Governments and Ideologies


May 6, 2013
I can state again to clarify. Your choice of Government lasts the entire Age and cannot be changed.

One feature discussed for the Modern Age has been Ideologies, and given that apparently (from the Mexico thread) a Firaxian confirmed Governments are a one time for the whole Age deal and given that the Modern Age seems to start sometime around 1650-1850, that seems difficult to fit the "Big 3" ideologies in.

However, I had a thought about how it could work... separation of "Governments" and "Ideologies"
after all in WWII most of the combatants had similar forms of Government
"Authority" Japan was a constitutional Monarchy, just like "Freedom" UK
"Order" Soviets had elections for their governmental bodies (one party state), just like "Freedom" civs

Perhaps... (unless Mexico) in the Modern Age
First you Choose your Government (permanent with it's various Celebration bonuses
Constitutional Monarchy
Presidential Republic
Parliamentary State

Then early in the age you can also choose an Ideology (Authority, Order, Freedom)... each of which has its own civic tree (like theology in the Exploration Age)
This ideology affects diplomacy (both with civs and IPs), happiness, which social policies you can put in your government, and victory conditions
And you can change it.... at a significant cost

but the Government stays the same.... you still have an elected President... but who can run, who can vote, and who counts the votes might change based on ideology (and the social policies that go with them).

For the modern age more governments could be a lot more nuanced in composition. Have the number of government policies be associated with the civics or tech tree so as you progress you select more.

Government PolicyPromoteProscribe
Freedom of Religioninfluence reduced from Religious buildingsIncreased cost from Religious buildings
PacifismCan not possess atomic/nuclear weaponsIncrease cost from Commanders
MilitarismReduced output from Science and Cultureal specialistsDecreased combat strength.
Religious zealetc...
Freedom of expression
Cult of Leader
Yeah, I thought of something similar. If we have something loike ideologies as people are expecting, it doesn't need to be tied to the government.
I was wondering about Charlemagne. Wouldn't 3 units mounted per celebration be a bit much? And I realized I was missing information on this subject.

Do we by any chance have more information on the triggering of celebrations? I thought it was linked to happiness, but how does it actually work? Do we know more about how happiness works in Civilization VII?
I was wondering about Charlemagne. Wouldn't 3 units mounted per celebration be a bit much? And I realized I was missing information on this subject.

Do we by any chance have more information on the triggering of celebrations? I thought it was linked to happiness, but how does it actually work? Do we know more about how happiness works in Civilization VII?
each turn total net happiness is put in a pot. when the pot is full you get a celebration and the pot empties.
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