We will give this great idea another go and continue with the previous Civ Babylon. In the last game we got seriously beaten by Sumeria and the new map will be on standard pangaea, so we don't get stuck with one monster-civ.
We can only build cities INSIDE our borders. This will be a cultural game of gaining 100K before the AI launches its ship.
Players: I will start this game when everone said hello and I did the Lee thing and made a random roster. (Well, my number was lower than most, but I want to start it.)
Sir Bugsy
Kaiser Berger
Before we start, please give us your suggestions and norms that we should follow, so everyone get it right and don't mess up stuff. A kind of ruleset for this game.
Like what Lee said after I asked:
gozpel: meanwhile we should try to figure out some stuff, like temples has to be built ASAP to expand borders. Then do we sell them right away to save gold?
Lee: NO - we still need the culture and happy help. However, don't rush to libraries and other culture right away. You need to squeeze in some cities with barracks and military. Lack of military always causes trouble in culture variants.
A valid point! And if you have any more ideas that might been buggering you, speak out now, so we don't have to stall the game in the middle and figure stuff out.
Now, report for duty. I post a screenie later today.
We can only build cities INSIDE our borders. This will be a cultural game of gaining 100K before the AI launches its ship.
Players: I will start this game when everone said hello and I did the Lee thing and made a random roster. (Well, my number was lower than most, but I want to start it.)

Sir Bugsy
Kaiser Berger
Before we start, please give us your suggestions and norms that we should follow, so everyone get it right and don't mess up stuff. A kind of ruleset for this game.
Like what Lee said after I asked:
gozpel: meanwhile we should try to figure out some stuff, like temples has to be built ASAP to expand borders. Then do we sell them right away to save gold?
Lee: NO - we still need the culture and happy help. However, don't rush to libraries and other culture right away. You need to squeeze in some cities with barracks and military. Lack of military always causes trouble in culture variants.
A valid point! And if you have any more ideas that might been buggering you, speak out now, so we don't have to stall the game in the middle and figure stuff out.
Now, report for duty. I post a screenie later today.