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[GotM] June 2013


Oct 26, 2010
La Conquista de México

Welcome to the "Game of the Month" of June! Your task for this month:
Conquer the Aztec Empire as Hernán Cortés!

Idea and realisation by MaCross​

Spoiler :
We’re in the year 1519 A.D.: On behalf of Don Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar, you – Hernán Cortés – shall explore the peninsula of Yucatan and build up trade relations with the native tribes. But you have different things in mind:

Inebriated by the tales of Pedro de Alvarado about the immeasurable wealth of the New World, you decide to call those riches your own and set sail for the west…

A couple of months later, on June,28th 1519, you have laid the foundation for the first Spanish city on American ground: La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz shall be your base, from which you go hunting for the treasures. To motivate yourself and your men accordingly, you set your ships but one on fire.
Enraged about your treason, Diego Velázquez instructed Pánfilo de Narváez, to capture you and take over command. Soon he will land here with his troops.

In Cempoala, you learn of the cacique of the well-disposed tribe of the Totonacs about a people, calling themselves Mejica, ruling over vast parts of the land. The Aztecs, as they’re called by their neighbors, are hated due to their aggressiveness and their almost insatiable lust for power. Particularly by the Tlaxcalans who repeatingly fight wars against them. You could potentially win them as allies, should the need of military actions against the Aztecs arise.
Your eyes are glowing, as the "Fat Cacique" tells you about cities of gold beyond the mountains, Tenochtitlán being the largest of them, capital and seat of the Aztec Emperor Motēcuhzōma Xōcoyōtzin. It’s stated, the city was situated in a lake, only reachable over three narrow dams.
You start to wish seeing this city with your own eyes and to reach for its treasures…

Your task in the "GotM"-June reads as follows: Make sure to gain exclusive power over Mexico and its treasures!
The King of Spain grants you time till the end of the year 1522, then he wants to see results for putting his trust in you.​

So save your game at the end of the 4th week of december 1522! The game ends at this time!​

Spoiler :
  • For every conquered Aztec settlement, you will get 5 points
  • Each treasure unit that you own at the end of the game counts 2 points
  • If you're successfully conquering Tenochtitlán, you will receive 25 bonus points
  • However, each settlement under the control of Pánfilo de Narváez at the end of the game, will cost you 10 points of your final result!

If Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz falls into enemy hands, you have lost the game unfortunately.

Pánfilo de Narváez is equipped with more troops and ships than you and will likely overrun you, if you let him. So throw that bootlicker back into the sea, from whence he came!

Your units may be stronger than the Aztec warriors, but you will face superior numbers.
Therefore, make sure to wait for the right moment to attack - provided Moctezuma doesn't get ahead of you.

The game is played as usual with our German community modification TAC 2.03_final ("The Authentic Colonization").
This game of the month ends on June, 30th.
Before you get started, please inform yourself about our entry rules and code of conduct.​

¡Buena suerte, Señor Cortés!


For technicalreasons it is not possible to create a replay-file! In this GotM June it is exceptionally sufficient to send us just the savegame-file.

>>> starting save <<<


I participated! (really bad) But my replay file ended up with 0 bytes, I have no idea why, there are other proper replay files in the folder. Not sure what went wrong.

You are right, a replay-file can't be created in this GotM June. As cause we suspect a change at the calendar in the worldbuilder file. This time it is exceptionally sufficient to send us just the savegame-file.
Hi, can you help me, I downloaded the save but I get an error when I try loading it. Can you tell me if I did it wrong.

It's July 4 almost! Results? :cooool:
Spoiler :
It's July 4 almost! Results? :cooool:

Apologies for the delay, but your patience will be rewarded. :D

First we want to thank MaCross who created this Game of the Month. A very nice strategic task which was finished with a very, very close result.

This month the lucky winner is ... Tigranes, congratulations! :king:

This are the complete results of June 2013:


Let's have a look at the annual score:


Please notice that the GotM started at civforum.de one month earlier. The best 6 results of each participant will be counted in the annual score.

Lots of thanks to all participants and friends of our competition. Keep it up! :goodjob:


  • GotMJun2013.JPG
    16.6 KB · Views: 443
  • GotMAnnualScore.JPG
    24.6 KB · Views: 363
Yay! Lot's of Aztecs had to be killed and they fought tooth and nail. I think at the end I left them 1 village. Too bad I never got any help from other indians who were oppressed by Aztecs. Perhaps one month it is going to be a day for Inca conquest! ;)

Stopsel, does your username mean outlet in German? :)
Yay! Lot's of Aztecs had to be killed and they fought tooth and nail. I think at the end I left them 1 village. Too bad I never got any help from other indians who were oppressed by Aztecs. Perhaps one month it is going to be a day for Inca conquest! ;)

Yes, you have destroyed all Aztec villages except one. But you left cities of Pánfilo de Narváez, which cost some points. But it was enough to win, some other players destroyed Pánfilo de Narváez first. ;)

Stopsel, does your username mean outlet in German? :)

Not quiet. It's like stopper/plug but the origin is that a teacher tryed to crack a joke about my surname long time ago. :D
Yes, you have destroyed all Aztec villages except one. But you left cities of Pánfilo de Narváez, which cost some points. But it was enough to win, some other players destroyed Pánfilo de Narváez first. ;)

Oh I am so :hammer2: -- completely forgot about that caveat. I deliberately kept him alive trying to milk him after his initial crashing defeat. Need to read rules for carefully.
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