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- Jun 17, 2001
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Rev. 1.08 26Jul02 - Moved Notes & Revision History to next post because newly added links rapidly approaching the 15,000 character post limit; wording clarifications on some FCT items; Added asterisks to #10 & #11; Added #32 (OCC & Paulicy); Added #33 - Zero Turn Revolution (by Xin Yu via SL); Added #34 (<nil> Trade by LordValuna)
Note: Submit GOTMs to each month, by the end of the 5th.
Preface: Since I've seen several discussions and confusions about various techniques in GOTMs lately, this thread will distill it into one place for equal and easy reference by all Civ 2 GOTMers.
Civ 2 GOTM Techniques, Cheats, Rules & Discussion
1. To centralize a reference for discussion of techniques, cheats, and rules.
2. To create reference links for easier access by all GOTMers.
3. To describe lesser known techniques.
4. To increase knowledge level of Civ 2 players.
5. To eliminate confusion about exactly what is and is not allowed in GOTMs.
1. Discuss any aspect, or come up with new things that should be addressed.
2. All GOTMers (new and old) have input and can suggest additions/changes.
Note: The 1st 10 items correspond to Duke of Marlbrough's last year, here, in which he asked Matrix (who was the GOTM Mod/Admin at the time) for some clarifications (now Duke of Marlbrough is the GOTM Mod/Admin and has the final ruling).
[size=4][u][b][FONT=arial]Current status of GOTM Techniques & Rules:[/b][/size][/u]
[size=2]* - Asterisk after Status denotes current member discussion.
Post # - The first post in this thread that a Technique is actually discussed.[/size][/FONT]
[u][b]Technique [/u] [u]Current Status[/b][/u]
1. [b]Airbases Disallowed[/b]
(If used in lieu of mine, irrigate, RR, like [url=]here.[/url])
2. Use 'find city' or 'go to' Allowed* [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #4)[/FONT][/size]
("Find" shows area of undiscovered Wonder Cities)
3. [url=]Map Clicking[/url] Allowed* [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #3)[/FONT][/size]
(Right clicking unknown terrain to "see" it)
4. [b]Unsinkable Triremes, uncrashable planes Disallowed [/b]
(Only works in MGE)
5. [url=]Irrigation anywhere[/url] Allowed* [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #8)[/FONT][/size]
(K function to irrigate with no adjacent water)
6. Seeing enemy's explored land (not trading maps) Allowed
(Using enemy's mini map in a city status screen)
7. Nuclear Missile Trap Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #6)[/FONT][/size]
(aka "nuke trap")
8. Settler/Engineer [url=]Pre-Charge[/url] Allowed
(Start building & change work)
9. Ship Chaining (aka "ship-hopping") Allowed
(transfer cargo from ship to ship in 1 turn)
10. [url=]Food Caravan Trick[/url] ([URL=]FCT[/URL]) Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #144)[/FONT][/size]
11. Food Caravans/Food Freight (FC/FF) Allowed*
(FC/FF [b]can[/b] be used to help feed/grow if not FCT)
12. [url=]Unnaturally Large City Sizes[/url] Allowed
(Also, growth with less than 1 food surplus)
13. [b]Reload to change outcome Disallowed[/b]
(Accept 1st Hut outcome! Exception: OCC & Paulicy)
14. [url=]Bribing, Revolting, Subverting[/url] Allowed
(All diplomatic functions allowed, even nukes)
15. [b]Submit a replayed game Disallowed[/b]
(You must submit your [b]first[/b] played game)
16. Bomber Stack Allowed
(Use a Bomber to protect a stack of units)
17. Pet Cities Allowed
(Let one AI city survive to keep game going)
18. [url=]Tech Gifting[/url] Allowed
(Give [url=]Key Civ[/url] techs to reduce research costs)
19. [url=]Oedo Year[/url] Revolutions (and [url=]here[/url]) Allowed
(Plan 1-turn revolutions - every 4th year)
20. [b]Altering game rules Disallowed[/b]
(Nonstandard .txt files; a [b]major[/b] cheat)
21. Renaming cities Allowed
(Even AI cities)
22. Engineer Stack Allowed
(Use more than 2 engineers on a job)
23. [url=]Trade Advisor[/url] (Supply/Commodity/City Info) Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #11)[/FONT][/size]
(Sup/Dmd --> Commodity --> "Cities Trading In")
24. [b]Rehoming Caravans/Freight Disallowed[/b] [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #144)[/FONT][/size]
(Change the home city of Caravans & Freight)
25. Missile Patrol Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #22)[/FONT][/size]
(use Cruise & Nuke Missiles to explore, patrol)
26. Incremental Rush Buy ([url=]IRB[/url]) Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #22)[/FONT][/size]
(Buy cheap unit, switch, buy, switch; saves gold)
27. ZOC Avoidance (Zone Of Control) Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #22)[/FONT][/size]
(Move ground units thru a ZOC w/dip,spy,plane help)
28. Double Left-Clicking Explored Terrain Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #22)[/FONT][/size]
(If no terrain info pops up, it's a new city)
29. Paratrooper Scouting Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #22)[/FONT][/size]
(Use PT arrow to "see" if unit is on a land tile)
30. [url=]Double Growth[/url] Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #25)[/FONT][/size]
(Grow by filled food box & Rep/Dem Celebration)
31. [URL=]Emissary's Ploy[/URL] Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #28)[/FONT][/size]
(Avoid Senate interference in Democracy war)
32. [URL=]One City Challenge[/URL] (OCC & The [url=]Paulicy[/url]) Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #33)[/FONT][/size]
(OCC exceptions to GOTM gameplay are in Paulicy)
33. [URL=]Zero Turn Revolution[/URL] (ZTR) Allowed [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #33)[/FONT][/size]
(Use SoL to Switch between Fundy & Democracy)
34. [URL=""]<nil> Trade[/URL] ([URL=""]Post #202-9[/URL]) Allowed* [size=1][FONT=times new roman](Post #209)[/FONT][/size]
(Trade unit w/commodity already fulfilled in #1 slot)
Notes, AKA "Fine Print":
(next post)
Revision History
(next post)