colony, able to reach every civ except for Spain and in order to reach them i will need to bribe a boat at some point which shouldn't be too difficult but might be expensive. Bribed a Mongol Wool Caravan for only 177, the first bargain i have encountered so far. No demand anywhere and will likely land this in Karakorum by which point it will be a freight. After completing farmland on the grass and plain squares, completed the final farmland on Fur. Now the 2 city engineers are working together on transforming the hill as the other 2 engineers continue to work in Midlands laying roads and rail to help trades to land as quickly as possible. No gifts received.
1360: 3rd Transport.
1380: Power Rating shifts from Moderate to inadequate and i fall about 50 beakers short of completing Espionage. Perhaps i need to cushion this better : ). Gifts 25, 0, 75, 50. While seeking a gift from the Mongols, they traded Atomic Theory to me. Updated techs in progress as far as i know: Rome Fundy, Babylon ??? , Vikings ??? , Spanish ??? Mongols: ??? .
1400: Espionage > Refining (743 x 2). 2 dips > Spies. Established Embassies with Babylonians, Vikings and Mongols. Gifts: 0, 0, 50.
1420: Embassy with Russia, only missing embassy is with Northland Spain now. Gifts 0, 0, 25.
1440: Refining > Combustion. 5th Transport. Bribed Spanish Transport (6th) for 335 which will open the door for the final embassy to be established and for Trades to reach the Northlands. Set sail towards Spain with Spy and Wool Freight. Gift 25.
1460: Gifts received: 100, 0, 100, 75.
1480: Combustion > Automobile. Factory. Gifts: 50, 0, 100, 75. 3 wonder caravans and 1000 gold fill 400 shields.
1500: Darwin's. Automobile > Tactics > Electronics (792/1652). Gifts: 50, 100, 0.
1500 AD Summary: Colossus, Marco's, Lighthouse, Shakespeare's, Copernicus, Sir Isaac's, Leo's, Magellan's, Darwin's. Democracy, Size 25. 6 Trades. 60 Techs and 61st is anticipated next turn. Buildings: Temple, Aqueduct, Colosseum, Marketplace, Library, Bank, Sewer, Harbor, University, Stock Exchange, Supermarket, Factory. Units: 1 trade Freight, 0 Wonder Freights, 4 Engineers, 6 Transports, 2 Spies.
1510: Superhighways. Electronics > Machine Tools (1680). Hill > Plain. Gifts: 50, 0, 0. 7th Trade, 1st to Northia: Demanded Wool to size 1 Bilbao: 1120. L 10 + 3 elvis.
1520: Machine Tools > Mass Production (854 x 2). Celebration.
1530: 25 > 26. 1st wonder caravan. Gifts: 0, 50, 0, 0. Irrigation of the plain establishing 0 food deficit.
1540: Mass Production > Miniaturization. Holding @ 26 for one turn. Completion of Farmland. Gifts 0.
Interim: Russians develop Fundy which is traded for in the upcoming turn.
1550: 26 > 27. 4th Spy. Gifts: 0, 0. Disbanded an Engineer.
1560: Miniaturization > Flight (864 x 2). Computers not offered and this was the only tech that was not off path from Fusion Power. 4th spy. No gifts.
1570: Gifts: 0, 0.
1580: Offshore Platform. Shift in power rating delays completion of tech. Gifts: 0, 0, 50.
1590: Flight > Computers. L 20. Gifts 25, 50.
1600: Power Plant. Celebration. Gifts: 0, 25, 100, 50.
1610: 27 > 28. Gifts: 0, 100, 75.
Interim: Spanish develop Mobile Warfare.
1620: Computers > Mobile Warfare for which i traded Spain. Mass Transit. 28 > 29. Gifts: 0, 100.
1630: > Radio (928/1742). Research Lab. Gifts: 0. Disbanded Engineer.
1640: Radio > Advanced Flight. 29 > 30. 2nd Wonder Caravan. End of Celebration and i will likely retain the one remaining engineer for the remainder of the game. Have 33 net shield production and planning to build a spy per turn as future disbanding units towards space parts. Gifts: 25, 0, 0.
1650: Gifts: 25, 0, 75,100.
1660: Advanced Flight > Rocketry. Gifts: 25, 0, 75, 200.
1670: Gifts: 0, 0, -50 (i gifted the Mongol's here).
1680: Rocketry > Robotics (most useful among other off-path options). Gifts: 0, 0, 150, 0.
1700: Robotics > Space Flight. Gifts: 0, 25, 150, 0.
1710: Gifts 0, 0. With only 7 trades available to build to this point and treasury only at 1783, there is not enough treasury and shields to rush Apollo, nor Space parts, especially not one per turn, so i am holding back for now on completing Space Flight planning to build up more treasury and hoping as well to collect more gold gifts for a few additional turns. Also need Manufacturing Plant as well to make space parts more economical.
If i had an abundance of gold (like maybe 7000+), the projection would have been as follows: Space Flight in 1720, Apollo in 1730. 24th part and launch 1794. Landing in 1809.
Instead with a tight budget the actual results will be considerably slower as documented to follow:
Interim: Vikes develop Guerilla Warfare (and i traded them for it in 1720 and gifted it to 2 others).
1720: Gifts: 0.
1730: Manufacturing Plant (Net shields increase from 36 > 47 with 40+ as the key number). Gifts: 0, 0, 0.
1740: Gifts 0, 0, 75. Apollo production rushed to 300 and one transport is disbanded to allow it to be completed in 6 turns (1760) instead of 7.
1750: Gifts 0, 25, 0, 75. Treasury: 1603.
1752: Gifts 0, 25, 0, 75.
1754: Gifts 50, 0, 75.
1756: Gifts 0, 100, 25, 75.
1758: Wonder production is @ 559 / 600. Gifts: 0. 3 of 4 alliances dissolved since i would not give them Space Flight. Babylon completes Theology which becomes a buffer tech when forced off path. Treasury: 3124.
1760: Apollo.
1762: Plastics > Nuclear Fission. 1st Structural of 15. Spanish develop Combined Arms which becomes another backup tech if forced off path.
1764: 2nd Structural.
1766: Nuclear Fission > Nuclear Power (1016 x 2). 3rd Structural.
1768: 4th Structural.
1770: 5th Structural. Power rating shifts from Moderate to Strong and Beaker cost shifts from 2025 to 3900. There is no light blue key civ to gift, so i have gifted techs to the Mongols and have reduced science production to a single scientist, hoping for a shift to either Supreme or Moderate which will allow the tech to complete while pulling in 355 gross gold income per turn in the meantime.
1772 > 1780: 6th > 10th Structurals.
1782: Power rating shifts to Moderate and Nuclear Power completes. > Laser (1976). Sci to 992 x 2. 11th Structural. Spanish develop Labor Union as another buffer tech if forced off path and the Mongols develop it next turn. Babylon and the Mongol peoples are researching Space Flight.
1784: 12th Structural.
1786: Laser > Labor Union. Traded the Babylonians for this, Plastics instead of Space Flight. 13th.
1788: > Superconductor (1064 x 2). 14th Structural. Final unit within city disbanded. Keeping 2 spies in the hopes of helping to prevent tech from being stolen.
1790: Shift from Moderate > Inadequate causing Superconductor to be delayed and 3 scientists will complete it. 15th Structural of 15. 0 shields > Barracks > SS Component total cost of 720. 0 shields > Barracks > SS Component total cost of 720.
1792: Superconductor > Fusion Power (2370). Wanting to complete this tech before cost has a chance to increase to 4000 or so. 1st Component.
1794 > 1796 2nd and 3rd Components.
1798: Fusion Power > Combined Arms. Sci to Zero. 4th Component. Treasury: 380.
1800: 5th Component. Insufficent Funds to rush the 6th which will complete on its own in 3 turns.
1802: With limited food stores delaying this action to this point, railed grassland is mined to forest and net shields increase from 51 > 59 (with 54 being key since it provides 160 in 3 turns).
1804: Spanish develop Space Flight.
1806: 6th Component of 6. Spain completes 2 structurals. With limited funds, 0 > Component > Module in 3 turns.
1808: Spain 3rd and 4th Structurals and they acquire Plastics. Mongols acquire Space Flight.
1812: 1st Module. 0 > Disbanded Spy > Module. Sold Research Lab (should have thought of this earlier). Ending Treasury: 491.
1814: 2nd Module. Sold University. 0 > Disbanded final Spy > Component (160) > Module (not completed). Treasury: 341.
1816: Rushed 219 > 320 to save one turn. Forest > Plain.
1818: 3rd and final Module. Launch. Ship scheduled to arrive in 1833.
1819: 1st Mech Infantry.
1820: Barracks.
1821: Vet Mech.
1822: Engineer to eventually disband and reduce food deficit in a city with very little remaining food storage. 30 > 29. Plain receives irrigation.
1823: 3rd Engineer. 29 > 28. Disbanded engineer towards Fighter. Plain receives farmland. Food deficit eliminated.
1824: Fighter.
1825: Gold Freight.
1827: Aegis.
1829: Battleship.
1830: Spy.
1831: Spy.
1832: Spy.
1833: Spy. Landing.
Features: Emperor Level, Open Map, Alphabet, Bronze.
4000: Stepped to the 4 special Forest.
3950: Built Capitol. > Size One Settler.
3900: > Code of Laws (10).
3450: Size One Settler emerges and begins irrigation upon the forest city square. Amidst various possibilities, decided to build a 2nd size one Settler. Code of Laws > Writing.
3250: Completion of deforestation project. Settler production rushed from 18 > 20.
3100: Completion of road on Grass/shield.
2950: Road on Wheat.
2900: 2nd Size One Settler > Warrior. Settler doubles up on Wheat irrigation project.
2800: Writing > Literacy (33). Completion of Irrigation on Wheat and with 17 food in the box, this square is chosen and provides a +1 food surplus.
2700: Road on Plain. Other Settler with one turn of stored work and a 2 of 3 chance to reach the Fur was able to make it.
2650: Road on Fur. 20 Food in the box.
2600: 1 > 2. One of the 2 Settlers joins city which further increases in size from 2 > 3. 1st Warrior > 2nd Warrior. Grass/shield instead of Fur to have this warrior in two turns.
2500: 2nd Warrior > Colossus. Shifted from Grass/shield square to Fur.
2500 bc Summary: Despotism, Size 3, 4 techs with Literacy in progress @ 11/30. No buildings. Units: 1 settler, 2 warriors. Income: Sci 4, Gold 3, Shields 4. Treasury: 24.
2250: With irrigation progress on Fur @ 9/10, Lux is set to 60% to initiate a celebration. Beaker cost of Literacy shifts from 30 > 33 and is thus delayed a turn.
2200: Literacy > Republic (48 with anticipated 1650 Oedo). Celebration. S > 60 / L > 40. Science production is now 5 and food surplus has increased from 2 > 4.
1950: Completion of irrigation on Grass/shield.
1650: Republic > Map Making. (Currency not offered). L 50 to initiate (or maintain) Celebration. S 50. Disbanded both warriors inside city. Wonder @ 81/200.
1600: 4 > 5. End of Celebration for now. S 60 / L 40.
1400: Completion of Mine on Hill and this square is chosen increasing net shields from 5 > 7.
1300: Map Making > Currency (78).
1200: Mined hill receives road.
1000 bc Summary: Republic, Size 5 (and 6 next turn via food growth). Colossus production @ 162/200. 7 techs with Currency @ 54/78. No buildings. Units: 1 settler. Income: 8 gross shields (7 net) and 9/8 next turn. 7 science (8 next turn). Treasury: 57.
975: 5 > 6 (via food growth). Completion of irrigation on Plain.
925: Currency > Trade (91).
875: Colossus > Trireme.
750: Trade > Ceremonial Burial (112). Trireme > Wonder Caravan. Trireme explores one step to open up the whale and the remaining ocean squares within the city perimeter and then goes back into the city to disband, allowing the city to produce 10 net shields to hasten completion of the next 8 wonder caravans and 3 Trade caravans. Caravan rushed 20 > 30 > 40.
750 bc Summary: Colossus. No wonders in progress. Republic size 6, 9 techs. No buildings, 1 Settler. Treasury: 10.
725: 1st Wonder Caravan > 2nd.
625: 2nd Wonder Caravan > 3rd.
550: 3rd Wonder Caravan > 4th. Final work is done in capitol and Settler is disbanded.
500: 4th Wonder Caravan > Marco's and 4 caravans fill 200 shields.
500 bc Summary: Colossus and Marco's to emerge next turn. Republic, Size 6. 9 techs, No buildings, no units. Treasury: 50 gold.
475: Marco's.
Summary of Diplomacy:
Picked up 11 techs: Masonry, Pottery, Construction, Mysticism, Iron Working, Warrior Code, Ceremonial Burial, Horseback Riding, Polytheism, The Wheel. Bridge Building.
Alliances with: Rome (100 gift), Vikings (150 gift), America (0 gift). No alliances with Spain and Mongols who are at war with one or more of these allies and no alliance with Babylon as yet who is free of wars.
450: Received 150 gold from America to declare War on Icy Spain. Gifted two civs their tech in progress. Treasury: 408.
425: Completion of 1st current wonder Caravan. Babylon becomes 4th alliance and they elected to not gift gold to me.
375: 2nd Wonder caravan > 3rd. 6 > 7 via food growth. All maps except for Spain's with whom there is war.
325: 3rd Wonder Caravan > Lighthouse. 3 Caras and 200 Gold fill 200 shields.
300: Lighthouse. Spain destroys the American civ.
275: Gifts: Rome 50, Vikes 50,
250: 1st Trade Caravan. Gifts requested: Babylon which offered only their Sympathy.
225: No gifts requested.
200: 1st current Trireme.
175: Babylon completes Math and i traded them for it. Gifts received: Rome 25, Babylon 50, Vikes 25.
150: 2nd Trade Caravan and Trireme sets sail. Gifts received: Rome 25, Babylon 50, Vikes 25.
125: 3rd Trade Caravan.
100: Gifts received: Rome 25, Babylon 50, Vikes 25.
75: Temple. Celebration. Gifts received: Rome 50, Babylon 25.
50: 7 > 8.
25: Aqueduct. 8 > 9. Gifts received: Rome 50, Babylon 50, Vikes 50.
1ad: Colosseum. 9 > 10.
1ad Summary: Colossus, Marco's, Lighthouse. Republic, size 10. Buildings: Temple, Aqueduct, Colosseum. Units: 3 trade caravans, 1 Trireme.
20: 10 > 11. Rome develops Banking and i traded them for it.
40: Marketplace. 11 > 12.
60: > Astronomy (546). Wanted Philosophy, but the only other choice was Invention. 1st trade of game, Demanded Bead to size 1 Aarhas: 364 (which is the max possible). Sci > 80.
80: Library.
100: 1st Wonder Caravan. Spain develops Monarchy. Waiting to trade for it.
120: Astronomy > Philosophy (598). 2nd Wonder Caravan. 2nd Trade of Game: Demanded Beads to Karakorum: 398. Gift received from Rome: 50. Gifted Key Civ 3 techs.
140: 3rd Wonder Caravan.
160: Philosophy > Medicine > Sanitation. 4th Wonder Caravan.
180: Bank. Gifts received: Rome 50, Babylon 50, Vikes 0.
200: 5th Wonder Caravan. Gift: Vikes 50. S 80 / T 20 / L 0. 5 Wonder Caras and 200 Gold fill 300 shields.
220: Shakespeare's. 3rd Trade: Undemanded Cloth to size 4 Nishapur: 364.
240: 1st (current) Wonder Caravan. L 20. Gift received: Vike 50.
260: Sanitation > Seafaring. Celebration. Babylonians undertake Copernicus, a wonder i absolutely must build : ). Receptive Spain has refused to trade me Monarchy for the past several turns and continues to resist. Gift received: Vike 25.
280: Sewer. 12 > 13. New alliance with the Mongols and received 100 from them. This came at the cost of having to declare war against Spain and dinging my reputation down to honorable. Also received 50 from Babylon and 25 from the Vikes.
300: 13 > 14. 2nd wonder caravan. Gift received: Babylon 50.
320: 14 > 15. 3rd wonder caravan. Spain completes Great Library and Hanging Gardens. Babylon switches production to Copernicus and the Mongols to King Rick's. Will minimize risk of losing Copernicus and Rush it as soon as possible. No gifts received and not enough gold to rush it this turn, thus rushed next Wonder Caravan instead.
340: 15 > 16. Awaiting Seafaring for continued growth. T 80 / S 20. 4th wonder caravan. Gift: Vike 25. 4 Caras + 400 gold fill 300 shields. S > 80, T 20.
360: Copernicus. Gifts: Babylon 50, Vike 50.
380: Mongols develop Invention. Gift: Vike 50.
400: Seafaring > University. Gifted Seafaring to the Vikes and the Roman's still need it. No gifts.
420: Mongol's build Rick's. Gifted Rome Seafaring. No gold received. Celebration.
440: Harbor. 16 > 17.
460: 17 > 18. University > Theory of Gravity. Mongols 75. Tax to 80.
480: 18 > 19. Mongols break ground on Leo's. Sci to 80.
500: 19 > 20. University (building).
520: 20 > 21.
540: 21 > 22. Mongols 50.
560: 22 > 23. End of Celebration for now. Vikes 50, Mongols 50.
580: 4th Wonder Caravan. Total gifts: 125.
600: 5th Wonder Caravan. Mongols 50.
620: Theory of Gravity > Democracy (Oedo 700). 6th wonder caravan. 6 caras and 400 gold fill 400 shields. Mongols 50. S 30 / T 70.
640: Sir Isaac's. Receptive Spanish in cease fire develop Feudalism. Holding off on seeking to trade for this, but most likely would not be able to at this point even if i wanted to.
660: 1st wonder Caravan. Gifts 50 + 50.
680: Vikes develop Navigation, traded them for it and i gifted it to the appropriate recipient. 2nd wonder caravan. Mongols 100.
700: Democracy > Economics. 3rd Wonder Caravan. S 60 for a 2 turn tech. L 20 / T 20. Mongols 50.
720: Celebration. 4th Wonder Caravan.
740: Economics > Chemistry. 23 > 24. 5th Wonder Caravan. Gold caravan becomes available to build.
760: Gold Caravan. Sails towards Uppsala. 24 > 25. End of food surplus and celebration for now. L > 0. Net gift receipts 100.
780: Leo's. Chemistry > Physics. Mongols switch wonder production from Leo's to Great Wall, Spanish from Leo's to Sun Tzu's keeping the competition for Magellan's minimal. Mongols 100.
800: Stock Exchange. Spain completes Sun Tzu's. Mongols 100.
Interim: Mongols develop Gunpowder.
820: Chemistry > Gunpowder... and traded the Mongols for it. 1st Wonder Caravan. Vikes developed Physics, traded them for it and gifted it to the two others researching it. Mongols 100.
Interim: Russians develop Monotheism and begins production on Mike's.
840: > Magnetism (Explosives not offered). Russia would not trade Mono since they are too busy building Mike's.
860: Magnetism > Explosives. Vikes 100, Mongols 50.
880: Vikes 150, Mongols 100.
900: Explosives > Feudalism (1040). Traded Spain for Feudalism. 3rd Wonder Caravan. Gold demand in Uppsala disappears and there is no other demanding city that is reachable. 4th Trade of game: Undemanded Gold to Uppsala: 268. Triggers availability of a Gem.
920: Gem Caravan. > Metallurgy. Net gifts: 0 (50 - 50).
940: Power rating shifts causing a delay in reaching Metallurgy. 1st Engineer. 25 > 24. Net gifts 50.
Interim: Russians have nearly completed Mike's.
960: Metallurgy > Monotheism. Electricity towards Refrig. not offered so we chose the tech for which we will be able to trade as soon as Mike's completes. 2nd Engineer, 24 > 23. Received 100. 3 Wonder Caravans and 1000 gold fill 400 shields.
Interim: Russia builds Mike's.
980: Magellan's. Traded Russia for Monotheism and gifted it to the Mongol peoples. Gifts @ Weak: 50, 0.
1000: > Electricity. 3rd Engineer. 23 > 22. Gifts received @ weak: 50, 0, 150.
1000 ad Summary: Colossus, Marco's, Lighthouse, Shakespeare's, Copernicus, Sir Isaac's, Leo's, Magellan's. Democracy, size 22. 4 Trades. 43 Techs and 44th is anticipated next turn. Buildings: Temple, Aqueduct, Colosseum, Marketplace, Library, Bank, Sewer, Harbor, University, Stock Exchange. Units: 1 trade caravan, 3 Engineers, 1 Galleon. Treasury: 132.
1020: Electricity > Steam Engine. Refrigeration not offered. 4th Engineer. City square: Plain > Grassland. 2 of 4 engineers set sail with the goal of building trade roads. Gifts: 50, 0.
1040: No unit or building. Gifts: 50, 50, 0, 200.
1060: Steam Engine > Refrigeration. Gifted Steam to the 3 civs researching it. 1st Diplomat > Bead Caravan which just became available to build. Gifts: 50, 100.
1080: Bead Caravan. 4th trade road connects other pre-existing roads and the southern shore of Midlands connects to Trondheim on the Midlands northern coast. Gem is set to land next turn. Gifts: 50, 0, 100, 100.
1100: Refrigeration > Railroad (Towards Industrialization/Corporation). 5th Trade: Demanded Gem to Trondheim: 780. Gifts: 50, 0, 75.
1120: Railroad > Conscription (Industrialization not offered). Supermarket. Gifts: 0, 100. 2nd Plain > Grassland. Farmland x 6 is next.
1140: Gifts: 100, 50.
1160: Conscription > Industrialization. 2nd Diplomat. 6th Trade: Demanded Beads to size 4 Roskilde: 288. Gift: 100.
1180: Spain develops Chivalry and we trade them for it. Gifts: 0, 0, 75. Lux to 20.
1200: Industrialization > Leadership. Celebration. Gifts 0.
1220: 22 > 23. Cost for bribing Mongol engineers is prohibitive at about 650. Similar with Rome and the other midland civs are in Democracy.
1240: 23 > 24. Gifts: 0, 0, 0.
1260: Leadership > Corporation (650 x 2). End of food surplus and celebration for now. Gifts: 0, 0, 0. 2 civs are researching Communism which will cancel the effects of Marco's. As such, current research projects are documented as follows: Rome Fundy, Babylon Communism, Vikings Communism, Spanish Corporation, Mongols: Atomic Theory.
1280. 3rd Wonder Caravan. Gift requests: 0, 0.
Interim: Vikes develop Communism cancelling Marco's.
1300: Corporation > Steel (676 x 2). Traded Vikes for Communism. Gifted Babylon towards it. Gifted Corporation to the Spanish. Updated research projects to the best of my knowledge: Rome Fundy, Babylon Communism (will continue attempting to gift it), Vikings ??? , Spanish ??? Mongols: Atomic Theory. Gifts received: 0, 0.
1320: 2nd Transport. Updated techs in progress as far as i know: Rome Fundy, Babylon ??? , Vikings ??? , Spanish ??? Mongols: Atomic Theory. Gifts: 0, 0. Cost for a potential Roman Galleon is prohibitive @ 554.
1340: Steel > Espionage (689 x 2). Updated all 5 maps. Since Babylon has a Midlands colony, able to reach every civ except for Spain and in order to reach them i will need to bribe a boat at some point which shouldn't be too difficult but might be expensive. Bribed a Mongol Wool Caravan for only 177, the first bargain i have encountered so far. No demand anywhere and will likely land this in Karakorum by which point it will be a freight. After completing farmland on the grass and plain squares, completed the final farmland on Fur. Now the 2 city engineers are working together on transforming the hill as the other 2 engineers continue to work in Midlands laying roads and rail to help trades to land as quickly as possible. No gifts received.
1360: 3rd Transport.
1380: Power Rating shifts from Moderate to inadequate and i fall about 50 beakers short of completing Espionage. Perhaps i need to cushion this better : ). Gifts 25, 0, 75, 50. While seeking a gift from the Mongols, they traded Atomic Theory to me. Updated techs in progress as far as i know: Rome Fundy, Babylon ??? , Vikings ??? , Spanish ??? Mongols: ??? .
1400: Espionage > Refining (743 x 2). 2 dips > Spies. Established Embassies with Babylonians, Vikings and Mongols. Gifts: 0, 0, 50.
1420: Embassy with Russia, only missing embassy is with Northland Spain now. Gifts 0, 0, 25.
1440: Refining > Combustion. 5th Transport. Bribed Spanish Transport (6th) for 335 which will open the door for the final embassy to be established and for Trades to reach the Northlands. Set sail towards Spain with Spy and Wool Freight. Gift 25.
1460: Gifts received: 100, 0, 100, 75.
1480: Combustion > Automobile. Factory. Gifts: 50, 0, 100, 75. 3 wonder caravans and 1000 gold fill 400 shields.
1500: Darwin's. Automobile > Tactics > Electronics (792/1652). Gifts: 50, 100, 0.
1500 AD Summary: Colossus, Marco's, Lighthouse, Shakespeare's, Copernicus, Sir Isaac's, Leo's, Magellan's, Darwin's. Democracy, Size 25. 6 Trades. 60 Techs and 61st is anticipated next turn. Buildings: Temple, Aqueduct, Colosseum, Marketplace, Library, Bank, Sewer, Harbor, University, Stock Exchange, Supermarket, Factory. Units: 1 trade Freight, 0 Wonder Freights, 4 Engineers, 6 Transports, 2 Spies.
1510: Superhighways. Electronics > Machine Tools (1680). Hill > Plain. Gifts: 50, 0, 0. 7th Trade, 1st to Northia: Demanded Wool to size 1 Bilbao: 1120. L 10 + 3 elvis.
1520: Machine Tools > Mass Production (854 x 2). Celebration.
1530: 25 > 26. 1st wonder caravan. Gifts: 0, 50, 0, 0. Irrigation of the plain establishing 0 food deficit.
1540: Mass Production > Miniaturization. Holding @ 26 for one turn. Completion of Farmland. Gifts 0.
Interim: Russians develop Fundy which is traded for in the upcoming turn.
1550: 26 > 27. 4th Spy. Gifts: 0, 0. Disbanded an Engineer.
1560: Miniaturization > Flight (864 x 2). Computers not offered and this was the only tech that was not off path from Fusion Power. 4th spy. No gifts.
1570: Gifts: 0, 0.
1580: Offshore Platform. Shift in power rating delays completion of tech. Gifts: 0, 0, 50.
1590: Flight > Computers. L 20. Gifts 25, 50.
1600: Power Plant. Celebration. Gifts: 0, 25, 100, 50.
1610: 27 > 28. Gifts: 0, 100, 75.
Interim: Spanish develop Mobile Warfare.
1620: Computers > Mobile Warfare for which i traded Spain. Mass Transit. 28 > 29. Gifts: 0, 100.
1630: > Radio (928/1742). Research Lab. Gifts: 0. Disbanded Engineer.
1640: Radio > Advanced Flight. 29 > 30. 2nd Wonder Caravan. End of Celebration and i will likely retain the one remaining engineer for the remainder of the game. Have 33 net shield production and planning to build a spy per turn as future disbanding units towards space parts. Gifts: 25, 0, 0.
1650: Gifts: 25, 0, 75,100.
1660: Advanced Flight > Rocketry. Gifts: 25, 0, 75, 200.
1670: Gifts: 0, 0, -50 (i gifted the Mongol's here).
1680: Rocketry > Robotics (most useful among other off-path options). Gifts: 0, 0, 150, 0.
1700: Robotics > Space Flight. Gifts: 0, 25, 150, 0.
1710: Gifts 0, 0. With only 7 trades available to build to this point and treasury only at 1783, there is not enough treasury and shields to rush Apollo, nor Space parts, especially not one per turn, so i am holding back for now on completing Space Flight planning to build up more treasury and hoping as well to collect more gold gifts for a few additional turns. Also need Manufacturing Plant as well to make space parts more economical.
If i had an abundance of gold (like maybe 7000+), the projection would have been as follows: Space Flight in 1720, Apollo in 1730. 24th part and launch 1794. Landing in 1809.
Instead with a tight budget the actual results will be considerably slower as documented to follow:
Interim: Vikes develop Guerilla Warfare (and i traded them for it in 1720 and gifted it to 2 others).
1720: Gifts: 0.
1730: Manufacturing Plant (Net shields increase from 36 > 47 with 40+ as the key number). Gifts: 0, 0, 0.
1740: Gifts 0, 0, 75. Apollo production rushed to 300 and one transport is disbanded to allow it to be completed in 6 turns (1760) instead of 7.
1750: Gifts 0, 25, 0, 75. Treasury: 1603.
1752: Gifts 0, 25, 0, 75.
1754: Gifts 50, 0, 75.
1756: Gifts 0, 100, 25, 75.
1758: Wonder production is @ 559 / 600. Gifts: 0. 3 of 4 alliances dissolved since i would not give them Space Flight. Babylon completes Theology which becomes a buffer tech when forced off path. Treasury: 3124.
1760: Apollo.
1762: Plastics > Nuclear Fission. 1st Structural of 15. Spanish develop Combined Arms which becomes another backup tech if forced off path.
1764: 2nd Structural.
1766: Nuclear Fission > Nuclear Power (1016 x 2). 3rd Structural.
1768: 4th Structural.
1770: 5th Structural. Power rating shifts from Moderate to Strong and Beaker cost shifts from 2025 to 3900. There is no light blue key civ to gift, so i have gifted techs to the Mongols and have reduced science production to a single scientist, hoping for a shift to either Supreme or Moderate which will allow the tech to complete while pulling in 355 gross gold income per turn in the meantime.
1772 > 1780: 6th > 10th Structurals.
1782: Power rating shifts to Moderate and Nuclear Power completes. > Laser (1976). Sci to 992 x 2. 11th Structural. Spanish develop Labor Union as another buffer tech if forced off path and the Mongols develop it next turn. Babylon and the Mongol peoples are researching Space Flight.
1784: 12th Structural.
1786: Laser > Labor Union. Traded the Babylonians for this, Plastics instead of Space Flight. 13th.
1788: > Superconductor (1064 x 2). 14th Structural. Final unit within city disbanded. Keeping 2 spies in the hopes of helping to prevent tech from being stolen.
1790: Shift from Moderate > Inadequate causing Superconductor to be delayed and 3 scientists will complete it. 15th Structural of 15. 0 shields > Barracks > SS Component total cost of 720. 0 shields > Barracks > SS Component total cost of 720.
1792: Superconductor > Fusion Power (2370). Wanting to complete this tech before cost has a chance to increase to 4000 or so. 1st Component.
1794 > 1796 2nd and 3rd Components.
1798: Fusion Power > Combined Arms. Sci to Zero. 4th Component. Treasury: 380.
1800: 5th Component. Insufficent Funds to rush the 6th which will complete on its own in 3 turns.
1802: With limited food stores delaying this action to this point, railed grassland is mined to forest and net shields increase from 51 > 59 (with 54 being key since it provides 160 in 3 turns).
1804: Spanish develop Space Flight.
1806: 6th Component of 6. Spain completes 2 structurals. With limited funds, 0 > Component > Module in 3 turns.
1808: Spain 3rd and 4th Structurals and they acquire Plastics. Mongols acquire Space Flight.
1812: 1st Module. 0 > Disbanded Spy > Module. Sold Research Lab (should have thought of this earlier). Ending Treasury: 491.
1814: 2nd Module. Sold University. 0 > Disbanded final Spy > Component (160) > Module (not completed). Treasury: 341.
1816: Rushed 219 > 320 to save one turn. Forest > Plain.
1818: 3rd and final Module. Launch. Ship scheduled to arrive in 1833.
1819: 1st Mech Infantry.
1820: Barracks.
1821: Vet Mech.
1822: Engineer to eventually disband and reduce food deficit in a city with very little remaining food storage. 30 > 29. Plain receives irrigation.
1823: 3rd Engineer. 29 > 28. Disbanded engineer towards Fighter. Plain receives farmland. Food deficit eliminated.
1824: Fighter.
1825: Gold Freight.
1827: Aegis.
1829: Battleship.
1830: Spy.
1831: Spy.
1832: Spy.
1833: Spy. Landing.
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