Government Index


12,000 Suns
May 13, 2003
This thread will serve as an index of threads for all official government threads. Each of the following posts will contain the offices for each term as well as the names of the Leader and Deputy (if applicable).

The last post in this thread holds the most current term information.

This is not a discussion thread.

If you see incorrect or missing information, please PM me.
[u]Office			Leader			Deputy[/u]

[URL=]President[/URL]		Rik Meleet		donsig
[URL=]Internal Affairs[/URL]	DaveShack		Cheetah
[URL=]Foreign Affairs[/URL]		Stuck_as_a_Mac		Paalikles
[URL=]Defense[/URL]			CivGeneral		Sarevok
[URL=]Trade & Technology[/URL]	Octavian X		naervod

[URL=]Province of Berry[/URL]	Plexus			Vander
Governor-at-Large	Noldodan			
Governor-at-Large	amirsan				

Chief Justice		Cyc
Associate Justice	Bootstoots
Associate Justice	Peri
[u]Office			Leader			Deputy[/u]

[url=]President[/url]		zorven		        TerminalMan90
[url=]Internal Affairs[/url]	DaveShack		n/a
[URL=]Foreign Affairs[/URL]		Bootstoots		Furiey
[url=]Defense[/url]			Sarevok                 Chieftess
[url=]Trade & Technology[/url]	Octavian X		Rik Meleet

[url=]Berry Province[/url]	        Plexus			CivGeneral
[url=]Audiac Province[/url]	        Donovan Zoi		n/a	
Governor-at-Large	Will_518		n/a

Chief Justice		Ravensfire
Associate Justice	Peri
Associate Justice	donsig
[u]Office			Leader			Deputy[/u]

[url=]President[/url]		zorven		        Bootstoots
[url=]Internal Affairs[/url]	ravensrire		Krabius
[URL=]Foreign Affairs[/URL]		Furiey			gert-janl
[url=]Defense[/url]			Sarevok                 n/a
[url=]Trade & Technology[/url]	Rik Meleet		n/a

[url=]Berry Province[/url]	        CivGeneral		n/a
[url=]Audiac Province[/url]	        tao			Civanator
Governor-at-Large	TerminalMan90		n/a

Chief Justice		Peri
Associate Justice	Octavian X
Associate Justice	DaveShack
[u]Office			Leader			Deputy[/u]

[url=]President[/url]		Bootstoots		Rik Meleet
[url=]Internal Affairs[/url]	n/a		        n/a
[URL=]Foreign Affairs[/URL]		Furiey			n/a
[url=]Defense[/url]			Chieftess               Sarevok
[url=]Trade & Technology[/url]	Strider		        n/a

[url=]Berry Province[/url]	        Octavian X		n/a
[url=]Audiac Province[/url]	        tao			n/a
[url=]Sérliënorë[/url]	        Noldodan		n/a
[url=]Endor Province[/url]	        CivGeneral		calinator
[url=]Alluares[/url]	        gert-janl		n/a

Chief Justice		zorven
Associate Justice	Vander
Associate Justice	DaveShack
Courtesy of Furiey:

[u]Office			Leader			Deputy[/u]

[url=]President[/url]		Furiey			n/a
[url=]Internal Affairs[/url]	Stuck_as_a_Mac		n/a
[url=]Foreign Affairs[/url]		Bootstoots		n/a
[url=]Defence[/url]			Chieftess               Sarevok
[url=]Trade and Technology[/url]	truckingpete 	        n/a
[url=]Finance and Labour[/url]	Rik Meleet

[url=]Berry Province[/url]	        DaveShack		n/a
[url=]Audiac Province[/url]	        tao			n/a
Sérliënorë	        Noldodan		n/a
[url=]Endor Province[/url]	        calinator		n/a
[url=]Alluares Province[/url]	CivGeneral		n/a
[url=]Norwich Province[/url]	donsig			n/a
[url=]Burgandy Province[/url]	Black_Hole9		n/a
[url=]Nihilon Province[/url]	Donovan Zoi		n/a
Province #8 		anarchywrksbest		n/a
Province #10 		von_Clausewitz		n/a

Chief Justice		Zarn
Associate Justice	gert-janl
Associate Justice	zorven
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