GOTM 22 Results & Congratulations


Oct 5, 2001
Well, it was a tough game, apparently! Of the 52 entries, there were only 6 victories.

Top of the pile was Balbes, who managed a diplomatic victory. Ironic given it was a gold-medal winning entry in an always war game! In second was Lexad, followed by Gnejs.

Summary of Medal Winners:

Balbes: 1568 AD Diplomatic Victory, 67,326 points.

Lexad: 1535 AD Conquest Victory, 50,251 points.

Gnejs: 1442 AD Conquest Victory, 30,723 points.
Thanks staff for an exciting game!

I'm stoked to be one of the few who survived the initial stages and could manoeuvre onwards for a victory.

Congrats to all the speedy conquests and :eek: :goodjob: :eek: once again to Balbes. Gold medal, early diplo victory on an Always War game, and all on top of a challenger save!

I found the game tough and very tense right through until there was only 4 civs left. I'm not sure I will always want to spend 23 hours on the gotm though. Mind you, since I started on the GOTM series there has been a good mix of easy and hard. Keep em coming!
Surely with that score he didn't even settle Rome...? Settling your first city with no techs sends your score into the 30's already...
And losing your first city sends you?..

Congrats to Balbes and Jeffa! Balbes - oustanding as always, original strat and quality performance.
How did he manage that? Surely with that score he didn't even settle Rome...? Settling your first city with no techs sends your score into the 30's already...

And how did I manage to spend 23 minutes on the game? I blame it on my beloved kids who would let their dad alone at this crucial stage of the game :mischief:

I checked the results pages, and perhaps I should be proud in a weird sense that I have scored the lowest points in the history of GOTM for CIV4?! :cry:

Well, you win some and you loose some...

Great job by all the winners. I might have contended with Erkon if I was able to submit (I didn't save it).
Erkon: 3520 BC Conquest Loss, 26 points.

How did he manage that? Surely with that score he didn't even settle Rome...? Settling your first city with no techs sends your score into the 30's already...
This is the game that I could not submit because save on exit failed and I had not made a manual one ... (from the first spoiler):

" IIRC I was dead at 35 AD, having delayed founding copper city too long and Qin settled there, then sent all 7 archers at it in desparation and still could not kill 2 defending ones. My culture allowed me to work copper eventually, but defending the road was all I could do, never got to the iron.

And I did not manual save, started a replay for fun, then discovered that the save on exit had not made a save. Autosaves were gone, so no submission. Hall of fame says my normalized score is 0 anyway ... so if that is true of these early loses, how is the red ambulance tie adjudicated? "

Interesting how normalized can be lower than base in this case ... so I guess I just missed my first red ambulance! :lol:



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And losing your first city sends you?..

da_Vinci said:
And I did not manual save, started a replay for fun, then discovered that the save on exit had not made a save. Autosaves were gone, so no submission. Hall of fame says my normalized score is 0 anyway ... so if that is true of these early loses, how is the red ambulance tie adjudicated? "

Yes, but in a conquest loss, the score you get in a GOTM is from the save you make the turn before the conquest loss is it not? Therefore, it's with one city still intact! (Normally)
Yes, but in a conquest loss, the score you get in a GOTM is from the save you make the turn before the conquest loss is it not? Therefore, it's with one city still intact! (Normally)
Hmm ... fortunately, I don't have much experience submitting conquest losses ;) (I find other ways to lose :lol: )

But submission form says other victory or defeat submits turn after that event, but conquest is submit the turn you were conquered ... the AI kills you after your turn so I guess it does mean one city is left.

But if the normalized score can scrub out my research score, I suppose it can also scrub out the pop and land score from that one last city ... so I think you can get normalized scores less than one city is worth in base when you found it. :crazyeye:

I am in awe of those who were able to win!

Thanks to the staff for a very fun game.
And how did I manage to spend 23 minutes on the game? I blame it on my beloved kids who would let their dad alone at this crucial stage of the game :mischief:

Oooh, you beat me to the coveted red ambulance award, you naughty thing :p :lol:

Definitely think we should have another GOTM like that sometime.
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