Governor of 'southern' state

At least its not the horse with no name ;)
New Port City

Pop 10 (+2 food)
:food: 22 :hammers:11 :commerce:20
:) 0
:health: +1
Specialists: 1 Engineer and 1 Scientist (+8 :gp: = 18 turns to GP)
:culture: +10 = 30 turns
Queue Crossbow (6), Harbor, Market

Good for food and commerce

=> Should be contributing more to economy
Go for more cottages (in the end they will produce more comerce than coast)
But will need some food in order to grow
Harbor will solve health, probably need luxuries & a market for happiness
However, until we get good, happiness will be a problem. Perhaps we should stagnate and work a scientist or create a worker
Not in urgent need of workers - though possibly one forest tile could be chopped

Garrison 2 archers (could survive with 1)
No barracks - not great production - especially when concentrate on cottages

Old Sarai

Pop 6 (stagnant)
:food:12 :hammers:15 :commerce:14
:) +2
:health: +1
:culture: +8 = 835 turns
Queue: Barracks (1), Granary

Should be good for production

=> Should mine more
This will chop forest, so produce units
Will need at least one farm to support pop
Need to chop jungle for health reasons
Needs workers

Garrison: Archer
Build barracks after forge
Toot Uncommon

Pop 4 (+2 food)
:food:10 :hammers:5 :commerce:14
:) +4
:health: +4
No Specialists
:culture: +10 = 819 turns
Queue: Maceman (4), Granary

Should be good for production

=>Needs more population
Have to work mine and build granary
Needs road to corn
Medium priority need of workers for road

Garrison: Archer (x2) - German border city - would like to keep both
Has barracks

Fort Impervious

Pop 12 (+1 food)
:food:26 :hammers:10 :commerce:16
:) - no problem cos Globe Theatre
:health: -1 :yuck:
Specialists: 2 Great Artists (+7 :gp: = 47 turns to GP)
:culture: +21 = 316 turns
Queue: Courthouse (1)

Nat Wonder: Has Globe Theatre

Health is a problem - should we stagnate pop growth? Get more trade? Have we more healthy resources?

=> Should be a GP factory
Needs courthouse cos economically it is poor - but should concentrate on GPs first
Maybe go for grocer
With another grassland farm and some health stuff we can run another specialist
Workers not needed too urgently

Garrison: archer - need more, this is a border town with a wonder!
No barracks
Const. Falls

Pop 9 (+2 food)
:food: 20 :hammers: 12 (excl double for colosseum) :commerce: 19
:) 0
No Specialists
:culture: +4 = 118 turns
Queue: Colosseum (8), Market

Should be good for commerce

=> Build Colosseum for happiness
Chop some of enormous forest (some of which is strategically bad) - to recover some of lost production
Replace plains farm with cottage and re-build farm on grassland
Needs happiness - Colosseum will help, but get trades
Perhaps slow the growth rate
Urgent need of workers

Garrison: Axe and archer (need - this is a border city!)
No barracks


Pop 9 (+1 food)
:food:19 :hammers: 8 :commerce: 19
:) +3
:health: +2
No Specialists
:culture: +8 = 12 turns
Queue: Maceman (1)

Should be good for commerce

=> Keep cottaging
Build market
Medium need of workers

Garrison: Border town: would like to keep Crossbow, Axe, Spear and Archer. Frees up archer and horse archer
Has barracks
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